Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/357

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350 PUBLIC TREATIES. GREAT BRITAIN, 1870. ‘ . . ‘ I N BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA i@—· AIAiNiaI`IgEELB€t?TXNn1§d>OL1AJESH, FOR THE SUPPRESSION 01-* THE Ak In- CAN SLAVE TRADE, CONCLUDED AT WASHINGTON, Jl34E 3, 1S1e r RAIN: FIOATION ADVISED BY SENATE JULY 8, 1870; RATIFIED Is) PRESIDENI JULY 19, 1870; RATIFIOATIONS EXCHANGED AT LONDON AI,GI.S’1 10, 18rO; PROCLAIMED SEPTEMBER 16, 1870. Additional convention to the convention between the United States and Gwat Britain of the seventh of April, 1862, respecting the A frtcan slave trade. Comraeringpar- The United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the

  • ·i*=¤· United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland,·_hav1ug come to the conclusion that it is no longer necessary to maintain the three mixed courts

of justice established at Sierra Leone, at the Cape ot Good hlope, and [see treaty of at New York, in pursuance of the treaty concluded at Washmgton on 196*% PP- 3·"‘l·3'">·| the 7th day of April, 1862, for_the suppression of the African slave trade, they have resolved to conclude an additional convention for the purpose of making the requisite modifications of the said treaty, and have named as their Plenipotentiaries, that is to say : _ _ Negotinmm. The President of the United States of America, Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Edward Thornton, Esquire, Companion of the Order of the·Bath, and Her Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoteutiary to the United States of America: Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon and concluded the following articles: Anrrcma I. Mixed courts to Everything contained in the treaty concluded at Washington on the ¤¤¤¤¤· 7th of April, 1862, between the United States of America and Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, ior the suppression of the African slave trade, and in the annexes A and B thereto, which relates to the establishment of three mixed courts of justice at Sierra Leone, at the Cape of Good Hope, and at New York, to hear and decide all cases of capture of vessels which may be brought before them as having been engaged in the African slave trade, or as having been fitted out for the purposes thereoiQ as well as to the composition, jurisdiction, and mode of procedure of such courts, shall cease and determine as regards the said mixed courts, from and atter the exchange of the ratifications of the present additional con ven tion , except in so far as regards any act or proceeding done or taken in virtue thereof, before this additional convention shall be ofhcially commu nicated to the said mixed courts of justice. The said courts shall nevertheless have the power, and it shall be their duty, to proceed with all practicable dispatch to the final determination of all causes and proceedings which may be pending and undetermined in them, or either them, at the time of receiving notice of the ratification of this conveu ion. ARTICLE II. Jurisdiction to_bo The jurisdiction heretofore exercised by the said mixed courts in pur- ¤¤¢=r¤M¤ by I>¤=<> suanee of the provisions of the said treaty shall, after the exchange of °°‘“`*'· the ratitlcations of the pre ent additional convention, be exercised by the courts of one or the other of the high contracting parties according to their respective modes of procedure in matters of maritime prize; and all the provisions of the said treaty with regard to the sending or bringing in of captured vessels for adjudication betore the said mixed courts, and with regard to the adjudication of such vessels by` the said courts, and the rules of evidence to be applied and the proceedings consequent on suc_h adjudication, shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to the courts of the high contracting parties. lt is, however, provided that