Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/885

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- TREATY WITH THE KINGDOM OF ITALY. FEB. 26, 1871. 845 _, Treaty between the United »Sltates_¢g' America and the Kingdom of Daly. Feb. 26, 1871. Oornrnerce and Navigation. Signed February 26, 1871 ; Ratifeol April __`:';' 29, 1871; Ratvfcations exchanged November 18, 1871; Proclaimed

November 23, 1871.

BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS a treaty of commerce and navigation between the United Preamble. States of America and his Majesty the King of Italy was concluded and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries, at the city of Florence, on the twenty-sixth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seventy- one, which treaty, being in the English and Italian languages, is word for word as follows :-— Treaty of Commerce and Navigation Trattato di Oommercio e di Navigabetween the United States and zione tra il Regno el’1talia e glz the Kingdom of Daly. Stati Uniti. The United States of America Sua Maesta il Re d’Italia e gli Contracting and his lV[a_jesty the King of Italy, Stati Uniti d’America, desiderando p“"'°S‘ desiring to extend and facilitate the d’estendere e facilitare le relazioni relations of commerce and naviga- di commercio e di navigazione frai tion between the two countries, have due paesi, hanno determinato di determined to conclude a treaty for conchiudere a questo scopo un tratthat purpose, and have named as tato, ed hanno nominate come their respective plenipotentiaries: loro respettivi Plenipotenziari: Sua The United States of America, Maesta il Re d’Italia, il Nobile Emi- George Perkins Marsh, their Envoy lio Visconti Venosta, Gran Cor- Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- done dei suoi Ordini dei Santi potentiary near his Majesty the Maurizio e Lazzaro, edella corona King of Italy; and his Majesty the d’Italia, Deputato al Parlamento, King of Italy, the Noble Emilio e `suo Ministro Segretario di State Visconti Venosta, Grand Cordon of per gli Afiari Esteri; e gli Stati his Orders of the Saints Maurice Uniti d’America, Giorgio Perkins and Lazarus, and of the Crown of Marsh, loro Inviato Straordinario Italy, Deputy in Parliament, and e Ministro Plenipotenziario presse his Minister Secretary of State for Sua Maesta il Re d’Italia; e ipre-~ Foreign Aiiairs; and the said pleni— detti Plenipotenziari avendo scampotentiaries having exchanged their biato i loro pieni poteri, trovati in full powers, found in good and due buona e debita forma, hanno conform, have concluded and signed chiuso e firmato i seguenti articoh: the following articles:- Anrioms I. AR·r1ooLo I. There shall be between the terri- Vi sara fra i territori delle alte Reciprocal libtories of the high contracting par- parti contraenti reciproca liberta gg; tics a reciprocal liberty of commerce di commercio e di navigazione. and ·navigation. . _ Italian citizens in the United I cittadini italiani negli Stati States, and citizens of the United Uniti ed i cittadini degli Stati States in Italy, shall mutually have Uniti in Italia avranno scambievol-