Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/146

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MILITIA. 141 Sec. 1208. In all cases of doubt respecting the age of any person As¤t•>l=¤rr¤~·¤¤ gppqjled or mteuded to ble enrolled in any company, the party questioned w.h°”_·... , gm prove is age to the satisfaction of the1e ionar i ‘ ‘ 3 M¤¤>l¤»1**°¤*·¢ within whose bounds he may reside. g y CO wt of mqmry 32,,*- 6»"~ 2» PP·21‘*» Sec. 12th). It shall at all times be the duty of commanding officers additional oncf companies to enroll every male who shall, from time to time, arrive f¤ll¤¤¤¤*¤· at the age of eighteen years, or who, being of the age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years, except as provided in section 21 ataé, ISG2, o. twelve hundred and seven, shall come to reside within his bounds, and 83»¤·4»V-i2.1>-407- shall, without delay, notify such person of his enrollment, by a proper nou·commissioned officer, by whom such notice may be proved. GENERAL PROVISIONS OF 0RGAN1zAr10N AND DISCIPLINE. Sec. 1210. A brigade-inspector, to act as brigade major, and be com- Brigade-inspector. missioned with the rank of major, shall be appointed by the President. 203 lggwhélwgéf- , B. , V. , P. . Sec. 1211. It shall be the duty of the brigade-inspector to attend the Dutiesbrigadier-gcneral when required, to receive and execute all orders neces- 'i,§[1`_’"" sary to carry into effect the provisions of this chapter, and to attend the ` annual training of the officers, and at the several legionary and battalion musters. And he shall inspect the several battalions belonging to his . brigade, at their respective musters, and shall take an accurate account, from personal inspection, of the quality of the arms and accouterments, and whether the same are lit or unfit for service, and shall ascertain with precision the bores of muskets. Sec. 1212. The brigade-inspector shall make annual returns in the Annual returns. month of June, of each year, of the state of the militia of the brigade to Q; which he belongs, to the commanding officer of the brigade, to be by ` him reported to the President; and upon refusal or neglect he shall be subject to a iinc of thirty dollars, unless he can make a reasonable excuse to the commanding officer of the brigade. Sec. 1213. The lieutenant.-colonel commandants are authorized to Legicuary stan'. appoint a legionary staff, to consist of one adjutant, one quartermaster, Y; and one paymastcr, to be taken from the officers of the line; and one surgeon and one surgeon’s mate, and also one sergeantmajor, one quartermaster’s sergeant, one drum-major, and one nfe-major, which appointments shall be evidenced by warrants under the hand of the lieutenantcolonel commandant. Sec. 1214. It shall be the duty of the adjntant to attend and execute Duty otodjutont. the orders of the commanding officer of his legion, necessary to carry Qt into elfect the provisions of this chapter, "and to attend the legionary and battalion musters, as also the meeting of the officers within his legion, and upon refusal or neglect, he shall be subject to a. hue not exceeding nlteeu dollars, nor less than five dollars, at the discretion of the legionary court of inquiry, unless he can make a reasonable excuse to the commanding officer of his legion; and it shall further be the duty_of the adjutant to assist generally in the necessary training of the militia. SEo. 1215. The adjutant and the brigade-inspector shall severally be Compensation of allowed such compensation as the legiouary courts of inquiry may, from ¥::g;$*°' *****1 °d‘ time to time, think reasonable, to be paid out of the funds arising from lines. ¤ .. Sec. 1216. The brigadier-generals are authorized to employ some (fgmmnuication person within their respective districts, to convey allorders from them ‘fj’__;°’_j;___ to the commanding officers of corps respecting the militia of the District. Ibid.,s.26,p.224. And such person shall be exempt from all other militia duty, and shall receive such compensation as the legionary court of inquiry, in which district such orders may, from time to time,be delivered, shall think proper, on his producing to the court a certificate of his having discharged said services. . Sec. 1217. Each captain or commanding officer of a company shall sk£l]<;¤(;·:£cl;*r;¤*°‘ appoint to his company four sergeants, four corporals, a drummer, and ____+;... tilcr, to be approved of by the commanding oiilcer of his battalion; the Ibid.,s.13, p. 220.