Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/692

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652 FORTY-—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch. 105-109. 1872, and legal charges ; said sale having been made by the tax commissioners of the United States under the laws for the collection of direct taxes. Approved, April 17, 1872. April 17, 1872. CHAP. CVI. —An Ac: to confirm the Titlg g' John Boyer to certain Lands therein de. 8C7:L 8 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ty the United Déliggetgfcgfigln States of America in Congress assembled, That the t1tle of John Boyer to 1,,,,),, in Missouri the south half of northwest quarter and northeast quarter of southwest confirmed. quarter of section thirty-four, township thirty-three, range twenty-eight west, one hundred and twenty acres, in the district of lands subject to location at Springfield, Missouri, be, and is hereby, confirmed; and the Secretary of the Interior shall cause to be issued to the said John Boyer a patent for said land on bounty-land warrant location thirty-nine thousand five hundred and twenty-six, one hundred and twenty acres, act 1855, ch. 207. March third, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, first correcting the location V°1‘X‘p‘ m1' papers and records to cover the aforesaid tracts. Approved, April 17, 1872. April 17. 1872 CHAP. CVII. —- An Actjbr the Relief of George H. Rupp. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United GP¤Ym§**1§° States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasmtgéum ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to George H. Rupp, of Ohio, or his legal representative, out of any money in the Treasury Department not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one hundred dollars ; which payment shall be in full of his claims for loss of United States Paymaster Vr0oman’s check, number four thousand seven hundred and thirteen, stolen from the United States mails, but never presented for pay- Proviso. ment: Provided, That before the payment of the above-named sum, the Secretary of the Treasury shall require from the said George H. Rupp a sufficient bond of indemnity against the future presentation of the abovenamed check. Approved, April 17, 1872. April 17, 1872. CHAP. CVIII. ——An Act for the Relief of Sluman S. Bailey, Collector of internal _`;"" - Revenue for the fourth District (g` Jlliclziqan. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United UCF€€gi§{> be States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasg_(};`;,cy ury be, and he is hereby, authorized, in adjusting the accounts of Sluman settlement of his S. Bailey, collector of internal revenue for the fourth district of Michigan,

 to credit him with the sum of one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two

dollars and twenty-three cents, that being the amount of money notrecovered which was stolen from the safe of Leach and Bates, of Grand Traverse county, Michigan, on the night of September twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and which said money was deposited for safe-keeping therein by William H. Fife, deputy—collector of internal revenue, and for which amount said collector Sluman S. Bailey is respon- Proviso. sible to the Treasury of the United States: Provided, That it shall then still appear that the theft of said money was without the collusion, privity, or fault of the said collector. APPROVED, April 17, 1872. April 17, 1872. CHAP. CTX. — An Act_/or the Relief of Peck, Van [look, and Company. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Certain internal States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas-

git0g;` ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to remit and release to

. vm, Hook 3,, ’ Peck, Van Hook, and Company, of Harrison county, State of Kentucky, C°¤'P¤¤Y· the internal-revenue tax of nfty cents a gallon assessed on twenty-threo