Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/1434

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1362 mnizx. Section. · _ South!. SLAVE-’DRADE—(`0ntinued. l SN'UFF—Contumed. instructions to coinmamlers of armed res- l tax ou, stamps for payment of 3368, 3369 sels to deliver to agents of certain how afiixed on manufactures by one perforeign governments negroes taken , son for another or on shares 3370 from slavers, &c . . , ., . . 5569 estimated mx when gold without stamps, 3371 SLEEPING, removing gr selling without ________ . . . . 3372 on post in Army ..,..., p. 233, art. 39, 1342 absence of, to be notice that tax is not gn watch in Navy __,_,,_____ p. 276, art. 4, 1624 _ ptlld ... . -. 3373 BETHSONIAN.INBTITUTION, · removing packages without being stampincc ration of . 5579 ed. &c 3374 boardgf regents of ,,,.__,.,,,..__ 5580 , afiixing false ,,.,,...,...,. 3375 appointment, term of office, vacancies. . . 5581 SOQDIEBS, _ _ _ ‘_ organization, executive committee, &c. . . 5582 alien, may be admitted to citizenehap ., 2166 duty of secretar of ,,.. 5583entitled to bounty-land, when (see Boemty· compensation ofisecretary and assistants. 5584 Land) . 2414-2446 special meetings of members, &c 5585 collection and payment of bounty, prizergggptign, arrangement, &c., of objects of l _ money, &c.,due colored 2032 art, natural history, geological speci- · retained hounty-fund of certain colored, mens, &c., for . 5586 l custody and use of .. 2035, 2036 library of, limit of expenditure for 5587 ‘ who to be deemed wife and children of deposited with Library of Congress sub- _ colored .. _ . 20 37 ject (,0 game regulations ,__,._,, 99, 100 enlisted but not mustered, when pension to site of, evidence of appropriation of ... 5588 dependent relatives of, to begin . 4710 protection of property of, laws extended to. 5589 when not to be deemed deserters, no remisinterest of fund of, &c.; expenditures to be sion of forfeiture of pension . 4749 made from ,_,,___,.,..,,.. 5590 enlisted or engaged, to serve against United permanent appropriation for p. 728, 3689 I _ States, punishment of .. 5338 additional sums received to bedeposited by enticing, to desert, harboring with knowlboard of regents ... 5591 edge, dmc . , . 5455 power of regents to dispose of accrued in- clothing of, sent by mail at what postterest not hereby appropriated .. 5592 age ... 3911 making disbursemengs for, repolrts 5593 letters may be transmitted by mail without Congress ma amen or repea provisions pre yment ... 3902 relating to . 5594 homestead): on public lands, how acquired . . 2304 BIUGGLING, outfits of, not to be sold, &c .. 3748 punishment for ,,,,... ..- 2865 , when honorably discharged to be allowed of seamen for .,.. . . 4596 tmnsportation .. - . . . 1289, 1290 for concealing dutiable articles in bag- pay of (see Pay of Army) ...,,, 12804304 gage of passengers . 2802 eposit of, with paymaster on interest.1305—1308 SNUFF, effects of deceased, how disposed of. pp. 241, stamped portion of packeages of, when , 242, art. 125, 127, 1342 em ty, to be destroy , . 3376 l recruiting in United States to serve against on hand lbefore April 10, 1869, provisions same. how punished .._.__, 5337 concerning .._. 3365, 3378-3380 serving when so recruited, punishment, , 5338 imported, duty on . p. 470, 2504 Soldiers' Home (see that title below) . - ,4814-4824 to pay additional intemal-revenue tax by permanent appropriation for .. . 727, 3689 stamp . 3377 National Home for Disabled {clunexportation of ... . ... 3385 , WSI'! (See that Mk) - 4825-4837 drawback on 3386 prmanent approénriation for ,.,.., p. 727, 3889 inspectors of, and of tobacco and cigars, S0 IEB8’ KOH , appointment, bond, fees . 3151, 3152 who maty become members of _,.,,___,____ 4814 may betransferred or suspended by super- board o commissioners for ___,___ 4815 visor of internal revenue ... 3163 officers of, to be taken from Army ,_,_____ 4816 may enter buildin where articles liable sites and buildings for, how selected .. 4817 to tax are made, &c 3177 funds for support of, how derived- _,,___,, 4818 rules for ins tion of cigars may be deduction from pay of officers, privates, made by Sbcmmissioner 3396 6:0., for support of .,,,_ 4819 manufacturers to pay special tax. .p. 624, donations of money or property may be repar. 9, 3244 oeived for use of ...,,..,,,_.,, , 4819 may sell their own plroducts at place of g pensioners not to be excluded from, but manufacture wit out special tax 5 to surrender pensions during sta in. 4820 p. 624, par. 8, 3244 F what persons are entitled to benefits ofi . . . 4821 to make oath, give bond, &c., before com-what persons are excluded from .. 4822 mencing businws .. 3355 soldier admitted for disability to be disrequirements of . 3%-3358 , chargied upon recovery, when _,_____ 4823 how to put up packagles . 3362-3364 V Articles of ’ar to apply to mmates ,..,,__ 4824 penalties for purc asing, when not what they are ...,..,,.._,_____ 1342 stamped, or tax on not paid . 3366, 3367 retired officers assigned to duty at, without for internal-revenue officer becoming extra pay ,., ..,..,,,__________ 12.59 interested in manufacture of 3168 rmanent a propriation for ... p. 727, 3689 peddjers of, to pay special tax . p. 625, BJEICHOB-EENEBAL, par. ll, 3244 appointment and salary of ,,.,,,,_,,,, 347 to give notice, bond, &c., before engaging to perform duties of Attorney-General in in business 3381 case of vacancy, absence, &c ,,_,,,,, 347 traveling with wagon to affix sign, &c. . . ‘82 » duties of ..,,__,.,.,,,,_,,,__,,_ _ ,,_, 359 to obtain and exhibit certificate . 3383 may be sent to attend courts of any State. . 367 penalty on, for peddling unlawfully . 3384 when traveling expenses of, allowed ... 370