Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/300

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GREAT BRITAIN, 1815. 293 name and on the behalf of His Majesty, has named for his Plenipotentiaries the Right Honourable Frederick J elm Robinson,Vice-President of the Committee of Privy Council for Trade and Plantations, Joint Pay- master of His Majesty’s Forces, and a member of the Imperial Parliament, Henry Goulbourn, Esquire, a member of the Imperial Parliament, and Under Secretary of State, and William Adams, Esquire, Doctor of Civil Laws; And the said Plenipotentiaries, having mutually produced and shown their said full powers, and exchanged copies of the same, have agreed on and concluded the following articles, videlicet: ARTICLE I. There shall be between the territories of the United States of America, R°°l,!"`°°"l I i and all the territories of His Britannick Majesty in Europe, a reciprocal my ° °°mm°r°°' liberty of commerce. The inhabitants of the two countries, respectively, shall have liberty freely and securely to come with their ships and cargoes to allsnch places, ports, and rivers, in the territories aforesaid, to which other foreigners are permitted to come, to enter into the same, and to remain and reside in any parts of the said territories, respectively; also to hire and occupy houses and warehouses for the purposes of their commerce · and, generally, the merchants and traders of each nation respectively shall enjoy the most complete protection and security for their commerce, bnt subject always to the laws and statutes of the two countries, respectively. A1m·1o1.1c II. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into Equality of uuthe United States of any articles the growth, produce, or manufacture '°l°¤ °¤ *'”P°'°“~ of His Britannick Majesty’s territories in Europe, and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into the territories of His Britannick Majesty in Europe of any articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, than are or shall be payable on the like articles being the growth, produce, or manufacture of any other foreign country ; nor shall any higher or other duties or charges be imposed in either of the two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States, or to His Britannick Majesty’s territories in Europe, respectively, than such as are payable on the exportation of the like articles to any other foreign country; nor shall any prohibition I.;,,,,,,;,,,, of pm. be imposed on the exportation orimportation of any articles the growth, hibitiuus. produce, or manufacture of the United States, or of His Britannick Majesty’s territories in Europe, to or from the said territories of His. Britannick Majesty in Europe, or to or from the said United States, which shall not equally extend to all other nations. No higher or other duties or charges shall be imposed in any of the Equality of port ports of the United States on British vessels than those payable in the d¤¤¤· same ports by vessels of the United States; nor in the ports of any of His Britannick Mujesty’s territories in Europe ou the vessels of the United States than shall be payable in the same ports on British vessels. The same duties shall be paid on the importation into the United v,,,,,,iq to be on States of any articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of His Bri- equal footing. tannick Majesty’s territories in Europe, whether such importation shall be in vessels of the United States or in British vessels, and the same duties shall be paid on the importation into the ports of any of His Britannick Majesty’s territories in Europe, of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of the United States, whether such nnportation shall bein British vessels or in vessels of the United_States. The same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties allowed, on the _ Equality or du- Gxportatiou of any articles the growth, produce, or manufacture of His tm °¤ °¤P°¤'*¤· Britannick Majesty’s territories in Europe to the United States, whether such exportation shall be in vessels of the United States or in British vessels; and the same duties shall be paid, and the same bounties