Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1352

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1 28() I N D EX. g,,-g;,,n_ _ Section. LAND DISTRICTS—Continued. LAND I’A’I'ENTS—-Continued. _ in Kansas ___________________ ___ _ 409, 2256 to soldiers and sailors i_n_ late rebellion . 2304 Topeka, Salina, Independence, \Vichita, E to persons absent in military serv1ce,_&c. . . 2308 Concordia, C3_“,*key·_ I to C€l`t3lD ()il.3V\'2\ Slld Il'l(`llB.l1S . . in Louisiana __ p_ 396, 2256 to hoinestead settler cultivating timber 23h New Orleans, Natchitoches, Monroe. for mineral lands, how obtained .._.. , ,... 2325 in Mgjchjgan _ ____ _ __ __ ___ p_ 397, 2256 to claimants for portions of inming-claim . - 2326 Detroit, East Saginaw, Ionia, Marquette, for minmg-clanns under former laws ,. 2328 Traverse City or Sheboygan. for placer-uunyug claims ..-...--·-----~--- 2329 in Minnesota __________________ p_ 407, 2256 `for IlllI)l1’lg—('lt:llIl'l for work d00e . . . : ... 2332 Tayl0r’s Falls, Saint Cloud, Duluth, for placer-claim containing lode-claim . . . 3 . 2333 Alexandriajackson, New l'lm,Litch-for non-mineral land not contiguous to vein field, Redwood Falls, Oak Lake. or lode-claim _ .. 2337 in Mississippi ________________,_ p. 397, 2256 of mill-site for quartz~m1ll, &c 2337 Jackson. conditions involving easements, drainage, in Migsouri ____________________ p_ 395, 2256 &c., of mines to expressed in 2338 Boonville, Ironton, Springfield. to be subject to water rights, when: . . . - 1. . 2340 in Montana, ____________________ p, 413, 2256 for mineral lands in Michigan, Wisconsin, Helena, and Minnesota . 2345 in Nebraska ____,__,_______,,,_ p. 410, 2256 where land entered by mistake ... 2370 West Point, Beatrice, Lincoln, Dakota for errors in location of land-warrants . 2371 City, Grand Island, North Platte, for town or city lots 011`public lands ,.. 2383 Lowell. subject to mineral rig ts, when . 2386 in Nevada ... . ..,.. p, 405, 2256 under other laws relative to towrvsites 2394 Carson City, Austin, Belmont, Aurora, for private land-claims not to issue until Elko. expense of surveying, &c., paid . 2400 in New Mexico . p. 411, 2256 for military bounty·lands . 2423 Santa Fe. for lands located by Commissioner on landin Ohio . p. 395, 2256 warrants, to issue, when 2437 Chillicothe. to soldier of Regular Army who has lost in Oregon .. p. 409, 2256 warrant ... 2439 Oregon City, Roseburgh, Le Grand, to soldiers, notwithstanding omissions in Linkville. discharge ...,., 2440 in Utah p. 413, 2256 to heirs of, war of 1812 and revolutionary Salt Lake City. soldiers, how issued, &c 2443 in Washington Territory .. p. 406, 2256 for land-clui ms heretofore confirmed .. 2447 Olympia, Vancouver or Columbia River, to deceased person, in whom title to vest. . 2448 Walla Walla. for suspended entries and suspended pre~ in Wisconsin ... p. 399, 2256 eruption claims ..,..,..,__, 2450-2454, 2457 Menasha, Falls Saint Croix, Wausau, surrender and issue of new ____,_______ 2456,2457 La Crosse, Bayfield, Eau Claire. to person cultivating timber ______________ 2466 in Wyoming ..- p. 413, 2256 for swampdands to issue to States, when . . 2480 Cheyenne City. to issue to purchasers and locators, when. 2483 LAND GRANTS, (See, also, Lands- Public; LAND WARRANTS, (See Lands—Public.) and Schools.) assignahle after but not before issue 2414, 2436 pre-emption limits to railroads .. .- 2279 how located _____________________________ 2415 rights of pre—emptors on land of Spanish or errors in location of, how corrected. . . 2369-2372, French grants, found invalid 2280 2445 not to include mineral lands, &c .. 2346 falsely making, forging, &c _______________ 5424) to States or Territories in fee·simple, &c . . . 2449 wrongful withholding of, by agent or attorrailways receiving, pay for carrying mail . . 4001 ney prosecuting (-latin ______________ 5485 payment of directors,·&c., with right re- LANZDS, (See Lan<la—Publir·.) 801*66 to appoint, &¢ -·-----. .. - 5259 purchases of, for forts, public buildings, &c, 355 LAND OFFICES, (See G'cm·ral Land Qfiicc.) removal of suits from State court when title l0C3fl0l1 of (SBB Lfmd D[8l7`t(‘¢8) 2256 to, is claimed under public grants, discontinuance of, by Secretary of Inte- {re ________________________________ 647 ricr -----------------·-·-·----.. 2248, 2249 laws, judgments, &c., of foreign states reby President 2250, 2252 latin; to, under United Stages, hgyy may be annexed to adjoining districts . 2250 , authenticated ______________________ 907 location of, changed by President . 2251 sale of, by successor of marshal dying, retmnsfer of archives of discontinued distriut_ 2252 moved, &o __________________ _ _____ 994 number of, not to he increased by change of erroneously sold, rmanent appropriation boundaries of districts, &c .. 225-1 for refund oidinoney .. p. 728. 3689 office-rent and clerks of consolidated offices- 2255 purchase of, for United States restricted . . . 3736 registers and receivers, where to reside 2235 of Indians, provisions for protection certificate of oath of pre-emption claimant _ 2262 of ____________ _ _________________ 2117-2121 LAND PATENTS, ( See, also, L<mds~—Public. ) LANDS (public), secretaries of President to sign _,..,___,__ 450, 451 Surveyors and deputy surveyors _ _ _2207-2233 how signed and recorded . 458 Registers and receivers . 2234-2247 to be made to heirs of pre-emptor _________ 2269 Lend districts _______________________ 2248-2256 where settlers on same subdivision 2274 Pre-gmptigu _______________ _ ________ 2257_228g to States, &o_, to convey fee-sin1ple_ _,______ 2449Homegtegdg _______________________ _2289-2317 for settlements on sections 16 and 36 2275 Mineral lands and mining ______,_ ,2318-2352 for homestead, when giyen _,__ Z __________ 2291 Sale and disposal ____ _ ______________ 2353·237l) to ,purchaser of land of infant children . 2292 Reservation and sale of town-sites .2380—2394 to iomestegd settler at any time on pavrnent Survey _________________ _ _______ 2395-2413 for lgtnrlg, &(5 _____________ _ ____ _ _ _ 230] Bounty_ _ _ _ _________________ _ _ _ i;iii2-1.14-2446