Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/806

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766 FORTY—SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 348-357. 1873. Benson Tallman, Christopher Post, A. Hopson, S. S. Hammond, William Bristol, M. W. Wilner, Lucius May, Levi Madison and Charles B. Briggs, and Levi Truesdell, surviving obligors upon the odicial bond of John B. Halsted, late collector of" internal revenue in and for the twenty-ninth district of New York, and the personal representatives of the deceased obligors upon said official bond, and to satisfy, or cause to be satisfied of record the judgment recently recovered in the district court of the northern district of New York against the sureties upon said official bond, upon the payment, within ninety days after the passage of this act, of the amount of the defalcation of the said collector Halsted, together with the cost of the legal proceedings thereon; the intention of this act being to remit the interest whether included in the judgment, or accruing since, upon such defalcation Approved, March 3, 1873. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCXLVIII. -—-·An Act for the Relief of Mrs. Ann Marble, (now Strong,) `_"" Administratrix. Be it enacted by the Senate and .%use of Representatives of the United Indcmngy to States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of two thousand

Amb *¥bl° two hundred and fifty dollars be. and the same is hereby, appropriated,

figngjsu Y u` out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Secretary of the Interior to indemnify Mrs. Ann Marble, (now Strong,) administratrix of William D. Marble, deceased, for losses by depredations committed by Cheyenne Indians in August, eighteen hundred aud sixty- four. Approved, March 3, 1873. March 8, 1873. CHAP. CCCXLIX. —-An Act to relieve W¢'llz'am Smith, of Fauquier County, `Virgmza, —`——_-W` of his political Disabilities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Political diss- States of America in Congress assembled, (two-thirds of each house con-

gfwliligm curring therein,) That all political disabilities imposed upon William Smith,

°m°v8of the county of Fauquier, Virginia, by the third section of the fourteenth article of the Constitution of the United States be, and the same are hereby removed. APPROVED, March 3, 1873. March 3, 1873. CHAP. CCCL,-—An Act for the Relief tty Julia P. [ynde, minor Child of R. D. Dgnde, late Surgeon of Unite States Volunteers, deceased. P t to Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ju,,:yIY}°Eynd°_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting officers of the treasury be, and they are hereby authorized to pay out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the duly authorized guardian of Julia P. Lynde, minor child of surgeon R. D. Lynde, United States volunteers, deceased, the three months’ pay and allowance for transportation to which her father was entitled at the time of his death. Arpnovmn, March 3, 1873. March 3, 1873.~ CHAP. CCCLI. -—An Act ger the Reliq ty Jonathon Diehl and George Bl:/mer, Sureties on the Bond of Josiah . Diehl, late Contractor for carzyiug the United States MaiLs on P0st·routc No. 4249. Be it enacted In; the Senate and 1%use of Representatives of the United Liability of Jena- States of America in Congress assembled, That Jonathan Diehl and George

 Blymer, of Bedford, Pennsylvania, sureties on the bond of Josiah S. Diehl,

sumti, 0,, bond late contractor for carrying the mails of the United States on posuroute <g_J&Si¤hlS· d numbered four thousand two hundred and forty-nine, be, and are hereby, 1° * "’ °°S°released {rom liability on said bond; and the Postmaster~Genei·al is hereby authorized and directed to cancel the same. Aierizovicn, March 3, 1873.