Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/866

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INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. 859 Pa P Nam, ge, llcckkrnburg-Strelitz, me- Prcvisions respecting. in treaties with—- [)cc|a;·;"i0n of accession, Nov- Hswaiian Islands, 1849 ...,,_, 411 amber 26, gg5g _ ______ . ,,,.. 472 §1}>¤dl11`¤¤, -···-··- - -· 430 [ Accession to extradition hccnvention 05 l08l`8g’U&, ... .. .. 5 1 June 16 1652, wit Prussia nu Mqngfwrs, (see Vessels,)other suites ...------------ _ 472 Copies of,to be deposited in cnstorn—hcuse M¤diu¢€<>¤, (E6 A'W"¤“°” i B°“”d“"'·e'i on arrival of vessel- _ Cl¢"m{») _ _ Ottoman Empire, 1830. -.. 590 President will act as a. friendly mediator Manufactures. (See Reciprocal Commercial Jnpuznfggureeeeh ?_(w?w’. rl3e11i____ 450 Agwmwn"`) Each notion will consider settlement of M“"9‘“’· (See L""‘”" of M“"9“°·) differences by, before resort to Martin Garcia, Island aj war- ` Stipnlution concerning possession of- Mexico, 1848 . . . . .. ..·· 500 Argentine Confederation, 1853 . 16 Musica, _ y,ck;e,b,,rg.,g¢h,v,,,;,,, '1‘rcnty1é>;' limits, January 12374 475 . 8 . , . . .. ·*°°°*S"::i":·:':;“Y 9: °°(:,"‘;g;%e 1. Dividinglimits between United States ,474 1 gan n ’ and Mexico . with Hanover December i . '`'` "' _ 474 ¤· 1841- ------ --?- ~----- - ----- 467-471 2* E‘iZ§§§L’{Z..‘.1°s.‘},‘ii.‘i.“1‘$2.s’“..‘£.€1;;;1; Declaration of accession ,_.,.. , ,.,.. ... . 407 Bas Rivers __’_ .1, U- I H I _ H 475 1. Importntions and exportaticns in vss- Navigation Ofégém uybc mmm0n__ _ 475 ¤¤1¤_<>f either Mpivn ---·--· _ ------- 4 67. 468 Mums; rennnciutious . . . 475 Eqggggmgs d°n°°* b°mm°°* 811267 468 3. Commissioners and surveyors to run 475 2 gqutlity mon ¤¤·»g;» .. . . jg 1.1.5*.22‘;?,‘$‘3‘l?.'.l’..1i§?_;;;;:;:;;;:33;;; 475 · °“ ***8* ° .’°§°"° ··: ---- - ----- Rss lt to b ra or ms: .. 475 3. go p1reieren»cc;;u xmpgrtatxons .·- Egqgrfg, &;,l:; eommissignors. ...--- 47§ · e tv "fec abc 1}ed— --i£ -----· 468 4, Ratiiicgtions ,. . . ..,.,,,, 47.1 m;f:g;;5¤;’;i;;f¤b*PWf“ ----—· 468 Additional meme, éqggn 6, 1831.475,gg ·-····· • ····· ···· t t 1 .- .. 5- T06g2g v·¤¤¤<>1¤ 1¤iv¤¤s¤¤ <>f ¤¤¤t>’ 468 ¥?£°;°`P$° gcmézr msamsm ex- 476

· ---·-····---··-------- te ded .. .. . -

Crgzvgwgfmvwsels of Mecklenburg- 468 Eqcctlhr mnamom.1 mms ,_,,,___,___ · gg ·- —----- - ·-··- ·--·-· ---· 'ii i g ____ __ ,,,,__. , .., 6. Duties on products of either country : T"? (::2 (:.n"_y’ com nlm-."; and

