Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/723

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 390-393. 1872. 683 CHAP. CCCXC. —An Act granting a Pension to John B. Rose, of [ndiana. June 8, 1g7g_ Be it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States if America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte- Pension to rior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension ·l°h¤ B· R°S° roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of John B. Rose, of Indiana, a lieutenant in the fifteenth regiment of United States infantry, in the war of eighteen hundred and twelve with Great Britain. Approved, June 8, 1872. CHAP. CCCXCI. —·-·An Act to grant additional Compensation to the Marshal of the Dis- Jung 3, 1372, tnct of South Carolina. ··——··‘·—‘_‘ Be it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That so much of the third sec- Additional tion of the act of Congress entitled "An act to regulate the fees and costs €,‘;“‘l’°"*·‘f‘;"‘,P° to be allowed clerks, marshals, and attorneys of the circuit and district th; O? courts of the United States, and for other purposes," as limits the personal South_Carolin_a compensation of marshal over and above the necessary expenses of his anfggf office, and necessary clerk—hire included, to a maximum sum per annum, Vol,i;.p.161. be, and the same is hereby, suspended and made inoperative so far as the compensation of the marshal of the district of South Carolina, and his deputies, for the period from September twenty-one, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, to May first, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, is limited and established thereby; and the proper accounting officers of the treasury are hereby authorized to allow to the said marshal and his deputies, for the said period, the gross amount of fees and costs taxable by law, notwithstanding such allowance would make the whole compensation received more than such maximum. Approved, June 8, 1872. CHAP. CCCXCII. —An Act for Cancellation o/` Bondsjbr manufactured Tobacco lost on June 8, 1872. Steamer Geo. P. Upton, between the Cities of Richmond and New York. W Be it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- f Certanpbtzndsd ury be, and he is hereby, authorized, on the production of proof satisfactory 1,22 ssc to him of the loss at sea of any manufactured tobacco on board the steamerthe steamer George P. Upton, by accidental fire, without fraud, collusion, or negli- g‘;°’§;cEhg§;%9 gence on the part of the owners of said manufactured tobacco, while the y same was in custody of the United States in transitu to bonded warehouses in New York city, to cancel such bonds as may have been given to secure. the payment of the tax thereon to the government : Provided, That if any portion of the taxes covered by any of said bonds shall be protected by insurance, the amount of said insurance shall be paid to the proper officers of the United States before the bonds of the persons entitled to the benefit of such insurance shall be cancelled. Approved, June 8, 1872. CHAP. CCCXCIII,—An Actybr the Relief of the Sureties of James T BU/ler, late June Si 187% Collector and l)epositany at Wilrnington, No1‘th Carolina. Be it enacted bg the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sureties of James T. Sureties of Miller, late of Wilmington, North Carolina, upon his bonds as collector 35;;;,5 Mluer and public depositary at Wilmington, are hereby released and discharged from all liability on said bonds to the United States. Approved, June 8, 1872