Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/837

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830 INDEX TU PUBLIC TREATIES. Paga - Pago. Comm ln—Co11tinued. U¢>1•8¢•l8—C°m‘““€d· _ -_., Chili, 1332 _ ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____ 110 Ottoman Empire, 1830 -- ----- · ···· -- - · ;*b·_ Colombia, 1824 , ,___,_ . . . . . 156 PRF6g06F, 1559 · ······ ; - - · --·· · · j,- · · *’ U Costa Rica, {351 ______ _ _______ _ _______ 162 . Provisions for the upp0l¤1I11€11@ 0 .1109- Ecundon 1839 ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _____ 19.1 | cousuls, c0nSt11¤1‘ 8g6D12B, &0···· w crm umm, 1794, 1815 . 277,295Ausfw, 1879- ------ - ····-·- · -···· -· ·· §‘ Guatenmlu., 1849 . . .-.. 384 1}€1g1¤¤¤,}8'¤8 · · --·--·-··· · ········ $0, _,]4 ]-Ioudunlg, ]864_ ______ _____ ______ ____ I‘!‘3,1]Ct>,1lC1?3,185¤1.···-•·•·-•··-·--·-···~L::1’(} Italy, 1868 -. . .. . ... . . 433 6c§mu1¤8g3¤¤1»¤r¢,1871 · ----·----- - ----- j;;?; Mexico, 1831 . .. . . . . .. 4 10 Y- ---- · -··--··-···-· · -·---·· 5* New Grmmdzi, 1846, 1850 . 557,560 N01V bf11B6d1Q, 1850 ----· - ---·· —- --·-·- Dm gicupggugg, 1867 _ ___________ _ _____ _ _ _ _ Who 11K1y 3.013.tlD (EVCIW 01-l111B (193111 O1` urnguuy 1859. . . . ... u 1110011801 Y 0 3 0011911 _ Szm Salvzfdor, 1550 .. . . . . . . 682 AHS11m, 1870 ----- - -- -·-- - ---------·· 30 They may be established in ports open to Belgium, 1668 --·-·-·--- - ··-·-·-·- --·· {$4 foreign commerce- F 1'M100, 1853-: -·---- - ----- - ----- · ----· Bolivia, 18.58 .. . .. . . . . gg Gcxim=;ri%1gmp1m, 1871 ----------------- Eg Brazil 1828 .. . . -- . .. . Ita y, .. . ..----- - ·-·-- - —--·-—- geintrril America, 1825 . ... In whirl; ciascsucoqspls may apply to the 0 qmbi 1824 _,_____,_ _ ,_, ,,_,_, ,,.. om an ori 1es— Denmar]: 1826 ,__,__ _ ,_.,,,,,,, .. . ... 139 Austria, 1870 . . . . . . . . . Ecuador, 1839 -. . . 1 4 Belgium, 1868 . ...·. . .---- - - - - ---· Hayti, 1864.- - . . . . . . . . 419 France, 1853 .. .. .. .. . . 250 Mexico, 1831 -- .. . . . ... 483 German Empire, 1871 ... .. ... - 257 Netherlands, 1855- . - . . 547 Greece, 1837 .. . . ..-..· 376 New Granada, 1846, 1850 - 557, 560 Italy, 1868 . . . - 433 11:em, :13851.- .. . . . . . ... ggé WNew (grenade, 1850 . .6... .. .- 561 cm- o ivia, 1836 .. .. hen they may spp yto cgovernmcn San Salvador, 1850 .. . . 682 Austria, 1870 . ---. 30 Venezuela, 1836 . . . ... 794 Belgium, 1868 . .. . 64 Provisions respecting granting axequar France, 1853 .. . . . . S26 turn- , German Em ire, 1. . 2rgo¤tin{>87C0ufcderati0u .. . . . . lg Italy, 1868 ... . . 433 ustria, 0 . 2 New Granada, 1850 . . . .-.. 561 ge1giumi£g8 . . . . . ... . . . . They may appear as the natural defenders o ivia - . . ... f thei ut me — Brazil, 1828- . . 