Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1117

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TITLE Lxx.—CRIMES.—Ch. 3-4. 1045 coals, and does not as soon as may be disclose and make known the same to some one of the Judgespr oyher persons in civil or military authority nndei the United btutes, is gmlty of misprision of felony, and shall be iimgrisoncd not more than three years, and iined not more than five hundred 0 ars. Sec. 5391. If any offense be committed in any Face which has been Certain offenqcs or may hcyeaftey be, eeded to and under the juris iction of the United °?""“W°l‘l I 1** States, which offense is not proh1h1ted, or the punishment. thereof is not %S€$sd§t;;e;(h0E;? sfmcmlly provided for, by any law of the United States, such offense punished_ ’ small he huhle to, and receive, the same punishment as the laws of the State m Wh1Ch such_place 1e situated, now in force, provide for the like 65 s_ 3a:.' ’4 pj1g; odense when commnted withm the jurisdiction of such State; and no 5Al;ril, ima, (-, subsequent repeal of any such State law shall affect. any prosecution for 24. ¤· 2.*- 1+. p- 13- such offense m any court of the United States. CHAPTER FOUR. CRIMES AGAINST JUSTICE. Sec. Sec. 5392. Perjury. 5404. Corruption or intimidation of ju- 5393. Subomation of perjury. rors, &c. 5394. Stealing or altering process, procur- 5405. Attempt in influence juror. _ ing false bail, &c. 5406. Compiring to intimidate party, wit- 5395. Taking false oath in naturalization. ness or juror, 5396. Form of indictment for perjury. 5+07. Conspiracy to defeat the enforce- 5897. Indictment for subornation of per- ment of the laws. jury. 5408. Destroying records by officer in 5396. Obstructing process or assaulting charge. officer. 5409. Allowing prisoners to escape. 5399. Intimidation or corruption of wit- 5410. Application of preceding section. ness or officer. 5411. A tering, M-., rerords in surveyor- 5400. Rescue at execution. general’s office in California. 5401. Rescue of yrisoncr. 5412. Deposit of fraudulent papers in 5402. Rescue of >ody after execution. archives. 5403. Destroying, &c., public records. S1·:c. 5392. Every person who, having taken an oath before a compo- _; Pgrjury; tent tribunal, Oi'HC(?l`, or person, in any case in which :1 law of the Unified 3 Alun_ Ugg_ (-_ States authorizes an oath to be administicred, that he will testify, dec\arc, 9,==.18,v.1,;y.]l6. depose. or certify truly, or that amy written testimony, declzwntgion, depo- (v3_ Y`;?;"-v»4]*‘2q»1 sition, or certificate by him subscribed is true, willfully and C()l1tl'{ll')' to )°a}_}`_‘}$, ‘ ig;} I such oath states or snxbewibos any l]]{lt(`:l`1tli 111ntterwh1ch he does not 55, ,-_ 13, ,',_ gg_' believe to be true, is guilty of perjury, and shall be punished by a hne of Jim-., 1875, •·. not more than two thousand do lnrs, and by imprisonment, at hard labor, "- 18·1*1*· 47*% not more than five y0ars· and shall, moreover, thereafter be 1ll('El1)2li)i\‘ of5 .. _ . . . . ’ . . . . I- July, `l81b,¢. gwing tesumony an any court of the United States until such tune as 1s,n,,¤_1o,,·_1g,,,_g4;_ the judgment against him is reversed. [Sees1W5v.] *U 4 Dall., 372; U. S. 1·. Bailey, 9 Pet., 238; I'. S. r. Wood, 14 Pet., 430; U. S. v. Nickerson, 1T How., 204; U. S. z·. Clark, 1 Guilis., 497; l'. S. r. Kendrick, 2 Mas., 60. Suc. 5393. Every person who procures another to commit any perjury Spbornation of is guilty of SllbO1`l1H.t10Il of perjury, and punishable as in the preceding {QT'?'- _ section prescribed. [Scv§1750-] 30 April, 1790, e. 9, s. 18, v. 1, p.llG. 3 Mar., 1825, 1-. 65, s. 13, v. 4, p. 118. Sec. 53:4. Every person who feloniously steals, takes away, alters, _ Fwniirrgz oraiwrfalsitios, or otlwrwise avoids any record, writ, process, or 0t;h(‘1'l)l'OC(‘(‘(i- ¥"“I‘Y"“'*“»I’.”°°“" - - · Y - ‘ ~ · mg false bzul. &c. ing. in any court oi the Lnitcd btntus, by means whereof any judgment _ .-- is reversed, made void, or does not take effect, and every person who Q 301-}1>{'¤h1¢9?i§· acknowledges, or procures to be acknowledged, in any such court, any **32 :;:4%, *1%)% (_‘ recognizam~e, bail, or judgment, in the name of any other person not 3,,1, a, 19_',._ 18:]; privy or consenting to the sauna-, shall be hned not more than five thousand 190. dollars or he imprisoned at hard labor not more than seven years; but this provision shall not extend Do the acknowledgment of any ]udgment, by an attorney, duiy admitted for any person against whom any such judgment is had or given.