Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/671

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FORTY-SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 330-332. 1873. 631 Sec. 6. That the right to alter or amend this act and to prevent or This set may remove all material obstructions to the navigation of said river by the con- bs ¤¤·¤¤-Mi. &¤· struction of said bridge, is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 3, 1873. ' , XX.-An Act domzti condc n . CHAP CCCX Gettysburgh Battlexld MJZ»?jzZZZ.'Z$Z¢iZ£d C“‘""°" b""S ’° ”‘° —--““'°“ °· 1**3* Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, Condemned and is hereby, authorized to deliver to the Gettysburgh Battle-Held °¤¤¤°¤· ~‘§¤¤·» *0 Memorial Association, if it can be done without detriment to the gov- g',§,i'{?§I§b"'gh ernment, such Duml)61‘ of condemned CRDHOH and cam10n·balls as his Memorial Assoc: judgment may approve, for the purpose of their work of indication of the "*‘°"· battle-field of Gettysburgh. Approved, March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCXXXI. —-—An Act for the Extension cy" Time to the Saint Paul and Pacgfc March 3, 1873. Railroad Gompanyfor the Completion of its Roads. ;“""-" Bn it enacted by the Senate and Jhuse of Representatives of the United States of America in Ucmgress assembled, That the time for the completion Time for com. of the railroad from Saint Anthony to Brainerd, in the State of Mimie- Pmlng **1* ¤'=§ilsom as now limited by law, and of the railroad from Saint Cloud to Saint ffQQ1hgQ°'",§*}§'Q;i_ Vincent, in said State as now located, with the approval of the Secretary nerd in hIinneof the Interior, be extended for the period of nine months from the time t€°*°· gl? d limited by ‘the acts of Congress relating to the same respectively; and if tzoigmuzniyincgxt oompleated within said nine months the said railroads shall be entitled to extendedall the benefits of the several provisions of the acts of Congress relating thereto, in the same manner as if said roads had been fully completed within the time therein limited Approved, March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCXXXII.-—An Act to abolish the tribal Relations of the Miami Indians, March 3,157;; andfar other Purposes. ·"—-"·‘· Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat1'ves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That if the Miami tribe of In- Thsumiimm, dians in Kansas shall signify to the President of the United States their ressrved l¤¤<l¤» _ desire to sell the lands reserved for the future homes of the said Indians €‘;:j{;,€s°?: §’:,`l“ by the first article of the treaty of June fifth, eighteen hundred and Efty- sas, may be sold. four, and which remain unallotted, together with the school-section men- V°i·‘· P·1°93· tioned in said article, said lands shall be disposed of in the following manner to wit: The said secretary shall appoint three disinterested and Landsmbs competent persons, who shall, after being duly sworn to perform said ser- ggglggdé {ml vice faithfully and impartially, personally examine and appraise said lands Pmis,1_ P by legal subdivisions of one hundred and sixty acres or less, separately, and make return thereof to the commissioner of Indian affairs: Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior may, in his discretion, set aside any ap praisements that may be made under the provisions of this act, and cause a new appraisement to be made; And provided further, That in making said appraisement, the land and improvements made by the United States and Indians shall be included, and the improvements made by white settlers shall be excluded in determining an estimate of the value thereof. Sec. 2. That each bona-fide settler occupying any portion of said Certain bonalands at the date of the passage of this act, and having made valuable $2fh?:t;1;;:_'°;;_ improvements thereon, or the heirs at law of such, who is a citizen of the chase not exceed- United States, or who has declared his intention to become such, shall be lng; &°·» at *‘P· . . . . . . praised value. entitled, at any time within one year from the return of said appraisement, to purchase, for cash, the land so occupied and improved by him, not to exceed one hundred and sixty acres in each case, at the appraised value thereof, under such rules and regulations as the Secretary of the Interior