Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/225

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Trrnn xm.——'l`HE JUDlCIAR.Y.—Ch. 15-16. 153 to be about to resist, with force of arms, the execution of the laws of the United States, or whom he had good ground to believe to have joined, or to be about to join, any insurrection or rebellion, or to have resisted, or to be about to resist, with force of arms. the execution of the laws of the United States; or to have counseled or advised any person to join any insurrection or rebellion. or to resist with force of arms the laws of the United States. Sec. 821. At every term of any court of the United States the district Additional oath attorney. or other person acting on behalf of the United States in said fwgfandund petit court. may move. and the court, in their discretion, may re uire the 1“"°'S· _ clerk to tender to every person summoned to serve as a grand or tit 17 June, 1862, c. juror, or venireman or talesman, in said court, the following oatheor103, S- 2, V- 12, p- afiirmation, namely: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will 43°· support the Constitution of the United States of America; that you have not, without duress and constraint, taken up arms or joined any insurrection or rebellion against the United States; that you have not adhered to any insurrection or rebellion, giving it aid and comfort; that you have not, directly or indirectly, given any assistance in money or any other thing, to any person or persons whom you knew, or had good ground to believe, to have joined, or to be about to join, said insurrection or rebellion, or to have resisted, or to be about to resist, with force of arms, the execution of the laws of the United States; and that you have not counseled or advised any person to join any insurrection or rebellion against, or to resist with force of arms, the laws of the United States."Any person declining to take said oath shall be discharged by the court from serving on the grand or petit jury, or venire, to which he may have been summoned. Sec. 822. No person shall be a grand or petit juror in any court of Grand and petit the United States, upon any inquiry, hearing, or trial of any suit, pro-i¤¤¤‘¤, ircauses upceeding, or prosecution based u on or arising under the provisions of $$1** 230 AP“'» Title “CIVIL Rmn·rs" and of 'liitle “CRIMES.” for enforcing the pro- LA;- _.. visions of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution, who is, in the 20Apri1, 1871,¢- jndgment of the court, in complicity with any combination or cons iracy 22· “· 5· "· 17· 1’· 15· in said Titles set forth; and every grand and petit juror shall, before entering upon any such inquiry, hearing, or trial, take and subscribe an oath, in open court, that he has never, directly or indirectly, counseled, advised, or voluntarily aided any such combination or conspiracy. CHAPTER SIXTEEN. FEES. Sec. i Sec. 823. Fees to be taxed. 835. Compensation of district attorney. 824. Attorneys, solicitors, and proctors. 836. Sum to be paid to district attorney of 825. Fees in revenue cases and in suits on southern district of New York for official bonds. office-expenses. 826. Fees on bonds, when not allowed. 837. District attorney and marshal in Ore- 827. Fees of district attorney for defense gon and Nevada. of revenue officers. 838. Prosecution of frauds on the revenue. 828. Clerks' fees. 839. Compensation retained b a clerk. Clerks’ bookstobeopen toinspection. 840. Clerks in California, (irregon, and 829. Marshals fees. Nevada. 830. What fees to be paid to marshals. 841. Compensation of marshal. 831. Attendance on rule-days and when 842. Additional compensation in prize circuit and district courts sit at causes. same time. 843. Allowances for each year made from 832. Marshal of the Supreme Court of the the fees thereof. United States. 844. Payment of surplus fees into the 833. Semi-annual retums of fees by district Treasury. _ attomeys, marshals, and c erks. 845. Auditing of accounts of district attor- 834. What to be included in the semi- . ney, &c., in Department of Justice. annual returns of district attorneys846. Accounts of district attorneys, &c., to and marshals. I be certified to by district judge.