Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 1.djvu/953

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rms rm.-Mnnounrrr SEAMEN.—Ch. 4.5. 881 _ Sec. 4553. Upon every dischar enected before a shipping·—commis— C•¤¤‘¢l6¤¤¢¤ 0* sxoucr, the master shall make anitsi , in the form given in the table “h“"“"t"'· __ marked “B," in the schedule annexedrto this Title, a report of the con- Ibid·.¤·?8.r-268- ductxcharacter, and qualifications of the persons discharged; or may state in such form, that he declines to give anyopinion upon such particulars, or upon any of them; and the commissioner shall keep a register of the mme, and shall, if desired so to do by any seaman, give to him or indorse on his certificate of discharge a copy of so much of such report as concerns him. CHAPTER FIVE. PROTECTION AND RELIEF. See. Sec. 4554. Commissioner to act as arbiter. 4572. Clothing and fuel. 4555. Examination of witnesses. 4573. List of crew to be delivered to col- 4556 Complaint that vwsel is unsea— lector. worthy. 4574. Certilicate to list. 4557. Proceedings upon examination of · 4575. Rulesas to list of crew. vessel after vmel found sea- 4576. Bond for return of seamen. worthy. 4577. Return of seamen. 4558. Penalty for refusal to proceed when 4578. Penaltyfor refusalto receive seamen. vessel found seaworthy. 4579. Additional allowance for transporta- 4559. Appointment of inspectors by consul tion of destitute seamen. in foreign ports. 4580. Extra wages on discharge. 4560. Report of inspectors. 4581. Penalty for neglect to collect extra 4561. Discharge of seamen on account of wages. uuseaworthinem of vessel. 4582. Extra wages upon discharge in case 4562. Pavment of charges for inspection. of sale. 4563 Relusal to pay wages, charges, and 4583. When extra wages maybe remitted. damages; penalty. 4584. Disposal of extra wages. 4564. Provisions. 4585. Assessment of forty cents per month. 4565. Examination of revisions. 4586. Hospital dues of vessels sold abroad. 4566. Forfeiture for falge complaint. 4587. No enrollment without payment. 4567. Permission to enter complaint. 4588. Certilicate of citizenship. 4568. Allowance for reduction of provi- 4589. Protest upon impressment. sions. i 4590. Penalty for neglecting to make pro- 4569. Medicines. test. 4570. Penalty for failureto keep medicines. l 4591. List of certificates of citizenship. 4571. Weights and measures. Sec. 4554. Every shipping—commissioner shall hear and decide any Ocmmissichcrto question whatsoever between a master, consignee, agent, or owner, and ages arbiter. any of his crew, which both parties agree in writing to submit to him: 7 Jung, 1872, c_ and every award so made by him shall be binding on both parties, and 322, s. 25, v. 17, p. shall, in any legal proceedings which may be taken in the matter, before 267- any court of justice, be deemed to be conclusive as to the rights of parties. And any document under the hand and official seal of a commissioner purporting to be such submission or award, shall be prima—facie evidence thereof. Sec. 4555. In any- proceeding relating to the wages, claims, or dis- _Examinaticn of charge of a seaman, carried on before any shipping-commissioner, under W'*¤°8¤€¤· the provisions of this Title, such shipping-commissioner may call u n Ibid., s. 26. the owner, or his agent, or upon the master, or any mate, or any ollhtdr member of the crew, to produce any log-books, papers, or other documents in their possession or power, respectively, re ating to any matter in question in such proceedings, and may call before him and examine any of such persons, being then at or near the place, on any such matter; and every owner, agent, master, mate, or other member of the crew who, when called upon by the shipping-commissioner, does not produce any such books, papers, or documents, if in his possession or power, or does not ap ar and ive evidence, shall, unless he shows some reasonable cause fbi such diefault, be liable to a penalty of not more than one hundred dollars for each offense; and, on application made by the shi ping-commissioner, shall be further punished, in the discretion of the court, as in other cases of contempt o the process of the court.