Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/275

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Trru: xrv.-THE ARMY.—Ch. 1. 203 Sec. 1095. The General shall have the title of General of the Army of Titlwf General. aie United States. 23g5 {“1’5}8“‘5§‘ ,s. v. , . . Sec. 1096. The General may select from the Army such number of Swift P aids, not exceeding six, as he may deem necessary, who shall have, while serving on his sta , the rank of colonel of cavalry. 232, ,_ {Q, I; ’,‘jQ 223- 3 Avril. 1869. c. 9, s. 1,v. 16, IS. 6. Sm. 1097. The Lieutenant-General may select from the Army two aids Lieutenant-Gem and one military secretary, who [shall] have the rank of lieutenant-colonel °"°l’”ld° and $9* of cavalry while serving on his stalf. “"°“"Y· 25 July, 1866, c. 232, s. 2, v. 14, p. 223. 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 9, v. 14, p. 333. 27 Feb., 1877, c. 69, r. 19, p. 241. Sm. 1098. Each major- general shall have three aids, who may be Aids of major selected by him from captains or lieutenants of the Army, and each brig- *“‘d b’l¤°di°’ 82** adier·general shall have two aids, who may be selected by him from lieu— dT18E_.-- 1- tenants of the Army. 29 July, 1861, e. 24, s. 3, v. 12, p. 280. 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 9, v. 14, p. 333. Sec. 1099. Each regiment of artillery shall consist of twelve batteries, Artillery regione colonel, one lieutenant—colonel, one major for every four batteries, .'5‘E'E.__ one adjutant, one quartermaster and commissary, one sergeant-major, ,,429 -2**;% l86l» ¤· one quartermaster-sergeant, one chief musician, who shall beinstructor of §8b°°‘ ’ "‘ 12* p' music, and two principal musicians. The adjutant and quartermaster 28Ju]y, 1866,c. and commissary shall be extra lieutenants, selected from the first or 229, S- 2, v. 14, p. second lieutenants of the regiment. 33§·M" 1869 124, s. 5, v. 15, p. 318. 15 July, 1870, c. 294, s. 10, v. 1,6, p, Sec. 1100. Each battery of artillery shall consist of one captain, one ytrtyleryhattery. first lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one iirst sergeant, one quarter- 29·T¤ly, 186H master-sergeant, four sergeants, four corporals, two musicians, two artif- 24,,;},- ‘{·l2ig’ég79- icers, one wagoner, and as many privates, not exceeding. one hundred and 299 ,,_l§y{. ,4 ’;," twenty-two, as the President may direct. One first lieutenant, one second B32i ’' ` lieutenant, two sergeants and four corporals may be added to this battery 15 -1 uly, 1870, c. or nization at the discretion of the President. 294·“·1°»"·16·P·318· gcc. 1101. One battery in each regiment of artillery, to be designated Light battery. by the President, shall be equipped as light artillery, and one other bat- 2 Mar., 1821, c. tery may be so designated and equipped, when the President may deem [3,,;- 2-**- 3._p· 615. if ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤r>‘- .. i8TZ1I$?§f&§tY”’ Sec. 1102. Each regiment of cavalry shall consist of twelve troops, Cavalry re gione colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, three majors, [zme surgeon, one aamt- m°”*~ ant surgeon,] one adjutant, one quartermaster, one veterinary surgeon, 3 A,,g_ with the rank of regimental sergeant-major, one sergeant-major, one 42,s. 12,,v, 12,, pf uartermaster-sergeant, one sad er—sergeant, one chief musician, who 289- isliall be instructor of music, and one chief trumpeter. Two assistant 20},] J'?} {86;- °· surgeons may be allowed to each regiment, and the [seventh, eighth] mj °‘*1 ·P‘ ninth and tenth regiments shall have an additional veterinary surgeon. 6Jan.,1863, c. 7, The adjutant and the quartermaster of each regiment shall be extra v- 12, p. 634. lieutenants, selected from the first or second lieutenants of the regiment, ,53;lI§;··`}8£· 0- 737. 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 3, v. 14. p. 332. 3 Mar., 1869, c. 24, s. 5, 15, 318. [ July, 1870, c. 294, ss. 9, 10, v. 16, p. 318. 24 July, 1876, ¢‘. 226, 2*. 19, p. 98. 15 Aug., 1876, c. 301, r. 19, p. 204. 27 Feb., 1877, c. 69, r. 19, M1. 241, 242. Sec. 1103. Each troo of cavalry shall consist of one captain, one iirst Tr<><>l>- lieutenant, one second lieutenant, one lirst sergeant. one quartermaster- ser eant, five sergeants, four corplorals, two trumpeters, two farriers, one 201, s, 1i,'v,12,’p_ saddler, one wagoner, and suc number of privates, not exceeding 599. seventy-eight, as the President may direct. v·61·[“y1@·.°- 7,, Mar., 1863, c. 75, s. 37, v. 12, p. 737. 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 3, v. 14, p. 332. 15·July, 1870, c. 294, s. 10, v. 16, p. 318. Sec. 1104, The enlisted men of two regiments of cavalry shall be col- Qolored cavalry ored men. r£¥`~2irE2‘——-—- 28 July, 1866, c. 299, s. 3, v. 14, p. 332.