Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1371

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INDEX. 1299 t_ ed Section. E gu"". IILITIA—Con mu . NERALLANDB 3180 E8 what addition to ration on western fron- l CLAIIB—Ci>ntinued?nc ’AND ticrs .. 1655 l local l islaturss ma mak s easehslf-pny to widow; or child of officers and I igientgy dmjnnge, &c?_Tl_?s_é_P? _____ 2338 men dying in service, &c ... 1656 water rights protected . 2339 2340 benefitsextended those suppressing In- to be open to homestead entr , when . ,2341 dxan depredations in Florida 1657 to be set apart as agricultural, lands, when 2342 cowsmsrtisl for tnsl of . 1658 m be opened to reeinpuen and mic ______ 2342 lines &:ga111st, how certified, col- 1659 additional land clistrictsmay be established, 1 ·•• ···- ·-· ------··---· -·· W Ch.. ._ _ ________ __ ____ __ ‘ appropriation for arms and equi ments 1661 additional land officers may be appointed. . return% of abstracts of, to be laid before existing rights and law respecting Sutro ongress . _ . 232 tunnel not affected . 2344 psy of, during captivity .. 1288 in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota exnnk of officers o , on uty with regulars or em t from preceding provision .. 2345 _ _ volunteers .. p. 241, art. 124, 1342 grunts to gtstes and corporations not to indistribution of arms and equipments to 1667 clude . 2346 T€!'l'llD¤¤} ---..---... 1841 entry of coal-lands _,..._______________ 2347, 2343 general oflioers of, to be elected by the 1856 claims to be presentgdd within what time. 2349 _P€‘0P0 ----··---·--..-. uoneen now ,..__ _ ___________ 1n new Territories in iirst instance conflicting (mimg, Qg __________________ Zggq may beappointed by governor .. 1857 rights prior to March 3, 1873, not immay be called in aid of execution of process, paired, nor sale of gold, silver, or 1984, 1989 co r land authorized ..,_,,,______ 2352 bounty-land for those heretofore calledinto Sutro {Eine} not affected by laws relatservice ,,., ·_ 1 ______ 2420, 2425-2427 ing to ,,,_..,,,,,_,,,____.. 2344 in wu of 1812 and Indian war, widows, &c., MINEBALOGICAL SPECIHENB, _ of, to have pensions . {732, 4736 weight of, in mails _,_____________________ 3878 President may employ, to enforce neutrality _ ,8 MIN'IN0rSgL1#IH l, imrogsions c0ncernin2§ *52 MVS . . vi- 7 e inera AIR . .,,. 18-22 to com l departure of foreign veael for- MINISTEBS, (See Diplomgtic Officera Forbidden to remain, &c .. 5288 eign Relations.) ’ iu mses of insurrection .. 5297, 5298 of United totes, meaning of words in when equal protection of laws denied by laws, respecting foreign relations 4130 domestic violence, &c .r . ... 5299 official designation of, &c _.,,,___.______ 1674 in aid of collection of duties 5316 salaries 1675 officers, when to have pensions ... 4693 for what term payable _,,.__,________ 1740 rate of total-disability pension to 4695 when absent from post .., 1741 to have pension according to rank, &c- .- 4696 at Uruguay also accredited to Paraguay, soldiers w en to have pensron 4693 salary . 1681 rate of total disability E5 .. 4695 to Guatemala, Costa Ries, &c., re idenee, IINERAL LAND8, BE UB¤EB,AND ss ar .. . .,,,,_ 1682 CLAIHS, at Hsytiyand Liberia. to be consuls-genpublic surveys to extend over all .. 2406 eral .. . ...,___, 1683 not subject to entry under homestead laws 2302 to China, Japan, dn-., judicial uuthorit , under pre-emption laws 2258 &c . 40,834128 title to town lots, when subject to mineral to Turkey, judicial power in (see Consuveins .. 2386 Inr Coum) . 4125 adverse claims for, to be adjudged hy law President may prescribe regulations as to of possession, independently of pura· duties, &<·., of . 1752 mount rights of United States ... 910 certificate of, on declaration of artist to fee for filing, &c., application for patent or admit free of duty p. 489, 2505 adverse claim to -.2 2238 foreign, jurisdiction of suits by and penalty for forpmg, etc., instruments relat- _ against . _ z . 687-688 mg to tit e to, in Califomin . . . 1. .2471-2473 penalty for_offering vmlence to , 4062 and mming resources and muung process agamst_ person, property, or ervolnims, general provisions .. 2318-2352 ants_0f, von .. : 4063 reserved from sale, except, &c .. 2318 provisions when not applicable to servopen to occupation and purchase 2319 l ants ...·.. 4065 regulations and rules of miners, &c .. 2319 * KI1lNE80TA,_ _ proof of citizenship . 2320, 2321 mmersl_ls.nds in, erempt from certain prorights of possession, &c .. 2322-2324 visions of mining laws . . 2345 patents for, how obtained .. 2325 bona-fide entries 0n, may be patented gdvgpgg clgiing _____________ _ ____._ . ,2526, 2335 Wl10h . . .. r 2345 in action for mining title or damagies to l>e_open to sale and pre-emption , 2345 thereto, each ease to be adjudged y restrictions utpon grant of swamp-lands to _ lsw of popession ,.. 910 _ §tste o . . .v .,..,... 2449 locnhon of claims on surveyed lands 2327 I provisions of swamp-lands act extended pending and prior applications. . .= .. 2328 to ... _ ... Z ..-.- 2490 placer-claims, how entered, &c 2329-2331 surveyongeneral for public lands in 2207, 2208, evidence to establish right to patent: . I . . 2332 _ I o 2213 spplicstion for patent for, containing lsud districts in_ . ,. ., .. ., . 2256 lode, &c ... 2333 ; customs collection districts in ports of ensurvey of, and division into claims 2334 i try in (see Oollodwn Duh-wsa, Pom sdidsvits. bow voriiicd .------.----------- 2335 i _ o Erm-y) . , ... .. 2595, 2596 priority of title where veins intersect .. 2336 { United Qtstes courts m_ (see Qnrqm and Drspatents for non-mineral lands for mill-sites. 2337 trwl Couric), Judicml districts ...,,,_ 531