Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/883

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Trrnm xLvm.—COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION.—Ch. 2. 811 port of destination, mad sliall rsceivp for such service such reasonable compensation as may e a lowe by aw. Lseegsmu.] Sec. 420-L All vessels belonging to citizens of the United States, and C9¤V€Y°·P°° °f bound from any port in the United States to any other port therein, or l’$:_m?{l‘;°'{}"I;i‘l";;{ to any foreigirport, or from any foreign port to an · port in the United Smm States, shall, before clearance, receive on board ally such bullion, coin, ji ··— ~- United States notes and bonds and other securities, as the Government 29; SUIQ 1.8% of the United States or any department thereof, or any minister, consul, 3Q2T ` vice—consul, or commercial or other agent of the United States abroad, shall offer, and shall securely convey and promptly deliver the same to the proper authorities or consignees, on arriving at the port of destination; and shall receive for such service such reasonable compensation as may be allowed to other carriers in the ordinary transactions of business. Sec. -1205. Collectors of the collectioudistricts within the States of 9°3·*"·“'§€’°flY€*‘ Florida, Alabama, Mississi pi, and Louisiana, before allowing a clearance *;;,2* °“ with “°` to any vessel laden in whole or in part with live-oak timber, shall asccr— tain satisfactorily that such timber was cut from rivatc lands, or, if from 67 A 3a:I_’4 P_ 64;: public lands, by consent of the Department of the Navy. We s 2468-} ’ ’ ’ Sec. 4206. Previous to a clearance bein granted to any vessel, out- Peymentuf fee! ward bound, the legal fees which shall have accrued on such vessel gg "°s“l*-‘ °"*“"‘"l shall he paid at the offices where such fees are respectively payable; —?%5‘;—1ié7—q- and receipts for the same shall he produced to the collector or other 9 S_ 5 V;'] p_ officer whose duty it may be to grant clcarmnccs, before u clearance is ,2 Liar., l799, c. g·]·g“(_Qd_ 22, E. 93,\’.l, p. 699. Sec. 4207. Wl]Bll0V|Ef1' any clearance is granted to any vessel of the Cvpyof MBS of United States, dulg r¢=§istered as such, and bound on any foreign voyage, gg1g2Q;; lfféggf the collector of the l¤El.l'lCt slugl lanfieir thereto, ip every casa: a copy Mme_ of the rates or tariifs o fees w ic i omatic an consular o `cers are —-—-——— entitled, by the regulations prescribedplwy the President, to receive for 12l;‘§;'f;·1§8;6g';· their services. [Sv SS 17- 1*-1’’` Sue. 4208. The master or person having charge or command of any S*¤¤¤¤b0¤Y¤ _<>¤ steamboat on Lake Champlain, when going from the United States into $$3%% the province of Quebec, may dehver a manifest of the cargo on board, 109 S 3 J3 and take a clearance from the collector of the district through which 6’;`ja;.’j8§;'c_56; any such boat shall last pass, when leaving the United States, without sj, v. 3, p. 681. regard to the place from Whlch any such boat shall have commenced her l.orway»·.I:onsavoyage, or where her cargo shall have been taken on board. [Secures.] d·“· 1 L°“`·» *7- Sue. -1209. The register, or other document in lieu thereof, together Production and with the clearance and other papers granted by the officers of the cus- d?¥°¤*P of, P¤l';¤!`¤ toms to any foreign vessel, at her departure from the port from which ° _°"'g" ‘°”° "‘ she may have arrived, shall, revious to entry in any port of the United 3 Mar., 1817, c. States, be produced to the collector with whom such entry is to be made. '·*0· 8* r ‘"· 3» P- 362- It shall be the dut · of the master, within forty-eight hours after such entr ·, to deposit the papers with the consul or vice-consul of the nation to wlaich the vessel belongs, and to deliver to the collector the certificate of such consul or vice-consul that the papers have been so deposited. Every master who fails to comply with this regulation shall be punishable by a line of not less than live undred dollars, nor more than two thousand dollars. Sicc. 4210. 'I`he preceding section shall not extend to the vessels of for- Exeeptioninw,. eign nations in whose ports American consuls are not permitted to have taiLmges. __" the custody and possessilon of the register and other papers of vessels Ibid. enterm the rts of suc nation. Sr·:c.gl211.p§, shall not be lawful for any foreign consul to deliver to Delivery of puthe master of any foreign vessel the register and other papers deposited (fgulby f°’°‘€“ with him pursuant to the provisions of the preceding section, until such -f;_...__ master shall roduce to him a clearance in due form from the collector Ib¤d·» B- 2- of the port wlnere such vessel has been entered. Any consul offending mg? X against the provnsions of this section shall be fined not less than five 5]; hundred dollars, nor more than five thousand. Sec. 4212. Upon the entry of everg vessel of the United States from Oath of masters any foreign port, the master thereof s all make return, on oath, sho wing W ,]d°l¤V°Y>’ 0* that he has promptly delivered at such foreign port, all mails placed on m£°...1_