Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1281

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INDEX. 1 209 Section. Section. COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS-Com COMMISSIONEBS—Contix1ue¤l. tmued: _ of circuit court—Continued. may grant reissue of patent in case of detect- may issue warrants for arrest of foreign nje patent . 4916 seamen in case of disputes ... 4079-4081 ma)' reissue several_ patents for separate in case of desertion ... 5280 mpsrts of mventionc . -1916 may summon master of vessel in 1% of ID3! ow amendments in cases of reissue. 4916 1 searnen’s wages ... . 4546 duties of, respecting recording trade-marks. 4937-evidence in bankruptcy taken before 5003 _ 4947 , may take proof of debts 5076 to mahe regulations, &c., for transfer of powers of, to apprehend fugitives from right to use trademark . 4947 1 justice . 5270, 5271 COMMIS IONER OF PENSIONB, ~ mav discharge poor convict imprisoned appointment and salary of 470 {for fine, &c 5296 general duties of . . . , . 471 of Court of Claims, power to appoint 1070 m case of, resignation, or absence of. 472 examination of claimant. before .. 1080 mayapfpointpersou to sign certificates, &c., 1 prize. (See Prize ( ‘ommiami¢mer·a.) _0r bc>unty—1ands ... 473 1 rai1r¤¤d,pnv¤ncnt0f,byvorporutions receivt.o designate clerk to investigate frauds 474 | ing land-grants, &c., from 1'nited wniimm of examining surgeons, &c,, puh.States _____________________________ 5259 ject to approval of . 4698} I of Territorial courts, fees of 1833 when to pay BFIOi!? of p6HSi0nS ... 4711 . may be increased to protect vivil {nay dgmgngtg persons before whom pen- I ri his _____________,_____,_______,_ 1983 sion-declaration may be made ... 1714 COMMIBSIONS, (Sec Idzen.) when, may suspend payment under special of dclin uents accountable for public money, act 4720 when to be de·dn•·ted ... 3624 mafy detail clerks, &c., to investigate frauds. -1744 1 of registers and receivem _________________ 2233 to orward certificate to pension agent, no- 1 of collector of internal revenue ...,, 21145, 3147 tice to pensioner, fees .. 4768in cases of distmint ,____,,_________,_____ 3193 (5(¤rt,iHq3,t9 of biennial examinatimys by sur- 1 on distilled spirits ___________ _ ___,________ 3314 gt-EODS appointed by . 4771, 4773 i on adhesive stamps sold ,,,_____________, _ 3425 may require more frequent; examinations _ , 4772 on stamps from private dies _____,,,,,____ 3425 may organize boards of examining sur- internal-revenue officers to make statement. geons .. _ _ . . . , ... 4774 of .,.,,,.. 3158 boards to make special examinations 4775 I to brewers on sale of stamps ________,_____ :1341 medical referee to be under direction of 4776 in disposal of prize property, to marshal. .. 4645 att0mey’s fees in pension cases to be fixed to auctioneer .. 4650 by .. . . 4785 of muignee in bankrupte ,.., 5100 agreement for, to be filed with .. 4786 COMMISSIONS, (oEcial,), commutation for artificial limbs ... 4789 to revenue officers, how made, sealed, and rules for proving service by claimant for signed ..,. 238 bounty-lands .. 2431 Presiclent to make and dt-liver to officers additional evidence . 2432, 2435 appointed by advice . ...,... 1773 to furnish applicants with printed informa— to be recorded, by Secretary of State; aflixtion ... 4748 ing seal to . 1794 COMMISSIONERS, COMMISSION S AND INQUBIES, di lomatic, salaries of, &c 1676, 1740 expenses of, not to be paid until appropriadeemed diplomatic officers .. 1674 tion made , 11681 of district court, to swear appraisers of COMMITTEES OF CON GBESS, (Sec vessels, &c., seized for breaches of hint lbmmillce on Library, Jain! ibmlaw . . ..._, 570 tuition rm 1’nhIic 1'riminy. ) of cricuit court, how appointed, powers elerks of Senate conimittees .. 52 of ___,,__,_,,,.,... 627 of House .. 53 number of, may be increased ,... - .. 1983 \\'1l1l€SF(*HlP(*fOl`O . Wl -104 marshal or deputy marshal not to be 628 testimony of, not to be used in criminal may hold to security of the peace ... 727 proceedings, &c., except, &c 859 mav enforce awards of foreign consuls, Court of Claims may use reports of 1076 ` &e., in differences between captains COMMITMENT, _ and crews ____________ _ ______ _ _____ 723 one writ for, on several iutltctmeuts, ore., accounts of, to be certified by judge . 846 against same person 1027 fees of, &c 547, 856 of bankrupt for contempt 5104 mav take bail and affidavits in civil register not to have power of .,.. ..- 41199 ' causes ______________________ _ ____,_ 945 COMMODOBES, _ witness fees in criminal case before _. nal number of, on active list of Navy ..,.. _. 1363 bill of fees of, how proved before, allow- promotion from gradeot, to be rear-adtnr I ance, &¤ --·----···----··----------. ##4 m1=1 ------------------· , ----------- 1-*65 may imprison or bail offenders .. 1014 cxannnation ot', before promotion , 1497 may discharge poor convicts imprisoned- 1042 pa * of ... 1556 may administer oaths and take acknowl- COMMON _ edgments ..._. 1778 transportatxon of imported rnerchandtse euto institute prosecutions, &c., for viola· tered therefor; designation, responsi- ‘ ‘ tions of civil-rights laws 1982 _ b1hty,bond. . ._ I ... _ . 199 3 »ower in civil-rights cases ... 1983, 1984 1 relncles of, not forfeited in vcrtzun cases of “ fees in such 03588 . . ---··-·- 1986, 1987 "°l“m`*‘ -·-- , - -~---··· · · ·. ···‘‘·‘*‘‘‘· 3GB'? chief supervisors of election to be .. 2025, 2626 search for letters illegally carried by .. 402h mav grant warrants to internal-revenue not ha\·le_for gold bul.non, jew clrg, unless 8 h ofl’lf‘k’\‘F to F<*?\|`('l’1 ]¤T€|1\1$(‘S lll l‘€¥’t81¤_ ¤<•f·K‘0 2U9H ll); FlU}'>p0l’-. ---·-- ·-·- 4? It 4-;,53;; _________,_____ ___ ___, ________ 3462 l not lmlplg for loss by hre, unless_ ,,.,.. 428.,