Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/575

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568 PUBLIC TREATIES. produce, or manufacture of the Republic of Nicaragua to the territories of the United States, whether such_ exportation shall be made in the vessels of the United States or of N icaragna. Antrrcnn VII. Privileges or res- All merchants, commanders of ships, and others, citizens of the United idents- States, shall have full liberty in gil the terrifories of the Nepluglicnpf Nicara ua to ana e their own a airs t iemse ves as permi e y e lawls, of to pomsmit ghemt to the tnganaggmegt of vlvhgméslpeypctzcgipézassé as ro er ac or agen or in rpre · _ or s e_ em lo an other ersons in those capdcities than those employed by Np y y 3) the any other alary or remuneration than icara nans nor o pay m _ · S such ag is aid in like cases b Nicaraguan citizens; and absolute free- P Y . gombshall be allowed intiill cases to the bulyer (and seller hoéiargain and x the price o any goo s wares or merc an use impor e in or exported from the Republic tif Nicaragua as they shall see good, observm g the laws and established customs of the country. _ _ _ The same privileges shall be enjoyed in the territories of the United States by the citizens of the Republic of Nicaragua under the same conditions. Acme to www- The citizens of the high contracting parties shall reciprocally receive and enjoy fultl and perfect protection lor their persons gud property, and shall have ree and open access to t ie courts .o justice in sai countries, respectively, for the prosecution and defence of their just right  ; and they shall be at liberty to employ, in allpases, advocates, attorneys, or agent , of whatsoever description, whom they may think. proper; and they shall enjoy, inthis respect, the same rights and privileges therein as native citizens. Aarrcnn VIH. T’¤¤¤¤¤¤l Pl'°P¤Y· In whatever relates to the police of the ports, the lading and unlading

  • Y· of ships, the safety of merchandise, goods, and effects, the succession

to personal estates, by will or otherwise, and the disposal of personal p·operty of every sort and denomination by sale, donation, exchange, testament, or any other manner whatsoever, as also»the administration of justice, the citizens of the two high_ contracting parties shall reciprocally enjoy the same privileges, liberties, and rights as native citizens; and they shall not be charged in any of these respects with any higher imposts or duties than those which are or may be paid by native citizens,t submitting, of course, to the local laws and regulations of each coun ry respective y. _ Real estate. The foregoing provisions shall be applicable to real estate situated within the States of the American Union, or within the Republic of Nicaragua, in which foreigners shall be entitled to hold or inherit real estate.- But in case real estate situated within the territories of one of the coutriagtin g parties should fall to a citizen of the other party, who, on account o is being an a ien, con d not e permitted to hold such property in the State in which it may he situated there shall b accorded to the said heir, or other successor, such time,as the laws ofihe State will pernut to sell such property. He shall be at liberty, at all times, to withdraw and export the proceeds thereof without dimculty, and without paying to the _Government any other charges than thosewhich would bei pajgldby an inhabitant of the country in which the real estate may be Bl ua . Estates or uc- If any citizen of the two high contracting parties shall die without a <=¤¤¤¤¢l v¤¤‘¤¤¤¤· will or testament in any of the territories of the other, the Minister of Consul, or other Diplomatic Agent of the nation to which the deceased belonged, (or the representative of such Minister or Consul, or 0tb£¢l' Diplomatic Agcnt,1n case of absence,) shall have the right to nominate curators to take charge of the property of the deceased, so tar as the