Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1056

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984 Trru: i.x1.-—BANKRUPTCY.—Ch. 5. _Application for Sec. 5108. [Atemy tnneajier the e.*2;2Jratiooz of eixnzazztbs from the argufh“f€“g°· dieotjon ofbon/lwuptiy, or {fno debts a ve been·prm·¢·d agaznnt the ban/ey-npr, 2 Man, 1867, (»_ or 2:/°`no asxefs have CC/M16 fo the hébiidd (gf M6 GSS1g2Q6e, db any hfne aflor Mo 176, s. 29, v. 14, p. e.zpZraZion of .e5:cly days, andwzfbm one yecwfrorn fbe=a0I]wdzcaf1mz{gfba72l·- 5m· _ rzgifey, the bmikrzqzt may (yep/y lo Me cozeifjor a dz.s*c*bm·ge_f}·om bas {Zebra,] 2.,i6{l¥Q§’ 18Q%2°‘ [At any time after the expiration of six months from the adjudication of `]Q,·,.,,·,,,£g,,,;l,,· bankruptcy, or if no debts have been proved against the bankrupt, or it 6 Blatch., 287; Ia no assets have come to the hands of the assignee, at apy time after the M Dodge. 2 Ben-. expiration of sixty days, and before the iinal disposition of the cause, 2:7; 1'3I§_S‘¥‘“· 4 the bankrupt may apply to the court for a discharge from his debts. $3,1,,,,,,,} *1 B;,,,? This section shall apply in all cases heretofore or hereafter commenced.] geg., 131 gi rekBoI§lenhegp1,? Bangchkeg. 1, 1l;3pInkrc I%;;rt13§2 }3ap(k.F1:‘pgé,l1tg9;BIpl£e· t·, . e., ;aw.cen<·,. an. .,..;a- , .

 ids; In ?·;1(iallis5n, 5 Bank. Reg., 353; Sloan’s(`ase, 13 Blatch., 67; In re Donaldson,

2 Dill., 547; Lz re Lowenstein, 3 Dill., 145. Notice to credit- Sec. 5109. Upon application for a discharége bein g’made the court shall °’S· _ order notice to e given by mail to all cre itors w 'o have proved their 2 Mar., 1867, c. debts, and b r publication at least once a week in sucn newspapers as the 176.S-29.V-l4.P·53i· court shall designate, due regard being had to the general circulation of I,, ,.,, B,,];,,,,,,,,] the same in the district, or in that_portion of the district in which the Ben., _390; In` ro bankrupt and his creditors shall res1de_to appear on a day appointed for M¢I¤¤¤'<>· I Ben-. that purpose, and show cause why a discharge should not be granted to 5** M M QW- as bankru t. send,2Ben.,62, L1 P rc Blaisdell, 6 Bank. Reg., 78; L: re Murdock, 1 Low., 362; In re Butterfield, 5 Biss., 120. G{¤>¤¤$l¤ for 0P- Sec. 5110. No discharge shall be granted, or, if granted, shall be valid, l{°?{’]§l`°harg°‘ in any of the following cases: _ _ _ g Mu, 1867, ,._ First. If the bankrupt has willfully sworn falsely in his afHdav1t 176, s. 29, v. 14, p. annexed to his petition, schedule, or inventory, or upon any examination {3K___ __ in the course of the proceedings in bankruptcy, in relation to any mate- Dz rn Beardsley tial fact. 1 Bank. Reg., 52;,In re Solomon,2 Bank. Reg.,94; L1 re Needham, 2 Bank. Reg., 124; Lt re Keefer, 4 Bank. Reg., 126; In re Smith & Bickford, 5 Bank. Reg., 20; In rc Rainsford, 5 Bank. Reg., 381; In re Kin , 3 Dill., 3. _ P¤‘¢’H¤U.1B¤¤k· Second. If the bankrupt has concealed any part of hisestateor effects, R6 ··* 1 M? I" " or any books or writings relating thereto or has been guilty of any fraud Rat bone 1Bank. . . 1 . · . Reg, Mg, I,, ,., or negligence in the care, custody, or delivery to the assignee of the 0’Bannon,2Bank. property belonging to him at the time of the presentation of is petitéon Res. 6; 1`MM S01G- and inventory exceptin such pro ert as he is permitted to retain un er

};‘1:.;b3‘,‘;*f,; the provisions, of this 'lgitle, or if be illas caused, permitted, or suffered

,;,1,,€_2B,,,,k_R,,g_, any oss, waste, or destruction thereof. 105; In re Hussman, 2 Bank. Reg., 140; In re White, 2 Bank. Reg., 179; In re Beal, 2 Bank. Reg., 178; In rr Rainsford, 5 Bank. Reg., 381; In 1·:·\Vorthington S. Locke, 1 Low., 293; In ve Needham, 1 Low., 309; In re Jones, 2 Low., 451. TM W Belden. 2 Third. If, within four months before the commencement of such pro- £,“R)l;,£§§‘&;6£f ceedings, the bankrupt has procured his lands, goods, money, or chattels " 2 . to be attached, se uestered, or seized on execution. ers, Low., 129, (l lisa]; ,;j·uB¤’·>*;,k· Fourth. If, at any time after the second dav of March, eighteen hundred “““`> “ 1 ‘* 10 ‘ and sixty-seven, the bankrupt has destroyed, mutilated, a tered, or falsitied any of his books, documents., papers, writings, or securities, or has mad; or been privy to the making of any false or fraudulent entry in any boo of account or other document, with intent to defraud his creditors; or has removed or caused to he removed any part of his propertv from the district, with intent to defraud his creditors. IrweRo¤¤nfeid.1 Fifth. If the bankrupt has given any fraudulent preference contrary

 Ig to the provisions of the act of March two, eighteen hundred and sixty-

},,,,,k_ R£g__ 49, j,, seyen, to establish a uniform system of bankruptcy, or to the provisions of .-631.3;; ep,2Bank. this Title, orhas made any fraudulent ayment, ift.transfer,c0nve ance, s _ _ P g Y _ Rea., 114,, In re or assignment of any part of his property, or has lost any part thereof ln I,-;¥‘k;‘é3j 2‘;“l,fé gaming, or has admitted a false or fictitious debt against is estate. F reeinan, :1 Bank. Reg., 17; In rc Warner, 5 Bank. Reg., 414; Forsaith v. Merritt et al., 1 Low., 336; In re Batchelder, 1 Low., 373; In re George and Proctor, 1 Low., 409; E.c parte Igendggh 1 F;p1r(¢;iAmesb1eaLp)w·., 5g1 Whiggo6n z-. Smith, 2 Low., 101; nre apg , W., ; M T1 go U. r Om, W., .