Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/272

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200 Trrmu xm.—THE J UDICIARY.——C11. 21. _ Newtriql ¤¤ m0- Sec. 1087. When judgment is rendered against any claimant, the court

  • ‘°“ °i {l’f"‘Pf·_ may grant a new trial for any reason which, by the rules of common law

24 Feb., 1855, c. or chancery in suits between individuals, would furnish sufficient ground l22.¤-9.V-10.D~6l4- for granting a new trial. _ Newtrialon mc- Sec. 1088. The Court of Claims, at any time while any claim is pend-

    • 0** 0* United ing before it, or on ap al from it, or within two years next after the

Smt‘*" _ final disposition of sucheclaim. mav, on motion on behalf of the United 25 June, 1868, c. States. grant a new trial and stay the payment of any judgment therein, 7l·S·2·"· 15d1E- upon such evidence, cumulative or otherwise, as shall satisfy the court E.¤paneRnsse1|, that any fraud, wrong. or injustice in the premises has been done to the 13rjV={ll-. (Kari? United States; but until an order is made staying the payment of a judg- III TI'! y ° v' {’;Sf’j,6wa,L;'699; ment, the same shall be payable and paid as now prouded by law. U. S. r. Young, 94 U. S., 258; Dougla.s’s Case, 11 C. Cls., 655. Puymwwfiudz- Sec. 1089. In all cases of final judgments by the Court of Claims, or, [’{$P*j;__ on a peal, by the Supreme Court, where the same are aflirmed in favor 3 Mar., 1863, c. of the claimant, the sum due thereby shall be id out of any general 925*- VN- i21P- 766- a propriation made by law for the payment andn satisfaction of private Mg 182%,* ciaims, on presentation to the Secretary of the Treasury of a copy of ’’p`said judgment, certified by the clerk of the Court of Claims, and signed by the chief justice, or. in his absence. by the presiding judge of said court. Interest. Sec. 1090. In cases where the judgment appealed from is in favor of

 the claimant, and the same is aflirmed by the Supreme Court, interest

92,s. 7,v.l2, p. 7}:6. thereon at the rate of five per centum shall be allowed from the date of its (presentation to the Secretary of the Treasury for payment as aforesai , but no interest shall be allowed subsequent to the affirmance, unless presented for payment to the Secretary of the Treasury as aforesaid. In te res t on Sec. 1091. No interest shall be allowed on any claim up to the time of

 the rendition of judgment thereon by the Court of Claims, unless upon a.

92’s.7’v.·j2,pj06: contract expressly stipulating for the payment of interest. P¤ymc·nfofliudg— Sec. 1092. The payment of the amount due by any judgment of the

jl°“'· iid d“‘ Court of Claims and of any interest thereon allowed by law, as herein-

_E;.._ before provided, shall be a full discharge to the United States of all 8 MM-. 1863, v- claim and demand touching any of the matters involved in the contro- 92, s. 7,v.12, p. 766. ,,€,.Sv_ Final judgments Sec. 1093. Any final jud ent against the claimant on any claim pros- R bv- _ eeuted as provided in this 5:: ter shall forever bar any further claim or 3 Mn__ 1863. c_ demand against the United States arising out of the matters involved 92,s.7,v.12.p.766. in the controversy.