Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/263

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256 PUBLIC TREATIES. in the case of crimes, exemption from military billetings and contributions, from military service of every sort and other public duties, and from all direct or personal or sumptuary taxes, duties, and contributions, whether Federal, State, or municipal. blf, hodwggeri 1:3; slaidv s l iii s r become owners o proper y in _ · 22$“ Protocol, P. they-r(esi(d‘el, ozrrgntgage in commerce, they shall be subject to the same taxes and imposts, and to the same jurisdiction, as citizens of the country, property-holders, or merchants. But under no circumstances _ _ shall their official income be subject to any tax. Consular officers who E“¥“$‘:§ Q: engage in commerce shall not plead then- consular privileges to avoid gggmglgtiw their commercial liabilities. Consular officers of e1ther character shall not in any event be interfered with in the exercise of their official functions, further than is indispensable for the administration of the laws of the country. Aarroru IV. Flags, insarip- Consuls General, Consuls, Vice-Consuls, and Consular Agents may tions, &¤- place over the outer door of their offices, or of their dwellings, the arms of their nation, with the proper inscription indicative of the office. And they may also hoist the dag of their country on the consitrlzar ediiioe, except in places where a legation of their country is es - lished. They may also hoist their flag on board any vessel employed by them in port for the discharge of their duty. Anrrcrn V. 1,,,,,;,;,,1,,,, G; The consular archives shall be at all times inviolable, and under no archives. pretence whatever shall the local authorities be allowed to examine or seize the papers forming part of them. When, however, a consular officer is engaged in other business, the papers relating to the consulate shall begiept in al separate enclosure. Inviolabili or e offices an dwellings of Consules missi who are not citizens of ¤¤¤¤ •¤¢l dwg5h:- theihcoupitry elf gneirtresidenzze shzlpl be at allltimes inviolable. The local au ori es s a no excep in thecaseo thepursuit for crimes under any pretext invade_ them. In no case shall they examine or seize the {got F be ud paperlsstgere depoztyeil. In no event shall those oulces or dwellings be any um. um- Aarrom VI. gi ba, s my In the event of the death prevention or absen fC n is Ge ral oomgls, gc. M C:;?suls,hVice-(il;>ns;xls]; and ;ConsularhAgents, theiasdliangedgrs or ggcrez es,w oseo cia c arac er may ave previously been made known to the respective authorities in Germany or in the U 'ted States temporafily exerlcise their functions, and, while thus aldting, they’sIh:d enjoya therig ts prero f d't' a· veumm to the incdnbautsga rves, an immum ies gr nted by this cou Aarrom VII. vi°,,.g,m,uy,, gud Consuls General and Consuls may, with the approbation of their re- Ccusulm- Agents. spective Governments, appoint Vice-Consuls and Consular Agents in 31:;:0;;:1::, pofetséualxgzal plmce;5 within their consular jurisdiction. These [¤...·.mm.¤ c...,. ir., .·f§§E£.i‘3€ti“3 $1”L‘.i?£ €.*°§.€°i;;’i£§’£¤3f.';$;l who appoints them and under whose d th Government; of lthedcountry which he r(e1pr(eIs·ents?y Tlntbygshfh, gig pr1v1 egcs s ipu ate or consular om sth's nn s ' the exceptions specified in Article Illtm m 1 co vmmo ’ abject to