Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1401

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mnnx. 1329 _ Section. Sanus:. P0BT§AS1'E§·S—Cont1nued. POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT-Cont’d. to notify publishers (nf refusal, d;;;,, to take 3885 mgil-mgtte: __,,,,__________,________ 38754695 per . . ., ., ... postage . 3896-3913 axlawglly detaxmré letters .. postage-gzemps and envelopes .. 3914-3925 SW6 1”<>¢¢1P OT X-NH ·.. ‘ regis re otters .. , 3926-3929 accounts of, for quarterly postage . 3906 unclaimed dead and request 1etters.3930—3940 to keep on ha;d;l&c., stampsan envelopes, 3918 · contractstztfr carrying mail . 3941-3963 gceoun e or _______ _ _____ _______ cgrryjn 9 mg], ____________ _ _____ 3964—3996 st mailing-pilices shall deface stamps and rail-wa.? service 3997-4005 enve epee . 3921 fore` mail service . 40064016 may return to sender registered letters di- local, and route agents . 40174026 rected to persons conducting fraudu- money-order syntem 4027-4048 lent lottery schemes, &c 3929 ; accounts and revenues .,.,,,,,_,,__, 4049-4061 to decide between competing newspapers · Postmaster—General to be head of . 388 _ mfor advertising letters? A.3930, 3931 general proyisions relating to (see Departregis ring money- etters rom an to ments ,,.,_,,_,.,,.,.__,__,,, 388-414 United States Treasury . 3932 _ relating to all executive de rtments. . ,158-198 to post list of non-delivered etters 3933 three Assistant P0etmasters—(i)•i;neral of 389 to forward letters when requested to do so- 3940 i Assistant Attomey-General for ..,..,. 390 punishment of, for falsecertiivicateto bid for 39 oath of odiczaof Postmaster-General and mai contracts . 47 employ in ._,_,. 391, 392 deliverfv to, of letters brought by vessels in clerks, officers, and em loyés in . 163-169, 393 oreig trade .. 3976 superintendent of free rielivery ... 394 by steam ats . 3977 seal of; custody and use of .,..,.. 395 responsibility of, for money-order business general duties of Postmaster-General .. 396 at branch ctlices, &c ... 4029 , inventories and account of roperty in 397 penalty for issuing money-orders without [ postal arrangements with floreign countries payment ...,.. 4030 g and publications of conventions 398, 399 at money-order offices may appoint acting , blank-agency for, at Washington, D. C 400 postmasters ... 4031 * action 0 , as to foreign dead- etters 401 to preserve applgcatiplnzgr m0ney—orders.- ggé}? date to be aiiixzlc to orders, entries, dsc., to use money-or er contracts, .. 402 to send notice of money-orders imued . 4035 bonds taken by, and contracts with ... 403 to not pay monexorder aéter one year . reveuups and collections, how paid into to pay money-o er to in orsee ... 4 reasury .. . ... 407 to modify, &c., m;>‘;xey-orders . 4333 · deposit'; on account of, how brought into to re a mone ·o ere. .. 4 3 ; reasury .. ...- 408

 of, sg to payment of lost money- i remission of fipei, &c., gpm promises and reo ers ,,..,.,... . . 4040 eases 0 c aims, c ..,. 409

may bf éoarhidden to pay money-orders to 4041 dischargebtgtlapgrgpns condned on judgmenhtm 41] 0 nes ... 1 . . , transfer of money-order funds from and employés in, not to be interested in conto _________,__,_,._..., 4042, 4034 tracts for carrying mail, or Act as report of money-order business b 4044 · ugvnt for contractor, &c . - .. 412 penalty for embezzling money-orclier funds. 4046 annual reports of Postmaster-General . 413 pay to, for money-orderbusiness .. 4047 estimates, when to be furnished to Secreshall be held accountable for uncollected wry of the Truleury ... -ll-I revenue ____________,_,__,__,.. 4051 copies of contracts, orders, dn-., to be delivmay allow box-holders to provide lock- ered to Sixth Auditor . 404, 405 boxes ______ _ ____ _ ___,_,__...,. 4052warrant of, on quarterly statement by Sixth lect of, to deposit revenues; penalty- .. . 4053 Auditor of payments ly postmasters. 406 eggections of revenue from, by transfers to accounts of, how settled t rough Sixth contractors . , - . 4056 Auditor, &c .. 270, 277, 292-298 togive rfceiptgorkwpydght l;>o1ké1&p., lo; suits for money due, provisions respee;81 38z tite o 00 s c. in n 0 ms ..-».- ..-- ,‘ ‘ co hted ..’ ..,., , ,,,..,..,..,.,,, 4961 i employes subject to penalties without havpenaltv For fraudulent receipt by, of post- ] ing takenpath of office . 3832 age, gratuity or reward not authorized statement, by district attomey, of suits for by law ,_____,_,,,___,,.,,.,.,,..,, 3899 i moneys due on account of .. 775 quarterly statement by Sixth Auditor to by marshal, to Sixth Auditor, of execu- Postmaster—General of payments by, tions for moneys due on account of,- 792 for poet;] service ______________ _ _ _ _ 294 transcripts fmm pneney-orderaccount-bocyks copies of quarterly returns of, when ad-0 , when evndence . 889 muted as cwdonw _________________ 889 · proceedings hy attachment for debts dns copy of statement that letter of demand was from postmastere, (contractors, othmailed to delinquent, &c., when and cers, and employes of. . .:  :-9244332 of what evidence _________ , ________ 890 , credit allowed on trial of gmt for delinproceedings against defaulting officérs 924-934 quency against employé of .. 952 when claim for credit allowed on trial of interest in suits for balances due to 964 suit for delinquency against 952 in0ney·acc0unts of, to be kept separate 3642 duties 33 tg public money ___,,_,____ , ____ 3639 estimates fer, under what heads to be sub- 0l Bexmte and House _,,,..,.,,,_,_,,_ 52, 53, 72 mitted ,...,,.,,_,,.. _ . _. 3668 POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT, (See stealing, embezzling, &c., or misappropri- Postmaater-Gmeral, Postal Served.) ating property belonging to . 54:15 poet-ohces and postmaster! 3829-3864 locks and EB of .. 54f7 carriers, branch chica, and receiving- I POST-OFFIQ _ bggg. _ ____ __________ ____ _____3865-3874 I to be egtgbhghgi by Pggtngggter-(;energl___ 3829