Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/294

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222 rim; m.-rua AaMY.—cH. z. 3 MM. ISB9, C- artillery and infantry, fifteen dollars per month; wagoner of cavalry, ]24¤ "· 5· "· 12 ¥’· artillery, and infantry, fourteen dollars per mouth. The principal assist- 'slgy Fd, 1877, c_ ant in the Ordnance Bureaushall receive a compensation, including pay 69, v. 19, }>. 243. and emoluments, not exceeding that of a ma]or of ordnance.] Pay of enlisted Sec. 1280. The monthly pay of the following enlisted men of the Army men. shall, during their first term of enlistment, be as follows, with the con- Qm;,—fgj§Q tingent [conditions] [additions] thereto, hereinafter provided: 160, s. 1, in 17,1 p. Sergeant-majorsof cavalry,artillery,andinfantry,twenty-three dollars. 116· _ Quartermaste1·-sergeants of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, twenty- ,,,27 {gt- lg]? C- an-ee dollars. " f "p'Chief trumpeters of cavalry, twenty-two dollars. Principal musicians of artillery and infantry, twent_v-two dollars. Saddler-sergeants of cavalry, twenty-two dollars. First sergeants of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, twenty-two dollars. Sergeants of cavalry, artillery. and infantry, seventeen dollars. Corporals of cavalry and light artilleiky, fifteen dollars. Corporals of artillery and infantry, ii teen dollars. Saddlers of cavalry, fifteen dollars. Blacksmiths and farriers of cavalry, fifteen dollars. Trumpeters of cavalry, thirteen dollars. Musicians of artillery and infantry, thirteen dollars. Privates of cavalry, artillery, and infantry, thirteen dollars. Hospital-stewards, first class, thirty dollars. Hospitalstewards, second class, twenty-two dollars. Hospital-stewards, third class, twenty dollars. Ordnance-sergeants of posts, thirty-four dollars. Sergeant-majors of engineers, thirty-six dollars. Quartermaster-sergeants of engineers, thirty-six dollars. Sergeants of engineers and ordnance, thirty-four dollars. Corporals of engineers and ordnance, twenty dollars. Musicians of engineers, thirteen dollars. Privates (first class) of engineers and ordnance, seventeen dollars. Privates (second class) of engineers and ordnance, thirteen dollars. Additional pay. Sec. 1281. To the rates of pay stated in the preceding section one `Qj{,,,.` {8725,f dollar per month shall be added for the third year of en istment, one 160, S. 2f K-. 17,,;., dollar more per month for the fourth year, and one dollar more pcr U6· month for the fifth year, making in all three dollars’ increase per month for the last year of the first enlistment of each enlisted man named in said section. But this increase shall be considered as retained pay, and shall not be paid to the soldier until his discharge from the service, and shall be forfeited unless he serves honestly and faithfully to the date of _ discharge. R€·€“l*¤*‘“€¤t Sec. 1282. All enlisted men mentioned in section twelve hundred and PE? _____i A _ _ eighty, who, having been honorably discharged, have re-enlisted or shall 4 A,,g__ 1854, ,._ re-enlist within one month thereafter, shall, after five years’ service, in- 247, s. 2, v. 10, p. cluding their first enlistment, be paid at the rate allowed in said section 575- to those serving in the fifth year of their first enlistment: I'row°ded, 1655 MgY,_l%772»’¢‘· hat one dollar per month shall be retained from the lpay of the re-en· ,,6*°"1" * V listed men, of whatever grade. named lll section twe ve hundred and 3'_;[,,,._, 1875, ,._ eighty-one during the whole period of their re-enlistment, to be aid to 131, s. 10, 4·. 18, p. the soldier on his discharge, but to be forfeited unless he shalti have 419. h served honestlv and faithfully to the date of discharge. S°"'*'i° S8} Pi Sec. 1283. Enlisted men, now in the service, shall receive the rates of g2g5m;` me l m pay established in this chapter according to the length of their service. 15 May, 1872, c. 160, s. 4, v. 17, p. 117. 3i1hr., 1875, c. 131, s. 10, v. 18, p. 419. Re-vnlistlrrerit Sec. 1284. Every soldier who, having been honorably discharged, re-

  • §'A,,,,__ [8g4T; enlists within one month thereafter, shall ne further entitled, after five

247, e. 2, v. 10, p. years’ service, including his first enlistment, to receive, for the period of 575· five years` next thereafter, two dollars per month in addition to the ordi- ,6é5£if*,Y·\_l8,’?· nary pay of his grade; and for each successive period of five years of [uf’’service, so long as he shall remain continuously m the Army, a further