Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/790

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750 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 339. 1873. Payment of To William E. Ellis, one thousand two hundred and forty-seven claims allowed dollars.

;1;,ign,;I;g,,S To Emeline Fake, four hundred and ninety dollars.

in _ _ _ _ To Theodore Fitler, one hundred and eighty dollars. M’”‘”‘pl"* To William L. Fortner, five hundred andeleven dollars. To Isam Garrett, two hundred and thirty-three dollars and fifty cents. To Thomas Garrett, three hundred and twenty dollars. To James J. Gibson, nine hundred dollars. To William Gorman, two hundred and ninety dollars. To Philip Hart, two hundred dollars. To George Hawkins, one thousand one hundred and forty dollars. To John S. Hays, one hundred and fifty dollars. To Robert S. Hodges, administrator of the estate of Robert Hodges, two hundred and fifty-five dollars and fifty cents. To Mrs. S. M. Holman, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-two dollars. To Isaac Hughes, four hundred and fifty dollars. To Wesley Jackson, two hundred and thirty dollars. To Nelson Kenney, nine hundred dollars. To Martin Knabel, six hundred and ninety-six dollars. To Isaac Lowenburg, five hundred dollars. To Robert E. McClure, one hundred and fifty dollars. To John McRae, two hundred and eighty dollars. To Fabius J. Mead, five hundred and twenty-five dollars. To Lambert Moore, one hundred and fifty dollars. To Pruda Moore, one hundred and forty dollars. To Richard J. Morehead, one hundred and thirty dollars. To Julia A. Nutt, executrix of the estate of Haller Nutt, fifty-six thousand three hundred and sixty-eight dollars and twenty-five cents. To John M. Powell, sixteen thousand four hundred and twenty-five dollars. To l\Irs. Adeline Reed, six hundred and fifty-seven dollars. To Jonathan Rucker, five hundred dollars. To WVilliam Scott, three hundred dollars. To lVilliam L. Sharkey, one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. To Hardy Smith, five hundred and twelve dollars. To Maria Smith, one hundred and sixty-five dollars. To James H. Steger, three hundred and ninety-three dollars and fifty— one cents. To Eveline Steward, one hundred and ten dollars. To Benjamin Stinyard, two hundred dollars. To Benjamin B. Thompson, eight hundred dollars. To Lewis Thompson, two hundred and sixty dollars. To Thomas T. Turnage, three thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars. To Edward H. Valentine, eight hundred dollars. To Malinda Ward, one hundred and fifty dollars. To George `Washington, six hundred dollars. To Harriet Whittaker, one hundred and fifty-six dollars. To IV. J. Williams, seven hundred dollars. To Oliver H. P. Wixson, nine hundred and forty-five dollars. To Abram Woods, two hundred and eighty dollars. North Carolina. OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. To James D. Abbott, nine hundred and twelve dollars. To Joseph J. Andrews, three hundred and seventy dollars. To Burrel Bell, senior, one hundred and forty dollars and fifty cents.