Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/147

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'l‘rru: xr.—DEP.·\RTMENT OF THE INTERIOR.-Ch. 1-2. 75 One engineer. at one thousand four hundred dollars a year. One assistant engineer. at one thousand dollars u year. In the Patent~OHi0e: One chief clerk. at n salary of two thousand five hundred dollars a vcar. ` One examiner in charge of interferences. at a salary of two thousand five hundred dollars a year. One examiner in charge of trade-marks, at n salary of two thousand Eve hundred dollars n year. Twenty-four principal examiners. at an salary of two thousand tive hundred dollars u year each. Twenty~four iirst assistant exsmiiners, at as salary of one thousand eight hundred dollars a year each. Twenty-four second assistant examiners, (two of whom may be women,) at a salary of one thousand six hundred dollars a. year each. Twenty-four third assistant examiners, at a salary of one thousand four hundred dollars a year each. One lihmrian. at an salary of two thousand dollars s year. One machinist, ut a salary of one thousand six hundred dollars u. year. Three skilled druughtsmen. at a salary of one thousand two hundred dollars a year each. ` Thirty-five copyists of drawings. at u salary of one thousand dollars :4 year each. One messenger and pnrvhusing clerk, at a salary of one thousand dollars a vear. One skilled laborer. at an salary of one thousand two hundred dollars a mr. y Eight attendants in the model-room, at u salary of one thousand dollars e year each. Eight attendants in the model-room, at a salary of nine hundred dollars a year each. In the Office of Education: One chief clerk. at n salary of two thousand dollars a year. One statistician, at a salary of eighteen hundred dollars a ear. One translator. at u salary of one thousand six hundred dollars u year. CH APTER 'I`WO. THE SECRETARY 01* THE INTERIOR. see. sec. 441. Duties of Secretary. 1 444. Expenditures of the Department. 442. Powers of Secretary. » 445. Annual report to Congress. 443. Supervision of census. ' Sec. 441. The Secretary of the Interior is charged with the supervision Duties nf Semeof public business relating to the following subjects: ***7- Igirst. The census; when directed by law. 3 Mn, ]849 c_ Second. The public lands, including mines. I08,¤¤-3,5.6,7,%,9. Tum. The mama. V-;»;·l?9§ ,0 Fourth. Pensions and b0unty·lands. 230 ff", %* Q Fifth. Patents for inventions. mg; ’’ ` Sixth, The custody and distribution of publications. 5Feb.,1859,c.22, Seventh. Education. '·%';]11l·}’·fggé Eighth. Government Hospital for the Insane. 176 J}; 15 i,;' Ninth. Columbia Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. gg, ’]0g_’’ ` Maguire 1·. Tyler, 1 Bl., 195. Smc, 442. The Secretary of the Interior shall hereafter exercise all the Powers of Secrewerg and perform all the duties in relation to the Territories of the ***5*- Ylhited States that were, Ericr to March first, eighteen hundred and 1 Mu., 1873, e. seventy-three, by law or y custom exercised an performed by the 217. V- 17.P- 484- Secremry of State.