88 ‘New(1}mn¤rd(ia,‘:I1l85l1)y . . .1.. .. . . 561 g;Ql§r2;$2mcdca, 1825 .. . .. They shall not give passports in certain 1 1, .. .. cases- C010mbi_¤, 1824 . . . .. . 156 New Granada, 1850 ... . ... . . . . 563 Costa 11103, 1851 .. . ... -.- . 162 The cousuls-general of each power may D0¤1D¤1‘k, 1926 - . · . --. 169 travel freely in the territories of the Ecuador, 1839- . . .. ...--. . . 194 0$h€F—J¤P3·U, 1858 ------ --·· -·-· ·-·- 450 Franco, nas, 18.53 220, 249 Consuls in s¤¤1¤ commy shall svjvy the German Empire, 1871 . ..;.. . -. 255 privileges of ccnsuls of the most fwgreat Brgtuiné 1794, 1815 . . . . .277, 295 ored nationugtemgg, 1 49,, ,_,__, _,_,,_,, ,_,... 384 A] °6IB,1815, 1816 --.. ..-- 711 Hayti, 1861. .. . . . . 419 Argentine Couibderation, 1853 . 19 ggiidnixggqg 1864 .. . . .. éust1?¤,g€§9, 1848, 1870 - ...- -- ------ 23, 25, g y, ‘ .. . . .. . . razi , 1 -----. . ...----··-..---· Liberia, 1862 . . ... 462 Ceutrul America, 1825 . 101 Mgxic0, 1831.,,,_ ________,,______ ____ ..·--, . . ... gow Grana0g,é.1846, 1850 ... . . 557, 560 Co1ombia, 1824 .- . . .., 156 icaragna, . . .. . . .. . . 569 Costa Ri 8, 1857 --.- ---- ---· - ----- 162 Orange Free State, 1871 . ..:. .. 581 D0m11110:¤ Republic, 1867 ...·-.---···· 185 £:l’8gI;§1£ 1859 . . . gg I‘1Qc11¤<10l'i lggg - - . - ...--··- ru .. .- 7 , 1853 ...--...---- ‘ gciégqliiyésb 1836 ____ ___ ________ _ ____ 3032 g;?:::;; Emgire, 1371 ____ _ _,.., ,, .,,. $4, @2 0 ga, .. . . 176 1, 849 .. Sari Salvador, 1850 . .. .. -- 682 Hts1z0;;: 1840, 1846 . . · ... 389, 393 sxzsssgqggcdirégrcn, 1850 ... . . 723 §¤wsii¤g¤61s1¤¤ds,1849 ...- ·· ---.-.. 403 _ 1 s, » . ..-. t' 1 4 ---. .. 41 Rggpéctlng withdrgwnl of °xgq[]8turg.— H:g(l1&1'u§, _ _ _____ _ ____ _ _ _ _ ·_ ,, _, _ Gorman Eugpirs, 1871 -. . .. 255 E Meulszwwsf, 1867 ----- -- ·-.-·- 465 g:g;§8B;égglD, 1794, 1815 .. . . . 277, 295 ‘ Meolgleubnirg-Schwerin, 1847 .. . . . . 469 M,(,;,..,..,;.;%:1;::::;::;:1:;:1:: E3 £a‘§:‘,‘?£’;..i.".1‘.}..;1a,:.z,‘:;:::::1;;:::::::: $*3 Swtgdqu and Norway, 1816, 1827 _______ 733, 739 V Nicaragua, 1$7 __________________ ____ 569 Swiss Confederation, 185()_ _ _____ _ ____ __ 750 · Qmngs Fpgg Smts 1871 _ _____ ___ _ ____ _ 581 Consuls have no diplomatic character- - Paraguuv, 1859 ..-’.-. .. . .. 597 New Granada, ___________ ____ ____ 562I Persia, ]_b56__ ____ ____________________ They lzpgdgppgintgd for ths protgctjou of j Pgru,1851______ _____• ________________ ra c- . _ · i Great Britain, 1815. ... -. .. 295 I 1E(o:1;lu§z;1h18z1)1836" . D l - - - - I - · - i - U I I i -;,,,,-1,, 1862 _____ - I · ’ ```````````` " ````'` 1in , . . . . 462 . Prussia, 1799, 1828 . . . 655, 658 udugascur, 1867. .. .. 465 Russia, 1832 .. . . .. .. . . 668 Nicaragua, 1867 . . 569 San Salvador, 1860 .. . . . ... 682