Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1329

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1N DRX. 1 257 S¤¢¢¤·•¤· · swim., EXPATBIATION, _ _ ‘ EXTRA. COHPENSATION—Continued. inherent right of, affirmed; claims of for- nor to officers, &c., on public buildings at WH0 8u€8i9·}*(‘€ disav0wed; officers seat of government _______ _ _ 1335 110* to Q¤*=‘S¤0¤ right of ----·--·--·-· 1999 uor for signing United states notes ,,,___ 3578 EX.PI.`B.ATIQN OF SERVQIQE, norto engineers of Army acting as disof seamen in Navy, disposition of men 1422 · bursing officers on public works _____ 1153 subject to laws, if detained after 1423 , of soldiers detailed for constant labor 1287 limit of detention after ,,,,,, , 1424 EXTRA WAGES TO SEAMEN, shipping articles to contain conditions . 1425 consular officers not to receive fees, &c., for pay in case of detention __________________ 1572 collecting, &c __________,_ _ ___,____ 1719 EXPLOQRING EXPEDITIONS, to be paid on discharge, by consular officers, collections of, to be under care of Commis- from unseaworthy vessel . . 4561 stoner of Patents . _ . _ . -195 penalty for refusal to pay, on discharge ..,. 4563 proceeds ot material sold, how disposed ot. 3618 » consul, &c., may require, on discharge , . .. 4580 EXPLOSIVE SUBSTANCES, penalty for neglect to require . 4581 excluded from mails . 3878 on sale of vessel in foreign perm __________ 4532 from steam passenger-vessels 4472 when, may be remitted __________________ 4583 penalty for transportation of, or delivery disposal of _______________________ _ _______ 4584 for transportation on passenger con- when may be paid to degerters ____________ 4600 veyances ... 5353, 5354 EXTRADITION, death caused by such transportation, &c., provisions concerning . 5270-5280 deemed manslaughter .. 5354 for extradition to foreign countries lim- EXPOBTATION, ited to time of existence of treaty 5274 condensed statement of exports to be fur- of persons charged with crime in foreign nished by Secretary of Treasury an- country, arrest .,..,,,...,.,,... 5270 nually 3812 E evidence admissible on hearing _____ 5271 of goods, &c., under treaty of Washington. 2866 surrender by Secretary of State . 5272 of fire-arms, spirits, &c., to Alaska 1955 j discharge of if not conveyed out of United of merchandise in bonded warehouse .. 2971 1 States within two months after comwhen entitled to return duties, &c .. 2977 mitment, &c ,,,,,______________ 527:; restriction upon entry for drawback ... 2978 of person delivered by foreign governwhen permitted without payment of duties. 2979 ment, transportation, safe-keeping, what may be withdrawn from warehouse and use of land and naval forces for, for, to Mexico . 3002 i &c 5275 through port of Lavaca, Tex 3003 ] agent to receive person to have powers through port of Indianola, Tex . 3004 of marshal in districts through which penalty for landing in United States goods he passes .. 5276 exported to Mexico or British Ameri- , penalty for obstructing, &c., agent .. 5277 can provinces ., 3008 t from one State, &c., to another, of fugiof drugs, medicines, how made . , . 3018 i tives from justice ...,_,,_____ i _ ,5278 manufactured in bonded warehouse . 3433 authority of agent of State, &c., to transrejected by examiners on importation as port prisoner, penalty for rescuing . - 5279 adulterated or impure .. 2937 arrest of Seamen deserting from foreign of articles imported in bulk ... 3028 vessels, on application of consul, &c. - 5280 of merchandise, from district other than that , delivery, detention, &c . 5280 of importation . 3041 EXTRA DUTY, of bonded imports from warehouse 3052 compensation for, when not allowed. tSee to British provinces _____,_,_,,,__,,,. .3054-3056 Erlm Compensation.) superintendent of 3161 punishment by. in Navy . p. 281, art. 24, 1624 provisions relating to drawbacks upon . .3015-3057 by tvouttmartiai ... p. 282, art. 30, 1624 of line-cut, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, &c., of tobacco ...,. 3362 I`. stamps for tobacco, snuff, and cigars fur- , nished to collectors internalrevenue. 3385 i FALSE, (See Forging.) of tobacco, snuff, and cigars ___,...,., 3385 i dating instrument relating to title, under of matches .. 3430 Mexican authority, of lands, &c., in drawback upon articles exported, general , _ California, penalty .. ,._ , 2472 provisions (see Drairback) ... 3015-3059 making false ob igations or securities of cn spirits withdrawn from warehouse.3329, 3330 · United States ... , .. 5414 of internal—revenue tax on fermented , note in imitation of national — bank liquor and other articles . 3441, 3442 { notes -··--·-·-----·---···--------- 5415 penalty for fraudulently claiming . 3443 t iQiiBTS PPNBHY -—------·----—--···--·-—-- 5416 collector to render monthly account. . . 3444 bid, proposal, guarantee, bond, &c., to EXPBESSES, _ defrz-uid United States ... 5418, 5479 private, for carrving letters or packets, pro- g military bounty—land_ warrant, &c ... 5420 hibit,ed__: _____________,_,______ 3982,3983 l abstract, &,c,, of registry, or enrollment gending letters bv, forbidden __,,_______ 3984 i of, or license to vessels, &c,, passport, EXTORTION,` clearance, permit, debenture, &c ..,. 5423 by interna,]-revenue officer ________________ 3169 i coin or bars in similitude of coin or by officer, under color of office 5481 bars, &c., by law current in United by receiving money, &c., under threat of , _ Std0S_..:: .. Z .. Z .., 5457 informing, or for not informing . 5484 , coin IH. simihtude of minor coinage of EXTRA ¤0NPEN¤A’1`I0N» ; United States-_ -·--·---.-----.--- r-- 5458 limit of, for disbursements 3654 z any order gurgortinsz to be moneyorder of public officers, none to be allowed i issued y ost—Oflice Department . . . 5463 where salary is fixed, unless explic- presenting false evidence to title to lands, itly stated in appropriation .. 1763-1765 [ &c., in Lalifornia, pcna.. y ...,.,.. 2473