Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/22

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ARGENTINE CON FEDERATION, 1853. 15 ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION. ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION, 1853. TREATY WITH THE ARGENTINE CONFEDERATION, CONC UDED A SAN J l 10, 1853- JOSE DE FLCRES, JULY 10, 1853; RATIFICATICN ADVISIED BY SBFNATE ·—U-——-—·— JUNE 13. 1854; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT JULY 5, 1854; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED AT PARANA DECEMBER 20, 1854; PROCLAIMED APRIL 9, 1855. Treaty for the free navigation of the rivers Parana and Uruguay, between the United States and the Argentine Confederation. _ The President of the United States and His Excellency the Provis— _C¤¤*¤¤<=ll¤z PM- ional Director of the Argentine Confederation, being desirous of strength- *""“· ening the bonds of friendship which so happily subsist between their respective States and countries, and convinced that the surest means of arriving at this result is to take in concert all the measures requisite for facilitating and developing commercial relation , have resolved to determine by treaty the conditions of the free navigation of the rivers Parana and Uruguay, and thus to remove the obstacles which have hitherto impeded this navigation. With this object they have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say: The President of the United States, Robert C. Schenck, Envoy Ex- Negotiators. traordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the United States to Brazil, and John S. Pendleton, Charge d’AEaires of the United States to the Argentine Confederation; and His Excellency the Provisional Director of the Argentine Confederation, Doctor Don Salvador Maria del Carril, and Doctor Don J osé Benjamin Gorostiaga; Who, after having communicated to each other their full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE I. The Argentine Confederation, in the exercise of her sovereign rights, ofPLL°:I},:;;·‘é¤*i°3 concedes the free navigation of the rivers Parana and Uruguay, wher- Umgmlbl ““ ever they may belong to her, to the merchant vessels of all nations, subject only to the conditions which this treaty establishes, and to the regulations sanctioned, or which may hereafter be sanctioned, by the national authority of the Confederation. ARTICLE II. Consequently, the said vessels shall be admitted to remain, load, and 1 Iéqadiuvg ¤¤1<;¤¤- unload in the places and ports of the Argentine Confederation which °“ mg ‘““° · are open for that purpose. ARTICLE III. The Government of the Argentine Confederation, being desirous to B§¤¤¢>¤¤ wd provide every facility for interior navigation, agrees to maintain bea- m" “· cons and marks pointing out the channels. ARTICLE IV. A uniform system shall be established by the competent authorities t_ Cclleésgon <>fd¤- of the Confederation, for the collection of the cust0m·house duties, harbor, ‘°° ““ ““· lights, police, and pilotage dues along the whole course of the waters which belong to the Confederation.