Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/448

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376 'Irrm: xx1x.——IMM.IGBAT1ON. T I T L E X X I X . IIIIGBATION. 2T6B. Cooly-tndelpmhibited. 2162. This Title not to_interfere with vol- 215**V°i§'2‘i'"i"’¥’e3’°d’“°“l"°"°°“”“' 210s E£l$‘f}.¥.$€.'?€é’.'3Li. 2160. Bu2:(i'ii\g;i¤essels tglpggage in cooly- 2164: No chargeduporpc particular persons , un . mmign ng, . 2161. Punisliameiitlfhr violation of section 2158. _C9t21Y·*•¤'·d°P’°‘ Sec. 2158. No citizen of the United States, or foreigner coming into hm ‘ . or residing within the same, shall, for himself or for any other person, 19 Feb., 1862, c. either as master, factor, owner, or otherwise, build, equip, load, or other- 27»¤·]·"·12»P-3*0- wise prepare, any vessel, registered, enrolled, or licensed, in the United 2_,9vF‘¥§’;8ggg, °' States, for the purpose of procuring from any port or place the subjects § j{,,,j_ i875,·g_ of China, Japan, or of any other oriental country, known as "cool1es," 141,¤.4,v-18.p·477. to be transported to any foreign port, or place, to be disposed of, or sold, or transferred, for any time, as servants or apprentices, or to be held to service or labor. Vesselsem lgysed Sec. 2159. If any vessel, belonging in whole or in part to a citizen of i¤¤=¤<>Ifv;|¤¤d)¢ U the United States, and registered, enrolled, or otherwise licensed therein, be ‘°' °‘“’d· be employed in the "coo y-trade," so called, contrary to the provisions Ibid. of the preceding sectio{l1,lziiu{):h yessel, hier taclhlebappageé furnituge, gpg other a purtenances s a e or eite 'to the United States an s be liablg to be seized, prosecuted and condemned in any of the circuit court? or district cpurts og the United States for the district where the vesse may be foun seize or carrie Buiidiiig w,,,], Sec. 2160. Every person who so builds, fits out, equips, loads, or otherto engagle m eee1y- wise prepares, or who sends to sea, or navigates, as owner, master, factor, !·F;<;3» °W P“¤· agent, or otherwise, any vessel, belonging in whole or in part to a citizen LX.; o the United States, or registered, enrol ed, or licensed within the same, 19 Feb., 1862. c. knowizgl or intending that such_vessel is to be or may be employed in 27»¤·2·V· 12» 1*340- that t _ e, contrary the provisions of section twenty-one hundred and iiftiyigght, shallcze liable to gjine not exceeding two thousand dollars, an imprison no_ excee ing one_year. _Punishme¤t for Sec. 2161. Every citizen of the United States who, contrary to the pro-

gl;*·¤°¤°* ¤°°*¤°¤ visions of section twenty-one hundred and fifty-eight, takes on board of

-+——--—-- any vessel,_or receives or transports any such sub]ects as are described 271;* §‘;bg21“§i3· in that section, for the purpose of disposing of them in an * way as therein kg j,,,,,, iggh cj prohibited, shall be lia le to a fine not exceeding two tliousand dollars 4e;, 18,1%,7351. land ge imspriszned not exceeding one year. ar., ,4:. ,.». ,v. ,p. . _ This Title notto {sc. 2162. _Ndthing herein contained shall be deemed to apply to any

  • ¤°°"°'° ‘Y'*h Y°l‘ voluntar emigration of the subjects specified in section twenty-one hun-
 dred andyfifty-eight, or to any vessel carr ing such rson as passenger

2719 £`¤bf218621;= on board the same, but a certificate shall he preparediznd signed by the §"M;i {$5 ci consul or consular agent of the United States residing at the port from ui, ,,_ ig: P_ 4';7_ Wllwll S110h V088fll may take her departure, containing the name of such personuandl setting fp€rtli1tae£ct_of hisovoliuntary emigratipln from sulch r wic ce ics sa given temastero suc essel·a me shme shall not be given until such consul or consular agentis first personally satisfied by 0V1d6DOB of the truth of the facts therein contained. Examination of _ Sec. 2163. The President is empowered, in such way and at such 2*1; time as he may gudge proper, to direct the vessels of the United States, ig Feb" 1862, c_ and the masters and commanders thereof, to examine all vessels navi- 27,s.6,v.12,p.341. gated or owned in whole orin part by citizens of the United States, and registered, enrolled, or licensed under the laws thereof, whenever,