Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/480

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MECKLENBUI{G·STI{ELITZ, 1853. 473 MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ. MECKLENBURG-STRELITZ, 1853. DECLARATION OF ACCESSION' TO CONVENTION OF JUNE 16, 1852, BETWEEN Dec. 2, 1853. THE UNITED STATES AND PRUSSIA AND OTHER STATES OF THE GER- —-———-—— MANIC CONFEDERATION, FOR EXTRADITION OF CRIMINALS; DATED DECEMBER 2, 1853; PROCLAIMED JANUARY 26, 1B54. Whereas a treaty for the reciprocal extradition of fugitive criminals, D acl aration of in special cases, was concluded between Prussia and other States of the **°°°§$i°¤ ’°° °°“‘ Germanic Confederation on the one hand, and the United States of North America on the other, under date of June 16th, 1852, at Wash- ` ington, by the Plenipotentiaries of the contracting parties, and has been ratified by the contracting Governments; and whereas, in the second article of the same, the United States of North America have declared that they agree that the stipulations of the aforesaid treaty shall be applicable to every other State of the Germanic Confederation which shall have subsequently declared its accession to the treaty: Now, therefore, in accordance therewith, the Government of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz hereby declares its accession to the aforesaid treaty of June 6th, 1852, which is, word for word, as follows: [The original declaration here includes a copy, in German, of the [see ~1>nuss¤I treaty of June 16, 1852.] gglrlgs ja T H E “ and hereby expressly gives assurance that each and every article and stipulation of this treaty shall be faithfully observed and enforced within the territory of the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg·Strelitz. _ In testimony whereof the undersigned Grand Ducal Minister of State, Bu;¤¤*¤¤¤>· in the name of His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg- Strelitz, has executed this declaration of accession, and caused the seal of the Grand Ducal Ministry of State to be thereunto aiiixed. Done at Neustrelitz, the 2d day of December, 1853. Dew- [snn.] P. v. KANDORFF. Grand Ducal Minister of State. DRISCHOW.

" Translation.