Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/522

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482 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. IH. Ch. 213. 1873. ofFort Ripley to whole or so much of the military reservation at Fort Ripley, in the State ggciggg “‘ P“l’l'° of Minnesota, as may no longer be required for military purposes. App,Q,;,mm_ Sto. 2. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to appoint a board of three army officers, which board shall appraise each piece or parcel of land with the buildings thereon, before the same is offered for sale, and no sale shall be made at a price less than two-thirds of the appraised value. Notice of sale Sec. 3. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to cause

  • ·° M Published- notice of said sale to be published in one of the principal newspapers in

the city of Washington, in two of the principal newspapers in the State of Minnesota, and in one paper, if any there he, in the county where said lands to be sold are situated, or any county adjoining thereto, for the space of sixty days prior to sale. Approved, February 28, 1873. March 1, 1873. CHAP. CCXIII. - An Act to carry inlo Efec! the Provisions of the T realy brduwen the }Q,;],],“gggQg7§f United _»S!ates and Great ]3'r¢`taz`n signed in the City of lVas[zIngt0n the eighth Day oj May, eq;/ueen hundred mul seventy-one, relating to the Fisheries. Be it enacted by the Senate and Muse of Representatives of the United Certain tish-oil States of America, in Congress assembled, That whenever the President $€t;‘§l;l:€0l;E;‘d‘ of the United States shall receive satisfactory evidence that the Imperial United stm, Parliament of Great Britain, the Parliament of Canada, and the legislaf¤·<>p¤ Canada or ture of Prince Edwards Island have passed laws on their part to give 5E_':; £g'&”d’° full effect to the provisions of the treaty between the United States and dnr_y,whe,ngv¤i-, Great Britain signed at the city of Washington on the eighth day of $*-3 May, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, as contained in articles eighteenth to twenty-fifth, inclusive, and article thirtieth of said treaty, he is hereby authorized to issue his proclamation declaring that he has such evidence, and thereupon, from the date of such proclamation, and so long as the said articles eighteenth to twenty-fifth, inclusive, and article thirtieth of said treaty shall remain in force, according to the terms and conditions of article thirty-third of said treaty, all fish-oil and fish of all kinds, (except fish of the inland lakes and of the rivers falling into them, and except fish preserved in oil,) being the produce of the fisheries of the Dominion of Canada. or of Prince Edwards Island, shall be admitted into the United States free of duty. from New- Sec. 2. That whenever the colony of Newfoundland shall give its conf°“¤dl”d· sent to the application of the stipulations and provisions of the said articles eighteenth to twenty-fifth of said treaty, inclusive, to that colony, and the legislature thereof; and the Imperial Parliament shall pass the necessary laws for that purpose, the above enumerated articles, being the produce of the fisheries of the colony of Newfoundland, shall be admitted into the United States free of duty, from and after the date of a proclamation by the President of the United States, declaring that he has satisfactory evidence that the said colony of Newfoundland has consented, in a due and proper manner, to have the provisions of the said articles eighteenth to twenty-fifth, inclusive, of the said treaty extended to it, and to allow the United States the full benefits of all the stipulations therein contained, and shall be so admitted free of duty, so long as the said articles eighteenth to twenty-fifth, inclusive, and article thirtieth, of said treaty, shall remain in force, according to the terms and conditions of article thirty-third of said treaty. Itierchnndise 81:10.3. That from the date of the President’s proclamation author- "“'“’"‘¥ ”* dwg` ized by the first section of this act, and so lonv as the articles eicrliteenth nated ports, and . . . . . . ° . *° . dm;,,,,; br the to twenty-fifth, inclusive, and article thirtieth of sa1d treaty, shall remain British posses- in force, according to the terms and conditions of article thirty-third g;§’Q;$0'Q“Q;)5";0n_ of said treaty, all goods, wares, or merchandise arriving at the ports of veyedintransit, New York, Boston, and Portland, and any other ports in the United

  • "°h°¤* P**Y‘ States which have been, or may, from time to time, be, specially desig-