Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/140

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CRIMES AND QFFENSES. 135 Sec. 1169. If any clerk, or servant of any private person or any Embczzlcmcn s ccpartnership, (GXPCPC persons within the age of sixteen years ) or any by °1°'k“· "g°“”· officer, agent, clerk, or servant of any incorporated compariy, shall Gi;} embezzle or convert to his own use, or fraudulently take, make way ,22 F°b‘* 1867* °‘ with, or secrete, with intent to embezzle or fraudulently convert to his 6°’s'5’v` M’P`4m` own use, without the assent of his master or employers, any money, goods, rights of action, Government bonds, United States Treasury notes, or Goyernment stamps, or other valuable security or effects whatever, belonging to any other person, which shall come into his possession or under his care by virtue of such employment or office, he shall, upon conviction, be punished in the manner prescribed by law for felomously stealing property of the value of the article or property so embezzled, taken, or secreted, or of the value of any sum of money pay- able or due upon any right in action so embezzled. Sec. 1170. Every embezzlement of any evidence of debt, negotiable Evidences of by delivery only, and actually executed by the master or employer of d°b° °’¥°°“°°d b“" any such clerk, agent, officer, or servant, but not delivered or issued as _°°t d°’h.v°*`°d’. a valid instrument, shall be deemed an offense within the meaning of 1bid-.¤-6- the preceding section. Sec. 1171. Every person who shall buy, or in any way receive, any Buying or remoney, goods, rights in action, Government bonds, United States Treas- °°l"i“¤· ury notes, or other valuable security or effects whatever, or Govern- 1bid.,s.7. ment stamps, knowing the same to have been embezzled, taken, or secreted, contrary to the provisions of the two preceding sections, shall, upon conviction, be punished in the same manner and to the same extent as therein prescribed upon a conviction of a servant, clerk, or agent for such embezzlement. Sec. 1172. If any, carrier or other person to whom any goods, money, Embezzlement right in action, or any valuable personal property or eftects shall have by °*"*°¤`» &°- been delivered to be transported or carried, for hire, or any person 1;,54,, ,,_8_ employed in such transportation or carrying, shall, without the assent ot' his employer, take, embezzle or convert to his own use, such goods, money, right in action, property or effects, or any part of them, and before delivery of such article at the place or to the person entitled to receive them, he shall, upon conviction, be punished in the manner prescribed by law for feloniously stealing property of the value of the article so taken, ernbezzled, converted, or secreted. Sec. 1173. If any person shall steal any money, or other goods and Petty larceny; chattels of any kind whatever, of less value than thirty-five dollars, the ¤'<·><=¤iVi¤2; v¤¤¤¥¤>’. property of another, or shall steal or maliciously destroy any bank-bill, Ibid_, ,,_ 4, Pp_ promissory note, bill of exchange, order, warrant, draft, check, or bond, 406, 4p7. or any accountable receipt for money, given for the payment or acknowl- HU'E“d2S*é”:°¤;:· edgment of any sum under thirtyhve dollars, or any United States C_'“b_°’ég,, U':,';,,,,; Treasury note or Government stamps of less value than thirty-tive dol- gms; ,,,_’ Neg .-0 lars, the property of another, or shall receive or buy the same, knowing Henry Bowen, 2 the same to be stolen, for the purpose of defrauding the owner thereot, géfzsmgui every such person so oilending, on conviction thereof, shall make resti- Rigby, 2 Cmmh; tution to the party injured in twofold the value of the property stolen g_(;__354_ or destroyed, and be lined in any sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the jail of the District for any time not exceeding six months, or both, at the discretion of the court. SEO. 1174. It shall not be lawful to keep within the District any office s¤.1o or lottery- or place of business for the sale of lottery-tickets, or ot any share or *¤¤k°*¤· interest in lottery-tickets, nor shall it be lawful to sell or oiier for sale 31 Avg_, 1842, ,,_ within the District any lottery-ticket or any share or interest in any 282, s. 1, v. 6, p. 578. lottery-ticket; and every person who shall be duly GQOV10b8d of otfending against the provisions of this section shall be punished by imprisonment in the District jail for a period not less than one nor more than six months, and shall forteit and pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor exceeding one thousand dollars, one-half of winch shall go to the iniormer and the other halt' to the District. [seo 5; 402,40:.1