Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/567

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56() PUBLIC TREATIES. NEW GRANADA, 1850. May 4 1g5g_ CONSULAR CONVENTION WITH NEW GRANADA, CONCLUDED AT XVASH- _...L..’ INGTON MAY 4, 1850; RATIEICATION ADVISED BY SEINATE SEPTEMBER 24, 1850; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT NOVEMBER 14, 18.30; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED AT BOGOTA OCTOBER so, 1:;.51; PROCLAIMED DECEMBER 5, Ie5I. Consular Convention between the Republic of New Granada and the United States of America. In the name of the Most Holy Trinity. Ccutmctingpar- The Governments of the Republics of New Granada and the United

  • l°”· _ States of America, having engaged by the thirty-tburth article of the

Xggv Q,f€;;°10; treaty of peace, amity, navigation, and commerce, concluded on the 12th 1846 P_’558_j y of December, 1846, to form a. consular convention, which shall declare ’ specially the powers and immunities of the Consuls and Vice—Consuls of the respective parties, in order to comply with this article, and more eifectively to protect their commerce and navigation, they have given adequate authority to their respective Plenipotentiaries, to wit: Ncgctiators. The Government of New Granada to Raphael Rivas, its Charge d’Aiiaires in the United States, and the Government of the United States to John M. Clayton, Secretary of State; Who, after the exchange and examination of their full powers, found to be sufficient and in due form, have agreed upon the following articles: ARTICLE 1. Consular omcers. Each of the two contracting Republics may maintain in the principal cities or commercial places of the other, and in the ports open to foreign commerce, Consuls of its own, charged with the protection of the commercial rights and interests of their nation, and to sustain their countrymen in the ditiiculties to which they may be exposed. They may likewise appoint Consuls-General, as chiefs over the other Consuls, or to attend to the aiiairs of several commercial places at the same time, and Vice-Consuls for ports of minor importance, or to act under the direction of the Consuls. Each Republic may, however, except those cities, places, or ports in which it may consider the residence of such functionaries inconvenient, such exception being common to all nations. All that is said in this convention of Consuls in general shall be considered as relating not only to Consuls, properly so called, but to Consuls-General and Vice-Consuls, in all the cases to which this convention refers. Ancrxonn II. Exequutum. The Consuls, appointed by one of the contracting parties to reside in the ports or places of the other, shall present to the Government of the Republic in which they are to reside their letters-patent or commission, in order that they may receive the proper exequatur, if it be deemed expedient to give it, which shall be granted without any charge; and this exequatur, when obtained, is to be exhibited to the chief authorities of the place in which the Consul is to exercise his functions, in order that they may cause him to be recognized in his character, and that he may be sustained in his proper prerogative, in his respective consular district. The Government receiving the Consul may withdraw the exequatur or his consular commission whenever it may judge proper to do so, but in such case shall state a reasonable ground for the proceeding. ARTICLE III. _Cousular func- The Consuls admitted in either Republic may exercise in their respect- ¤°¤¤- ive districts the following functions :