Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/203

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Trn.1: xm.——'l`HE JUD[CIARY.—C1~1. 11. 13] _ F ourth. Any final judgment at law or iinal decree i11 equity of any Uwvsquuecount circuit court, or of any d1Sl'»1'1Cl`. court acting as a circuit court, in any case gif ,?t‘;P;':“g?;‘ °l brought on account of the_depr1vation of any rgght, pr1v1lege, or ·lllllllll- Ofunde, me gg: n1ty_secured by_ the CODStltUt1011 of the Un1ted tutes, or of any right or emotion, pr1v1lege of a citizen of the United States. mE;? c. 22, ss. 1, 2, v. 17, p. 13. 31 May, 1870, c. 114, ss. 16, 18, v. 16, p. 144. 9Aprilj1866, c.l31, BS. 1, 3, \‘. 14, p. 27. ljifth. Any iinal judgment of a_circuit court, or of any district court Suits forjnjurier acting as a circuit court, 111 any c1vil action brought by any person 011 l’Y 9°“”.P}"*!l°’° account of in]11ry to his person or property by any act done in furtherance TjlnSf°"l"gm‘°‘ 'cif any; ‘cjonsp1r1?y mentioned 111 SOCtI0ll mneteen hundred a11d eighty, 2220 ·;nri|.;871,c. itle " rvrr. orrrs. »¤- M'- 1 .p·13. 9 A 'I, 1866, . 31, s. 10, v. 1-1, p. 29.—Cooper, ex., r. Omohundro, i9lWall., SE1:. 700. Vlfhen an issue of fact in any civil cause in a circuit court is camsmcdb the tried and d€l70l‘lI11IlCd‘l){] the court without the intervention of a jury, circuit court widthaccording to section SIX _ undred and forty-nine., the rulings of the court 3*;*;] Ll}'; ;L*r*;"<>¤· 1n the progress of the_tr1al of the cause, 1f excepted to at the tune, and ___ _, ‘ duly presented hy a bill of except1o11s, 111ay be renewed by the Supreme 3 M,,,.__ 1865 c_ Court upon a writ of error or upon appeal; and whe11 the linding is special s6,s.4,v. 13, [1.501. the revnew n1ay extend to the etermnnation of the sufficiency of the facts Sw ¤¤¥¤· found to support the judgment. lS¤•!•4•-1 202; §;P:··1"89ég· . , '. I). . 3 Mar., 1803, c. 40 s. 2, v. 2 p. 2-14.-—·Bar11es r. Williams, 11 Wl1. 415; Ifrenti e . 2an ’s Administrator, 8 Ilow., 470; Stimpson r. Railroad, 10 How., 1:129; Gral1amcrl]Bayd)e, 18 Hobwg., 62£uydan19e. lW1ll1ar;2s§nb 20 11011*., :32; Kelsey {•`Iorsyt1é,‘2h3How., 85; Camp 111-. reau, .. ow., ; u ul 1 ·. In li ‘. I ; . Des Moines Conrpangy, 1 Wall., 99; Insurance: Coinjxany il]Trvve]g<l, 7 Wgll.: 4-1; Bdlslsletyr. U. S., 9 Wall., 38; orris on Jackson, 9 Wall., 125; Flanders 1-. Tweed, 9 Wall., 425; Copelin v. Insurance Cornpany, 9 Wall., 467; Coddington r. Ifichards,_10 Wall., 516; Smith r. i'i1“ °1‘§.*L'lf’:..}}} 1?}l;.£3°·‘B]i.?l‘°lJ'11iii"`§5`6”’1]3 `l.“""é.§ D"“ 1"l"’”‘ ‘i‘.1“}l··

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237; Tow11 of Ohio r. Marcy, 18 Wall., 552. Pun , a ’ _ (Sec. T01h The Supreme Court_may ailirm, modify. or reverse any Judgment ordeju gment ecree or order of a c1rc11it court or district court acting as ""‘° °“ ""’“““'· a c1rcu1t1?ourt, of of a district court in prize causes, lawfully brought r]Tig_2j before lt for revnew, or may d1rect such judgment, decree, or order to 25_.u,_;R$i7’l;_,',,;: be rendered, or such further proceedings to be had by the ]llfol‘l0l' court, 2.; S,.,,,__1ygg ,,_ as the justice of the case may require. The Sllpl'(‘lIl€ Court shall not 20,s.2-l,v.1.p.s.'1. issue execution 111 11 cause rennoycd before it from such courts, but shall 403 Yg¤f··2l**0i§ *'· send a.spec1ul mandate to the mferror court to award execution there- _,;,:); uP0n- 1·4, s. 1:1,}. m,' 11: 310.—Sheehy 1·. Mandeville, 6Cr., 206; Martin r. Hunter‘s Lessee, 1 Whi, 30-1; Lanman v. Barlier, 3 W 1., 147; United States Bank 1:. Srnitln, ll \\’h., 182; Fowle r. ('om1ncp,C1111n- ·` 1 anlia .. · ·. ’ili1 'l. .· · ·. ’s 11S..? {"{»..1T,'11211}'1—l.".l‘.; 211. l1€'TTTé‘“?.Z1.il1.¤1$,‘°` Pls? f. f1.Z.&1T?.Zr, it SiS71Eé, 111::; 1·. ll. S., 10 Pct., 342; Hr parle Sibhold, 12 Pet., 492; West 1·. Bradshaw, l—l Pet., 51; U. S. 1·. Boyd, 15 Pct., 209; Harland r. Davis, 4 How., 131; Cutler r. Rae, 7 How., 732: Humplrreys 1-. Leggett, 9 111111;.,297; McNulty r. Batty, 101low., 72; Graham r. Baync. 18 llow., 63; Suydam r. Williamson, 20 How., 4-10; Taylor r. Morton, 2 Bl., 481; Lr parte I)lll)l1(]ll(·‘ and Pacific Rmlroad, 1 Wall., 69; Railroad r. Soutter, 2 Wall., 510; E: parte Meflardle, T Wall., 506; En purle Morris 6: Johnson, 9 Wall., 607; Insurance Comny 1·. Boykin, 12 Wall., 433; Insurance (`ompanv r. Piaggio, 16 Wall., 378: U. S. v. Hluckabee, 16 V\'all., 435; Walbrun v. Balvbit, 16 Wall., 577. Sec. 7 02. The iinal judgments and decrees of the supreme court of grill" 01h0Fof anv Territory except the Territory of Washington, 111 cases where the ““ .“¥‘P°° ’°“‘ · ’ . . . . tcmtorral courts. value of the matter in dispute, exclusrve of costs,_to be ascertmned by r,;?- -. the oatl1 of either partv, or of other competent witnesses, exceeds one ‘ JP"'- 187* *'· thousand dollars n1a i be reviewed and reversed or allirmed in the 80* T' ls"" 27' - - . Y _ _- 26 .r1»m,1sv6, 1-. Supreme Court, upon writ of error or appeal, in the same manner and 147, v. 19, p. 62. un er the same regulations as the iinal judgments and decrees of a cn-- 27 Feb., 1877, 1-. cuit court. In the Territory of Washington the value of the matter i11 1**% '· 1”· P- 2*1- dispute must exceed two thousand dollars, excluswe of costs. And any Um, gse,,, 1850 , • • • I '7 I Hlllll ]I1(lg1I\G!lf. Ol' decree of 12110 SIIPNBIIIB 001111 of S81(l T€l'Y1t0l'}’ Ill tllly c. 51, s. 9, v. 9, p,