Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/642

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570 Tum: xxxrv.——COLLECTION OF DUT1ES.—Ch. 6—7. Regulations for Sec. 2949. The Secremryof theTreuspry from timetotimeshalleatnblisli '!B!’I°’“i‘L. such rules and regulations, not inconsnstent. with the laws of the Unitod T4 J¤lY· 1842. <=- States, toseoure a. Just, faithful, and ingusgrtial appraisal of all morchandiso 22gb°;:°éV‘4ig’£9g‘ imported into the United States, an ]\1SC an proper entries of snob 270_S_23§f5_p_5};6Q wctual marketryulue or wholesale price thereof, and of the uqiiiim yards, ‘“’—‘ ‘parcels or other quantities as the case may require, and of such su-tual Tucker v. Kane, ¤ * . , Tmcy, ]46; Guy market.—vulue or wholesale price of each of them. 'fhc· §ou1·0tm·y of the 1·. Lawrence, 3 Treasury shall report all such rules and regulations, with the reasons Bl°·*<`h-» in therefor, to the then next session of Congress. _ Appr¤iw¤’ w- Sec. 2950. The certificate of may one of the appraisers of the dutiable EEE; value of any imported merchan ise required to pe appraised, shall be 3 Mar., 1851, e. deemed to be the appraisement: of such merchnnd1se required by law to 38·S·2·*’·9,P·630· be made by such appraisers. Where merchandise shui be entered at McCall •·. Law- ports where there are no appraisers, the certificate of the revenue officer rcnce, 3 Blmh-. to whom is committed the estimating and collection of duties of the- 360- dutiable value of any merchandise required to be appraised, shall_ hedeemed and taken to be the afppraisement of such merchandise required by law to be made by such 0 `cer. Definition of Sec. 2951. Wherever the word "t0n" is used in this chapter, in Erd "Vm-" reference to weight, it shall be construed as meaning twentiy-hundred 2 Mar., 1861, c. weight, each hundred-weight being one hundred and two ve pounds 68,s.26,v.12,p.19G. uvou-dup0iS_ M ¤ ¤¤§_¤g of Sec. 2952. The words " value " and " vulued," used in this chapter! shall

l3Hfiv;lue§“}P° be construed as meaning the true market-value of merchan me m the

jm';T§6@ principal markets of the vountry from whence exported at the date of s. s2, v. 12, .197. ¢X§<>f¤*·¤<>¤- _ _ _ W hm. bugdings 1:0. 2953. Nothing herein contmned shall be construed to prevent the HWY b•¤j·?_!¤¤¤d· _ _ leasing or hiriniof such buildings or accommodations as may c required 28 Mar., 1854, v- for the use of the United States appmiscrs for the due examination and 3°·*'·7»"·l°·P-272- appraisal of imported merchandise at the ports where such officers are provided by law, nor to prohibit the leasing or hir1n%1 by collectors of the customs, for short periods, with the approval of the Sec·rctm·y of the Treasury, of such stores as may be required for custom-house purposes at any of the smaller revenue ports of the United States. CHAPTER SEVEN. THE BOND AID WAREHOUSE BYBTEI. Sec. Sec. 295-L Lease of warehouses authorized. l 2974. Distribution of proceeds. 2955. Restrictions. 2975. Sale of perishab e articles. 2958. Use of leased warehouses. l 2976. Sale upon depreciation. 2957. Limitation of leases. y 2977. Return of duties upon exportation

 gallons, vrulta, and yards. · 2978 Résroni warehouse. {

. tounge 0 grain. . triction upon xportation ·»r 2960. Private warehouses. I drawback. e 2961. Bond of proprietor. ‘ 2979. Permit for exportation. 2962. Deposit of merchandise at option of 2980. Manner of withdrawal. owners. ‘ 2981. Lien for freight. 2963. Deposit for want of invoice. 2982. Supplies to vessels of war. 2964. Deposit upon non-paymentoi duties. 2983. No allowance for leakage, &u. 2965. Unclaimed mere andise may be 2984. Abatement and refund in care of stored in bonded warehouses. injury by casualties. 2966. Importatxons in steamers. 2985. Penalty for obliterating marks. 2967. Merchandise destined for Jefferson- 2986. Penalty for unlawfully opening ville. warehouse. 2968. For Albany. 2987. Penalty for fraudulent removal, dw. 2969. Custody of goods not unlnden in 2988. Report of merchandise in weretime. [ _ 2970. Withdrawai for consumption. 2989. Wngeliiguse lations. 2971. Withdrawal for exportation; sale Ports at whi:Euentr¥ may be madiof abandoned goods after three for transportation n bond._ years. _ 2991. Examination of merchandise for 2972. Distribution of proceeds. . transportation. 2973. Sale after one year. 5 2992. Transportation bond.