Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/854

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INDEX TO PUBLIC TRE ATIES. 847 P 6- age. Great Brii¤¢n—Contlnued. W Great Briiain—Continued. P Extension of settlements of United 22. Reprisals not authorized .. . . 279 htates - .. . ... 270 23. Ships of wantreatment of .. 280 Privileges of settlers and traders 270 Asylum to American vessels in dis- Elgcfjgn of gigizenghip _ __ __ ___ _ _ U _ 270 grggg _ __ ____ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ ______ 280 3. Inland navigation and trede:". . 270 24. Foreign privateers, restrictions upon. 280 Navngation of the Mississippi River., 270 25. Privile ee of prizes in ports . .. .. 280 Equa ity of duties on imports and ex- No shelger to prizes taken from either ports . ... 270,271 , part ... . 280 Indian trade . . . . 271 • Neutrality of ports to be maintained. 280 Pertagea .. .. .. . . 271 26. Agreement in case of war between Justree and Iprotection . .. 271 ~ the parties- 4. Survey of the Mississip i River .. 271 Time allowed merchants, dce., to re- 5. Determination of river saint Croix. . . 271 move .. . . ... ... .. 281 Commissioners to be appointed 271 , Rupture not to be deemed to exist, Proceedings of commissioners .. 272 a when .. .. .. . 281 Declaration of commissioners .. 272 Recall of ambassadors or ministers .. 281 Latitude and longitude ofmouth and 27. Fugitives from justice to be delivered

 Offil/61*  . . 272 up .,.__, , ,__, __ ,_,,,_ _ _,__, ,_,, 281

Decision to be dual . . . . 272 Requisitions, new made ,.__,.,., 281 6. Compensation to British creditors 272 Evidence of criminality required 281 Commissioners to be appointed 272 Expenses of arrest and delivery .. 281 Pf¤¤¤qd1¤g¤ of board . . 273 28. Duration of treaty .. .. . . 281 Examination of claims 273 I Ratiiicnticns ,...,.,,,,,.., .. 282 Awards to be conclusive ... 213 ! Additional article- Paymentpf awards . . . 273 I Part of Article XH suspended . .. 282 7. Compensation to American citizens .. 213 : Egplanatory article, May 4, 1796- Commissioners to be appointed 273 l tipulations in certain Indian treaties, Proceedings of beard.. -- .. 274 , etfect of . .. . . 282.283 Examination of claims 274 Free intercourse to be maintained. 283 Awards fo be conclusive .. . 274 Liberty of commerce and navigation . . 283 Payment of awards ... 274 Ratilications .. .. 283 Compensation to British subjects 274 Ezplanatory article, Merch 15, 1798- Reference to letter from Mr. Jefersen ommissioners released from particutoMr. Hammond ... 214 larizirgg latitude and longitude of Claims to be referred to ccmmis- I river t. Croix ... . ... 284 sioners . . ... 2M · Description of the river .. .. .. . .. . 284 Proceedings of commissioners .. 274 A monument to be erected at the Payment of awards ... 274 source ... 284 8. Expenses of commissions .. . . 274 Ratifications . .. . . 284 Vacancies, how illled .. . . 274 Letter annexed- 9. Alienage not to alfeot certain land- Thomas Jelfersou to George Hammond.284,285 titles .. . . . . . . 274 Additional convention to treaty 10. Debts, dec., in time of war not to be of amity and commerce. coniiscated .. . . . . 275 {lunar! 8. 1802 ..-· - ·~---· 285-287 11. Conditions of navigation and com- 1. Article VI, treaty of 1794, annulled.. 286 ms;-cs ______ _ ____ _ ____, _ __,_, _,,_ Z5 Sum to be paid by the United States . 286 12. West India trade ... 275 Method of payment. 286 13. East India trade .. . ... . . 276 Rate of exc ange ... 286 14. Freedom of commerce and naviga- _ 2. Article IV treaty of 1783, confirmed . 286 mm __,_ __ ______________,__,,,.., 277 . No lawful, impediment in collection Rights of residence and business . 277of debts . . . . ._... .. 286 15. Duties on ships and merchandise 277 I 3. Commissioners under Article VII, Duties onfproducts of either country 277treaty of 1794, to re·asseml>le _ . 286 Tonnage uty on American vessels in · To proceed to execution of their l British ports in Europe ... 277 d¤$l6¤ ----- - ---·- · -····-·---- - $86 Countervailiug duties on American I P8 Y]1¤¢¤$_0f ¤W¤1‘d¤- -·-· · -·--· · ····- 286 im rtation*in Europe .. . . 277 { Rotlilcntnoos .-·· . --··------- ·--· ---· $7 Equnmgtion of duties ,,., .,.. .. 277 TPGHYY of {0800 End Knlnys Dc' 16. Cousuls, appointment of 277 A com er 24, 1814 ----·----- 287-292 Liberties and rights of consnls . . 277 I I- P¢¤¤9 F) 0¤¤¤¤- --—- · ----- · ·---·----·· 287 Commissions and exequaturs . ... 277 H¤¤¤1{¥·1¤¤ to ¢¤&¤¤ -·-- - -~-· · --··-·-- 287 Punishment or dismissal for improper ‘ Pesessrous to be restored 287 conduct ____ _ _________ ___ ________ Q1 l Records! &c., to be restored -.-.·--- ·· 288 17. Regulation in case of captures at ssa. 278 I Islands in Passamaqnoddy Bay .. 388 Aehudication of prize-causes.. ... 278 2. Orders to armies, squadrons, o . 288 18. Contraband articles . . . . . 278 Subsequent captures to be restored . . 288 Articles becoming contraband ... 278 3. Prisoners of war to be restored .. 288 Bloclraded ports, regulations at .. 278 4. Northeastern boundary, determine- 289 19. Damages by ahips of war and priva— tion of .. ._ . .. .. 288, teers. . . . . . . .. 278 , Reference of clarms .. _ ... .. 289 Commanders of privateers to give { Commissioners to be appointed 289 bonds . ... .. . . 279 Proceedings of commissioners . 289 Decrees in prize-causes . ... . . 279 Declaration and report .. . . 289 ”°‘ £"“‘°“ “°°‘°"°"“"’°'°{.’;‘·‘z.;;.;.s" 5S! "2’.£i“Zé.;.;.;s‘a.s;.;;. ‘‘‘‘ E a tnresfrom iratesto res -. 1 e en _ ss 91. Letjters of msrdhe not to be accepted. 279 · Reference to a fnendly power . ..-. 289