  • ’·‘<·*·i*>i¤·»¤¤ *0 *··= z¤¤·~¤·1 ----------- M mgm n,,; rn 4, rss; 416-4%

7. Fnvorsagranttd to other nations to bo- 469 L peace xm; [I-égidshipg _____ t I ,,__ _ L., 477 COD} 00mm0D. . .. ...- _ lf t t; D mug 0 3- 8. Import duty on raw cotton and paddy 4 2 “;§::6g;g;m0u?_? _ _?? _?__ ____ _ 477 Flfehebefl in Meek-lePbm`B’S°hWe*i“ *69 - 3. Freedom of commerce and navigation. 477 Limit to émplort duties on tobacco, 469 T Rights of residence and buzgnessd ·.-- rice an w s e·oi .. . . W P be g," {,0 merchants on tm ers . 7 Limit io transit duties . -.. .. 469 » pgvjféégg of mggb favored nations . .. 477 9. Consular oincers, appointment anim 470 ()°am¤g.tmd6 mgm-ved ,_,,._.,. 477 privileges of. ..~ .. · , 4_ Dut. d ts f 'thsr country.. 47 Settlement of disputes between mos- 4 0 1 pmpiggiglguggie gsggrgl _,.. . .. ters and crews .. s. ...-- --. 7 Q 5_ Tonnage duties, &c.. ... R€¤l¤¤1¤·'¤i0¤ of d¤¤*>Tt¤f¤ ··--·- · ·--·- 4706. I t tions and exportntions in ves- 10. Privile es of residents in either coun- ~ mg; gi cipher nation .. 478 8 . M WY ---· · ·t·- ·_ -··-· ELL- -·-- -··- Duties, druwbarcllrs, and bognties. anwemeu ° Usmese ··-··- -- 7. Mana. ement 0 usiness c ... . Employment of agents .-.- 470 Emplgyment of agents ...- 478 Access to judicial tribunals. . .-.. 470 Liberty of 5;-ade _______,_, ,. 478 Di¤P¤¤¤i of Personal Pl'°PeI`tY ·--· ·-·- 470 8. No embargo without indemnidcation. 478 Succession t0PG1`¤0¤8·l 6B*»9·W¤·;-· ·--· 471 9. Exemptions from military service, Duties same as payable by natwes. .. 471 , &s _,,. . . . . . . 478 Property of ¤b¤¤¤¢ 1¤¤ir¤ w be cared m n 10. Asymm tc vessels seeking r¤rg§»H..4vs, gg for .--.--·-------·-·.. n 11. Captures by pirates to res rc . .. Questions among claimants, how d6- 4H t 12, Assistanccixé case oftshipwlkeck ..--- 479 cided -· . ----- . ...13. Dis sal an in cri ance 0 persona Real estate, time allowed heirs for } plrgperty .. .- . ...,, 1 ,_,,,, 479 disposal of . ..., . . 471 · Duties same as payable by natives. .. 479 No duties of detmction or emigration. 471 14, promotion to persons and property. .. 479 11. Duration of treaty s -. .. . . 471Access to judicial tribunals . . 479 Augmentation of duties on rice, tobac- 471 Emplcymgnt of ndvocates, &c .. *379 (50, &c _,_,,,,,,, ,, . . . 15. Liberty o conscience ...‘. ...·-- ·-·· . Accession to extradition convcni Y 16 §¤g};;;l0€l_;>€;1$£i;lg-6é·v};£ ·--· *· ·· :33 tion with Prussia an 1 . en _ -- -----· 80 h · S a S m 26 ; Free ships make free goods . . 4 gg5e;. . d?.: .1Y.?X‘?. n'??..: .. -3 472Nentrclityextetnded tp persons .. D I t' f accession to extradition Aplmcfiblhty 0 BUPU e len ······· ·· ec argontirlenttion of June 16, 1852, with 17. Neutral P1`0P¤\`$§’ im enemfe Vessel- -· Prussia and other stntcs of the { 18. QOU17l'1\b{\D(\ M‘tl<¤ cmd .----·---··--- - 481 Uummuic Combdcmtiou _______ ___ 472 ~ I9. hoods not ccutrubnn . . .