Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/220

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FRANCE, 17 78. 2 1 3 rine; and in every port or haven vire il montrera la ire . where he shall enter with his ship mission aux officiers et juiztde hcshall shew this present leave to rine et leur iera un raporlt fidele de the officers and judges of the ma- cequi s’est passe durant son voiage rine, and shall give a faithful ac·_ et il portera les cculeurs, armes et count to them of what passed and enseigues du (roi ou des Etats-Unis) was done during his voyage, and he durant son dit voiage. Eu temoin shall carry the colours, arms, and de quoi nous avons signé les preensigns of the (King or United sentes, les avons fait contresiguer States) during his voyage. In wit- par ——— ;-, et y avons fait ness whereof we have signed these apposer le sceau de nos armes. presents, and put the seal of our Douné —, le ———, de l’an de arms thereunto, and caused the grace le -—-—. same to be countersigned by -—- —-————, at —-—-—, the ——- day of ————-, A. D. ·—. FRANCE, 1778. ADDITIONAL SEPARATE AND. AND COMMERCE AND TO TI§A:'IQROd? E$EgJ[?A{Ogl§]? 'ID1E%%}TNYSg’BIEAAiEEE ANCE BETWEEN THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA AND HIS MOST CHRISTIAN MAJESTY, CONCLUDED AT PARIS FEBRUARY 6, 1778; RATIFIED BY CONGRESS MAY 4, 1778. [Annulled by act of Congress July 7, 1798.] Act separate and secret. The Most Christian King declares, in consequence of the intimate Right reserved union which subsists between him and. the King of Spain, that in con- *0 Kms °f SP¤*.¤*° cluding with the United States of America this treaty of auiity `and x$2Bt° pr°"°"° commerce, and that of eventualsmd defensive alliance, His Majesty hath ` intended, and intends, to reserve expressly, as he reserves by this present separate and secret act, to his said Catholick Majesty the power of acceding to the said treatys, and to participate in their stipulations at such time as he shall judge proper. It being well understood, nevertheless, that if any of the stipulations of the said treatys are not agreable to the King of Spain, His Catholick Majesty may propose other conditions analogous to the principal aim of the alliance and conformable to the rules of equality, reciprocity, and friendship. The Deputies of the United States, in the name of their constituents, accept the present declaration in its full extent, and the Deputy of the said States who is fully impowerd to treat with Spain promises to sign, on the first requisition of His Catholic Majesty, the act or acts necessary to communicate to him the stipulations of the treaties above written; and the said Deputy shall endeavour, in good faith, the adjustment of the points in which the King of Spain may propose any alteration conformable to the principles of equality, reciprocity, and the most sincere and perfect amity, he, the said Deputy, not doubting but that the person__or persons lmpower’d by His Catholic Majesty to treat with the United Stateswill do the same with regard to any alterations of the same kind gnat may be thought necessary by the said Plenipotentiary of the United tates. In iaith whereof the respective Plenipoteutiaries have signed the signatures. present separate and secret article, and aflixed to the same their seals. Done at Paris this sixth day of February, one thousand seven hun- Date. dred and seventy-eight. C. A. GERARD. [L. s. B. FRANKLIN. |L. s. SILAS DEANE. [L. s. ARTHUR LEE, [L. S.} Drpziiy, Plenipotentiary jbr France and Spain.