Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/738

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698 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 446-448. 1872. Appropriations To Benjamin `Watts, two hundred dollars. g‘;; ‘g;‘;2S°;,_ To Exum lVhite, one hundred and sixty dollars. . {owed by the To Warren White, five hundred dollars. ¢<>¤¥1miSSi<>¤€rS of To Edwin T. White, one thousand dollars. claims` To David White, four hundred dollars. To Nathan Webster, two thousand two hundred and thirty-four dollars and sixty-six cents. To Henry \Vhite, one hundred and twenty dollars. To Jacob N. Wiepper, one hundred and ninety-six dollars. To John F. Webb, three hundred and sixty dollars. To James N. Wine, two hundred and fifty-one dollars. To William 1'Valters, two hundred and thirty-five dollars. To James C. \Vright, forty-three dollars. To David \Vampler, two hundred and seventy-five dollars. To Solomon Whorton, one liundred and eight dollars. To Richard H. WVaters, seven hundred and sixtyfour dollars. To David `Waters, one thousand two hundred and seven dollars. To Solomon NVinfrey, four hundred and ninety dollars. To Zaphnatpaaneah Wallis, nine hundred and thirty-eight dollars and twenty cents. To Elijah YViggins, one hundred and fifty dollars. To Martha Wai·tl, seven hundred and sixty-nine dollars. To Thomas J. White, four hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty cents. To Elias W'ester, one hundred and twenty-five dollars. To George \Vare, one hundred and seventy-six dollars and fifty cents. To William Ycuff, six hundred and ten dollars. To John Young, two hundred and fifty dollars. To John Zigler, six hundred and twenty-five dollars. To Robert Hamilton, administrator of the estate of John T. Edsall, deceased, one thousand eight hundred and forty-tive dollars and twenty cents. Arruov1c1:•, June 10, 1872. _Q1f mi 1872- CHAP. GDXLVII. -—An Act for the Relief cy" Horace B. Shepard, tf Indiana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United HP¤Xm§¤¢S*§ States of America in Congress assembled, That there shall be refunded ,,_rgm°€ ep` and paid to Horace B. Shepard, late collector of internal revenue for the first collection district of Indiana, the sum of one thousand and six dollars and seventy-five cents for beer-stamps, amounting to that sum, intrusted to him for sale while acting as such collector, and destroyed by iire by the burning of his office on the twenty-ninth day of March, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and which were charged to, and have been accounted for by, him in the final settlement of his accounts with the government. Approved, June 10, 1872. june 10, 1872 CHAP. CDXLVIII. -—An Act fer the Relief of WZ T. Bowers. ' Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United &u$;f*£;t\$l,f States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting Bowgygjyj Same- officer of the Post-oflice Department is hereby authorized and directed m¢¤¢<>f¤¤¤<>¤¤¤S· to credit W. T. Bowers, postmaster at Liberty, Union county, Indiana, with the sum of thirty dollars on his account as postmaster, as aforesaid, with said department; said sum being the amount of postagestamps stolen from said post-office on the twenty-first day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, while the building in which said office was kept was threatened with destruction by fire. Approved, June 10, 1872.