Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/801

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Trru: xx.1.—APPROPRIA'1‘IONS. 729 JUDICIAL. SUPREME coun or THE UNITED STATES. Salaries justices, &c., Supreme Court: 2 Mai-., 1867, c. To pay the reporter of the Supreme Court for three hundred copies of 168. ¤· 10. v- 14. p. the second volume of the decisions of the court. {wss 0*1, 682-] *71- MISCELLANEOUS. Fees of supervisors of elections: 28 Feb., 1871, c. To pay supervisors of elections compensation apart from and in excess 99, s. 14, v. 16, p. of all fees allowed by law for the performance of any duty as circuit- 43** court commissioner. Suc. 3690. All balances of appropriations contained in the annual ap- Iixpendijure of propriation bills and made specifically for the service of any fiscal year, b“l“'l°*`S 0* *‘l’P'°‘ and remaining unexplended at the expiration of such fiscal year, shall 1E2u2f___ only be applied to the payment of expenses properly incurred during _12 July, 1870, c. that year, or to the fulfillment of contracts properly made within that g?} “· 5· "· 16- P· year; and balances not needed for such purposes shall be carried to the D surplus fund. This section, however, shall not apply to appropriations known as permanent or indefinite appropriations. [ses s 8685-1 Sec. 3691. All balances of appropriations which shall have remained Di¤P0¤¤l of balon the books of the Treasury. without being drawn against in the settle- {Eggs after WO ment of accounts. for two years from the date of the last appropriation ?.j;—.. made by law, shall be reported by the Secretary of the Treasury to the lbld-» ’· 6- _ Auditor of the Treasury, whose duty it is to settle accounts thereunder, 3.,é0{'qg* 18m,"` and the Auditor shall examine the books of his Office, and certify to the _ ’’ p` ` Secretary whether such balances will be required in the settlement of any accounts pending in his office: and if it appears that such balances will not be required for this urpose, then the Secretary may include such balances in his surplus-fund warrant. whether the head of the proper Department shall have certified that it may be carried into the general Treasury or not. But no appropriation for the payment of the interest or princi I of the public debt, or to which a longer duration is given by law, shallmbe thus treated. Sec. 3692. All moneys received from the leasing or sale of marine hos- Proceeds of we pitals, or the sale of revenue-cutters. or from the sale of commissary stores mf? *‘?·l;’s¤ &"·· ef to the officers and enlisted men of the Army, [or from the sale of mate- md ma. rials, stores, or sup lies sold to officers and soldiers of the A rmy,] or from ji NRM l*47,__<‘· sales of condemned) clothing of the Navy, or from sales of materials. H`é5·3\#‘;,?*&6},'l_· stores, or supplies to any exploring or surveying expedition authorized ,,3, Bs_ E 2,’,._ H,';,: by law, shall respectively revert to that appropriation out of which they 40. were originally expended, and shall he applied to the purposes for which _" 28 July, 1866. ~‘· they are appropriated by law. S" ‘°· "‘ 14* l" 8 May, 1872, c. 140, s. 5, v. 17, p. 83. 8 June, 1872, c. 348, v. 17. p. 337. 3 Jhox. 1875, r·. l30, r. 18, p. 388. 3 Jfur., 1875, c. 131, r. 18, p. 410. 27 I·i·l»., l87T,c. 69, r. 19, p. 2-19.