Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2a.djvu/91

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86 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO. IARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. Soc. Sw- 718. Who may be licensed to perform mar- 735. Notice by publication, when. riage ceremony. 736. When causes shell be heard. 719. Licenses; by whom issued. 737. No judgment with0ut proof. _ 720. Form of license. 738. Divorce from bond of marriage; 721. Record of Iinccnses. causes. 722. Ministor’s certificate; form. 739. Divorce from bed and board; causes. 723. Copy of record to be evidence. 740. When causes occur out of District. 724. Certain persons tobedeemed husband 741. Dissolution of marriage on account of ` and wife. a. former marriage. 725. Their children legitimate. 742. Legitimacy of issue. 726. Children of those who have ccascdto j 743. Dissolution on account of lunacy; lecohabit. a gitimacy of issue. 727. Right of married women toproporty 744. Lcgitimucy, how otherwise aifectcd absolute. and determined. 728. Full power of disposal. 745. Alimony and right of dowor. 729. Right to contract, suc, and be sued. 746. Alimony pending petition. 730. Husband not liable, when. 747. Custody and maintenance of chil- 731. Applications for divorce. dren. 732. Proceedings; general rule. 748. When maiden name may he restored. 733. What petition must specify. 749. Adultery of wife after divorce from 734. Snninnons to respondent.bed audboard. MARRIAGES. _ Who may be Sec. 718. For the purpose of preserving the evidence of marriages h°°*§°d*°P°’f°’m in the District, every minister of the gospel, appointed or ordained gm? °°'°' according to the rites and ceremonies of his church, whether his resi- —-——-———- dence be in the District or elsewhere in the United States or its Terri 1,% ·:"g°»v"'{g» °· torics, may belicensed to celebrate marriages in the District. 141:' ° ’ P` Blackburn va. Crawfords, 3 Wall., 175; United States rv. McCormick, 1 Crunch, C.C., 593; United States rs. Lambert, 2-Cmuch, C. C., 137. Licenses; by Sec. 719. Such license shall be issued by the clerk of the supreme

 court of the District.

1 . · Sec. 720. Licenses shall be in the followin form - F f lr . . . . . g. .

 “To any minister of the Gospel authorized to celebrate marriages 111

I""]· the District of Columbia, greeting: " You are hereby licensed to solemnizc the rites of marriage between ————· T51, of —-——-, and —-- -—, of ———, if you and no lawful impednment thereto; and having so done, you are commanded to appear in the clerk’s office of the supreme court of said District and ccrtnty the same. “ Witness my hand and the eal of said court. "·—-——- -——- Clerk." . ¤ . Record of licen- _ SEQ. j'21. The clerk shall provide a record-book of his ohicc, consist- ¤•*__§·___;______ ing ot licenses in the form prescribed in the preceding section, printed Ibid., a. 5. lll blank, one of which he shall fill up with the names of the parties for whose union any license has been issued, and beneath it shall be printed a certificate to he made by the minister who solemnized the marriage. _ ’ _ Sec. 722. The m1nister’s certificate shall be in the thllowing form: w*t:l}¤g:;1¤ ¤¤¤¤ii- **1, —-—— ——?, minister of — church in i-, hereby certify __;_;___ that, hy authority of a hcense of the same tenor as the foregoing, I Ibid. solemmzed the marriage of the artics aforesaid on the ————- da of . P · . . Y . (TL_eightccu hundred and -——, at -—, in the District of 0 um 111. u _____ _» Copy of wma Sec. 723. A copy of any license and certificate, recorded in the recordto bq evidence, book of the clerk’s officc, and ccrtnlied by the clerk, under his hand ···—··· ._ 6. anu the seal of the court, shall be competent evidence of the marriage. Cm,;,,, Demon, bmc. 724. all colored persons in the District, who, previous to their to be deemed hug. actual emancipation, had undertaken and agreed to occupy the relation to b¤¤d ¤·¤d W¤f¤· each other of husband and w1te, and were cohabiting together as such,