Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/892

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INDEX TO PUBLIC '1`REATIES. 885 . . . . . . P¤¤¢‘· l Page. Rmpvocal Fguwlcgea of C1tzzeno—Cont1nued. 1 Reciprocal Pm·il4_q4·s of Citizm•c—Continued. Hawaiian Islands, 1849 .., 405 I Nic,,,-,,,,,,3, Iggy _______________________ 569 Mexico. 1831 ------ - -----------. - --..· 477 I Peru, 1851 . . . . . ... 613 1`Ftb€¥1¤¤ds» 1782 ·- --- — · ---· · ----· - - - - 533, 534 Sweden and Norway, 1816, 1827 ... 734, 737 N1¢31‘¤g¤¤. 1867 ·-----·----- - ·--- - .--·- 568 They shall be put on the footing of re- Ottounuullmpire, 1830 . . . . 583 ciprocal equality, except when so Peru·13ohy1a, 1836 .. . -. . .. 603 doing conflicts with constitutional Prussia, 1:85, 1799 -. . .. ..641, 619 orleaul provisions of either party- San Salvador, 18::0 .. . . ..-. 677 Orange Free State, 1871 . . . 580 Sweden, 1783 . . . .. . ... 723 Swiss Confederation, 1850 ... -. 749 THD1S,-IG?4 ... 770 But this shall not extend to political Two S1c1l1cs,1845,l855 ... 774, 780 rights- They shall enjoy all the privileges of cit.i— Orange Free State, 1871 . . . 580 _se¤s of the most favored nations- Swiss Confederation, 1850 . . . . . 749 Bohvia, 1858 . . . -_. . . .- . 70 They may exercise their profession— Borneo, 1850 . c - - . . .. . . .. .. . . . . 79 Swiss Confederation, 1850 . 748 Central Amcncu, 1825 . 96 They shall pay no other or higher taxes, gmk, 13*62., .. . . . . . .. · . charges, or requisitions thmyeitina, _ - .. . . .. zens pay- Colombxa, 1824 ... . ... 151 Argentine Confederation, 1853 ... . . 19 Guatemala, 1849 . . . . ... 379 Belgium, 1858 .. . . .. .. 52 Hanseatic Republics, 1827 .. . -.. . - 401, 402 Bolivia, 1858 .. . . . .. - . 69 Hawaiian Islands, 1849 .,_.. . .,... 409 Honduras, 1864 . . . . . . . 428 Liberia, 1862 .. . - . . . . - 461 Italy, 1871 439 Mexico, 1831 .. . ... . . . . 477 Nicaragua, 1867. .. . . . . 570 Netherlands, 1782 .. . . . . .. 533, 534 Orange Free State, 1871. . . , , , _ 580 New Granada, 1846 .. .. . . 551,552 Paraguay, 1859 . . . . ... 596 Persia, 1556 .. . - - . .. . . . . . . 599 Peru, 1851 ‘ .. . . 613 Peru-Bolivia, 1836 ... - ... 602,603 Swiss Confederation, 1850 . 749 San Salvador, 1850 .. . . ... 675, 676 Two Sicilies, 1845, 1855 ... 774, 781 Tripoli, 1796, 1805 .. . . . ... 756, 759 Or contributions- Tunis, 1797 .. . . . . 765 Dominican Republic, 1867 . 178 Two Sicilies, 1845, 1855 . . .774,780 They may manage their own affu.irs,and They sbnll enjoy all the rights of na- employ such brokers, agents, or tives- factors us they choose— Argentine Confederation, 1853. . . . . ‘ 18 Argentine Confederation, 1853. . L . . 18 Bolivia, 1858 .. .. .. ... 69 Brazil, 1828 ... 82 Brazil, 1828 ... . . . . 82 Central America, 1825 ... . . . . . . 96 Colombia, 1824 .. . . . . . . . . . 