Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/592

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`T OTTOLIAL EMPIRE, 1862. 585 crew that may be saved; and the merchandise and cliects, which it may be possible to save and recover, shall be conveyed to the Consul nearest to the place of the wreck, to be, by him, delivered to the proprietors. CONCLUSION. The foregoing articles, agreed upon and concluded between the Sis¤=¤t¤r¢¤· Riasset (Chancery of State,) and the above-mentioned Commissioner of the United States, when signed by the other two commissioners, shall be exchanged. In ten months from the date of this temessuck, or in- Ratitications. struments of treaty, the exchange of the ratifications of the two Powers shall be made, and the articles of this treaty shall have full force and he strictly observed by the two contracting Powers. Given the 14th day of the moon Zilcaade, and in the year of the Dm- Hegira 1245, corresponding with the 7th day of May, of the year 1836 of the Christian sera. MOHAMMED HAMED, Reis-·ut·Kamb, (Reis Ejfendi.) OTIOMAN EMPIRE, 1862. TREATY OF COMMERCE AND NAVIGATION BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES F¤l>· 25, 1869- OF AMERICA AND THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE, OONCLUDED AT CONSTANTI- "‘——···—— NOPLE FEBRUARY 25, 1862; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE APRIL 9, 1862; RATIFIED BY PRESIDENT APRIL 18, 1862: RATIFICATIONS EX- CCHQNGED AT CONSTANTINOPLE JUNE 5, 1862; PROCLAIMED JULY 2, Treaty of commerce and navigation between the United States of America and the Ottoman Empire. The United States of America, on the one part, and His Imperial _C¤¤*m¤*i¤z PM- Majesty the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, on the other part, being °‘°“‘ equally animated by the desire of extending the commercial relations between their respective countries, have agreed, for this purpose, to conclude a treaty of commerce and navigation, and have named as their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to say : T _ The President of the United States of America, Edward Joy Morris, 1`°g°"““""‘· Minister Resident at the Sublime Porte; and His Imperial Majesty the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, His Highness Mehemed Emin Aali Pacha, Minister of Foreign Affairs, decorated with the Imperial Orders of the Othmanieh in Brilliants, the Majidieh, and Order of Merit of the first class, and the Grand Crosses of several foreign orders; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles: Aarrcmi I. All rights, privileges, and immunities, which have been conferred on _ Privileges of citthe citizens or vessels of the United States of America by the treaty g,;';:s°Qf\h3:g;"L*$*: already existing between the United States of America and the Otto- Dominion_ ‘ man Empire, are confirmed, now and forever, with the exception of [Sw ,,.0,,,,, 0,- those clauses of the said treaty which it is the object of the present iseo, pp.5B3-585,] treaty to modify ; and it is moreover expressly stipulated that all rights, privileges, or immunities, which the Sublime Porte now grants, or may hereafter grant to, or sudcr to be enjoyed by the subjects, ships, commerce, or navigation of any other foreign Power, shall be equally granted to and exercised and enjoyed by the citizens, vessels, commerce, and navigation of the United States of America.