Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/735

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 446. 1872. 695 To Daniel Jones, administrator of the estate of Ross Jones, deceased, Appropriations two hundred and eighty-five dollars. for P9Ym°9t of To Thomas Jones, two hundred and thirty-two dollars and fifty-eight ffxjéubigillngs °l` Cents. commissioners of To John Joyce, two hundred and twenty-five dollars. °l**lm’· To Riley Jones, three hundred dollars. To Sir Lanslet Karner and Josiah Millard, three thousand and six dollars and fifty cents. To Joseph W. Kay, seven hundred and seventy-eight dollars and fifty cents. To Jabob L. Kennamore, seventy-nine dollars and twenty cents. To Keziah Kennamore, three hundred and thirty dollars and twenty cents. To Edmund Knowles, three hundred and eighty dollars. To John B. Kline, three hundred and seventy-three dollars. To William W. Kile, one hundred and seventeen dollars. To Sarah King, two hundred and seventy-seven dollars. T0 John Kealy, two hundred and forty dollars. To Louisa Kearney, two thousand and thirty dollars. To John B. Kennamore, three hundred and twenty-nine dollars and sixty cents. To Seaborn F. Kennamore, administrator of the estate of Jacob Kennamore, three hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents. T o John S. Laycock, one hundred and ten dollars. To Henry O. Lashlee, two hundred and eighteen dollars. To Augustine Lawless, one hundred dollars. To Reuben Lemly, junior, two hundred and five dollars. To Reuben Lemly, senior, two hundred and ten dollars. To Nancy Laughlin, administratrix of the estate of Thomas Laughlin, deceased, four hundred and twenty-seven dollars and forty cents. To James Larry, five hundred and three dollars. To Mary C. Lane, three thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. To Anna M. Payne and Susan M. Herbert, heirs of Margaret G. Lee, thirteen thousand four hundred and sixty-seven dollars. To John T. Lewis, one hundred and twenty dollars. To Harriet Lamb, eighty-nine dollars. To James lililligar, two thousand dollars. To Chelsea l\IcCauley, six hundred and eighty-five dollars. To Ilenry McWilliams, fifty-five dollars. To Jonathan Martin, seven hundred and sixty-five dollars. To Blackmore H. Mayo, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. To David Mansfield, five hundred and one dollars and sixteen cents. To Daniel Moler, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. To Julia Ann McKaskell, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. To James Mills, one hundred dollars. To William ll. Monch, one hundred and eleven dollars. To Albert McDavid, four hundred and fifty-five dollars. To \Villiam l<`. Moseley, one thousand and five hundred dollars. To Thomas Mclllahan, one hundred dollars. To Lewis McKenzie, three thousand one hundred and sixty-two dollars and twenty-five cents. To Benjamin P. l\lcCrary, seven hundred and twenty dollars. To llugh l\l. McGill, one hundred and eighty-five dollars. To George XV. Mitchell, eight hundred and forty-four dollars. To lillen McDonald, one hundred and fifty dollars. To lVillia1n Marcy, nine hundred and forty-two dollars. To David M. and John B. Mutersbaugh, three thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents. To Christian Myers, one hundred and eighty-five dollars.