151 Chili, 1832 .. . . . . . . 105 Denmark, 1826 .. . . . . . 107 Colombia, 1824 - - ... .. . . . . 151 Ecuador, 1839 .. . . . . .. 187 Costa Rico, 1851 . . - .. . 161 Guatemala, 1849 ... . . 378 Dominican Republic, 1867 . 179 Hanover, 1840, 1846 ... . . . 387, 394 Ecuador, 1839 . .. . . .. 188, 189 Hanseatic Republic , 1827. 402 Guatemala, 1849 . .. , . . 2979 Hawaiian Islands, 1849 . . .. . . . 408 Hanover, 1840, 1846 .. . . .. 387, 394 Honduras, 1864 . . . . . .. . . . . 428 Hanseatic Republic , 1827 . .. . 401, 402 Italy, 1871 .. . . . . . . 439 Hawaiian Islands, 1849 .. . . 409 Mecklenburg-Schwerin, 1847 . . 470 Hayti, 1864 ... . . . . 413% New Granada, 1846 ... 552 Honduras, 1864 .. . .. . . Oldenburg, 1847 .. . . .. . . . . 578 Italy, 1871 .-.--- - . - - —----- @9 Ottoman Empire, 1862, (as to ware- Mecklenburg-Scbwerin, 1847 ., 4:0 housing, bounties, facilities, and Mexico, 1831 .. . . . . . ... 47 drawbacks) ______ , _____ _ _,_,_ _, _ . 587 Morocco, 1787, 1836 . . . . . . 518, o2-} Paraguay, 1859 . .. - . . . . . . . 596 Netherlands, 1782 . 535 Peru, 1851 .. . . . - .. . . . . 617 New Granada, 1846 .. . . . . 551, 552 Peru-Bolivia, 1836 . . -- .. --.. 604 Nicaragua, 1867 ... . . . . 568 Portugal, ]840_ __,_ , ___,__ , ,__________ 634 Oldenburg, 1847 .,.,,, , _,,,, , __,_. _ _ , , 578 Prussia, 1Q2Q ____ _ ____ _ ________ _ _ _ ____ 656 Paraguay, 1859 __,,__ , _ _ _ _,____,,,,,_ , 599 Russia, 1832 . . 666 Peru, 1851 . . ,. .. 615 sim samaor, ism. . . s 678 Pern-Bolwm. 1836 -----·---·---- - ----- 603 Sardinia, 1838 ______ __ _ _______ __ ______ 684 San Salvador, 1850 .. . . 677 Two Sicilies, 1845, 1855 .. .. . --774, 780 Sweden, 1783 . ... ..-. . ..--. { _ 730 Venezuela, 1836, 1860 ...-.. .. ..-- 787,798 Sweden and Norway, 1816, 1827 ... 7.35, 741 They shall be placed on the footing of Swiss Confederation, 1850 . .. . ._ 749 natives as to exproprintions in Two Sicilies, 1845, 1855. .--. .-. . -.744, 780 time of wars- _Venezuelu», 1836, 1860 - . . . .788, 798 Orange Free State, 1871 ...- . ..-.-. 580 They shall have the same access to the Swiss Confederation, 1850 . 749 courts as natives, and may employ They shall enjoy complete rotection such advocates, agents, and attorwhile they submit to thelaws— neys as they please- F Argentine Confederation, 1853 ..--. 17 Argentine Confederation, 1853 - 18 Costa Rica; 1851 ..-. .. ._._., ,... . .,_,_ 159 Bolivia, 1858 ., . ,,,, , , , , ,,,, , .,,,. 72 Greece, 1837 .. . . -... . . 373 Brazil. 1828 .._ . .-. B4 Hgnduygs, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _____ 426 Contra,] America, _____ _ _ _ _________ Q7, 98 Italy, 187], . ,___ ,_ _,.,._,,..,. 439 Chili, IQ32 ----·· - -------·--· · ·---- y--- 106 Liberia, 1862 ..-... . . . .. . ..-.. 461 Colombia, 1824 . . . ..-... . .-... 152 Mexico, 1831 · ..-.-. .. - . 477 Costa Rico, 1851 .. . ...-..- 161