Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/357

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'I`rr1.1·: xv1.—THE MILITIA. 285 T I T L E X V I . THE IILITIA. BW- , Sec. 1625. Who to be enrolled in the militia. l 1645. Organization. 1626. Enrollment, by whom. I 1646. How formed. 1627. Notice of enrollment.1647. How com ed. 1628. Arms and accouterments. 1648. When cu.lIe•d forth, term of service 1629. Persons exempt. to be specified. 1630. Arrangement into divisions, bri- 1649. Disobedience of orders, penalty. gades, &c. 1650. Pay, rations, &c. 1631. M1 1t1a, how offlcered. 1651. W en pay to commence. 1632. Artillery and cavalry. 1652. Traveling allowance. 1633. Regimental colors. 1653. Forage and use of horses. 1634. Adjut-ant—general in each State; his · 1654. Expenses of march to rendezvous. duty. 1655. Addition to ration. 1635. Returns. 1656. Provision for widows, &c., of those 1636. Retums to the President. who die in service. 1637. Discipline.1657. Volunteers, &c., to suppress Indian 1638. Officers, how to take rank. depredationsinFlorida,benetitsto. 1639. Care of the wounded. 1658. Courts-martial, how composed. 1640. Brigade-mspector’s duty. 1659. Fines assessed, how to be levied. 1641. Privileges of certain corps. 1660. To be id into the Treasury of 1642. Orders of President in case of inva- Uniteda States. sion. 1661. Appropriation for arms, and equip- 1643. Militia, how apportioned. ments. 1644. Subject to rules of war. Sec. 1625. Every able—bodied male citizen of the resipective States, Who_ to be enresident therein, who is of the age of eighteen years, an under the age ’9U°d 111 the m111· of forty-five years, shall be enrolled in the militia. €‘“§M:i7§H3€ s. 1, v. 1,1-p. 271. 17 July, 1862, c. 201, s. l, v. 12, p. 597. 2 Mar., 1867, c. Mis. 6, in.14; p. 423.——— oustou v. Moore, 5 Wh., 1. Sec. 1626. It shall be the duty of every captain or commanding officer Enrollment, by of a company to enroll every such citizen residing within the bounds of “'h°'”· his company, and all those who may, from to time, arrive at the age of 8May,1792,c.33, eighteen years, or who, being of the age of eighteen years and under the S- 1, v- 1, p- 271. age of forty-tive ·ears, come to reside within his bounds. Sec. 1627. Eacli captain or commanding officer shall, without delay, Notice of enrollnotify every such citizen of his enrollment, by a proper non-commis· ET;_---_. -. sioned officer of his company, who may prove the notice. And any 8May,1792,c.33, notice or warning to a citizen enrolled, to attend a company, battalion, S· é- 1- P- 271 or regimental muster, which is according to the laws of the State in ,5 S 2“;‘·2l8°:éb;· which it is given for that purpose, shall be deemed a legal notibe of his ’’’p' ' enrollment. Ssc. 1628.. Every citizen shall, after notice of his enrollment, be con- Armsand accoustantly rovided with a good musket or firelock of a bore sufficient for f°[1{¤§¤*·’- balls of pthe eighteenth part of a pound, a sufficient bayonet and belt, 8 May, 1792, c. two spare Hints, and a knapsack, a pouch with a box therein to contain 33, S- 1, v-1,p-271- not less than twenty-four cartridges, suited to the bore of his musket or ,52BLg°;··218°3é0$· iirelock, each cartridge to containa proper quantity of powder and ball;` ’’p' ’ or with a ood ritie, knapsack, shot-pouch and pow er-horn, twenty balls suited to Une bore of his rifle, and a quarter 0 a pound of powder; and shall appear, so armed, accoutered, and provided when called out to exercise, or into service, except that when called out on company days to exercise only, he may appear without a knapsack. And all arms, ammunition, and accouterments so provided and required shall be held exempted from all suits, distresses, executions, or sales, for debt or for the payment of taxes. Each commissioned officer shall be armed with a sword or hanger and spoutoon. _ _ _ _ Sec. 1629. The Vice-President of the United States; the officers ]ud1- cial and executive of the Government of the United States; the mem- 3S8B1g'? ,1g’Q.,;· bers of both Houses of Congress, and their respective officers; all cus- lljugy; {860, cj tom-house officers with their clerks; all postmasters and persons em- 46, s. 4, v. 2, p. 62.