Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/932

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860 rim Ln.-·n1zeULA·r1o¤ or STEAM-VESSELS.—Ch. 1. of the station for which he makes application, they shall irant him a license authorizing him to discharge sueh duties on any suc vessel for the term of one year; but such license shall be suspended or revoked, upon satisfactory proof of bad conduct, intemperate habits, incapacity, inattention to his uties, or the willful violation of any provision of this Title. License of chief Sec. -1+10. Whenever any ~rson applies for authority to be employed mmf- as chief mate of steam-vesselgs the [l.Ib8])d(.'t07‘] [inspectors] shall require Ibid_, ,,_ m satisfactory evidence of the knowledge, experience, and skill of the appli- 27 14+., 1877, ¢·. cant in lading car 0, and in handlin and stowage of freight, and shall 69» *`· l9· P· 25]- examine him as toiis knowledge amfnbility in navigation and managin suvh vessels, and all other duties pertaining to his station; and if satisfied of his qualiiications and good character, they shall grant him a license, authorizing him_to perform such duties for the term of one year; but such license shall be suspended or revoked upon satisfactory proof of bad conduct, intemperate habits, unskillfulness, or want of knowledge of the duties of his station, or the willful violation of any provision of this Title. License of engi- Sec. 4441. Whenever any person applies for authority to perform the MBP- duties of engineer of any steamwesse , the [irwpectorj [inspectors] shall 'sg yen_, 187], Q examine the applicant as to his knowledge of steam machinery, and his 100, s. 17, v. 16, p. explerience as an engineer, and also the proofs which he produces in support

  • 4;*; I ,, 1g__, of is claim; and if, upon full consideration, they are satisfied that his

w?' {_',;`,' ’,,_ {fm] °' character, habits of li e, knowledge, and experience in the duties of an 2% pen; 1377, v_ engineer are all such as to authorize the belief that he is a suitable and 69, r. 19, p. 252. sa e person to he intrusted with the powers and duties of such a station, they shall grant him a license, authorizing him to be employed in such duties for the term of one year, in which they shall assign him to the appropriate class of engineers; but such license shall be suspended or revo ed upon satisfactory roof of negligence, unskillfulness, i ntemperanee, or the willful violation op an y provision of this Title. Whenever complaint is made against any en inevr holding; a license authorizing him to take charge of the boilers and machinery of any steamer, that he has. through neglivenee or want of skill. permitted the boilers in his char e to burn or otherwise become in bad condition, or that he has not keptiis engine and machinery in good working order, it shall be the duty of the inspectms, upon satisfactory proof of such negligence or want of skill, to revoke the license of such engineer and assign him to a lower grade or class of engineers, if they and him iitted therefor. License of pilot. Sec. 41-2. Whenever any person claiming to be a skillful il0t of _28 Feb_j§i c_ steiuiiwesscls offers himself for a license, the inspectors shari make 100, s. 18, v. 16, p. diligent inquiry as to his character and merits, and if satisfied, from 44;; 4 _, mq _ personal examination of the applicant. with the proof that he offers that m.,' ; Q"], 3},* " he possesses the requisite knowledge and skill, and is trustworthy and ` ’ faithful, they shall grant him a license for the term of one year to pilot any such vessel within the limits prescribed in the license; but such license shall be suspended or revoked upon satisfactory evidence of negligence, unskillfulness, inattention to the duties of his station, or intempexance, or the willful violation of any provision of this 'l`itle. License of cap- Sec. 4443. Where the master or mate is also pilot of the vessel, he shall

  • %}*1 0* mam ***1 not he required to hold two licenses to perform such duties, but the license

pl °issuedéshall state on its face that he is authorized to aut in such double capnci y. 28 Feb., 1871, c. 100, s. 18, v. 16, p. 447. State r¤z¤|¤ti<>¤ S1·:c. 44+1. No State or municipal government shall impose upon pilots Y€}Ef§ c _ of steam-vessels any obligation to procure a State or other license in addi- Ibi<l.,s.51,p.455. tion to that issued by the United States, or any other regulation which

 will impede such pilots in the performance of the duties required by this

2 Low" 1;-,_ ’ Title; nor shall any pilot-charpes be levied b any such authority up0H any steamer piloted as provided by this Title; and in no case shall the fees charged for the pilotage of any steam—vessel exceed the customary or legally establishe rates in the State where the same is performe . Nothing in this Title shall be construed to annul or affect any regulation established by the laws of any State, requiring vessels entering or leaving