Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/898

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INDEX TO PUBLIC TREATIES. 891 . . , P¤s¤- · rage. Sardinia-Continued. l 3cm0h_ (Sw Vg8s6h_) 9. Favors granted to other nations to be- Ship-Canal. (See Inieroceanic Communicaliom.) come conunon .. . . .. ,, _,_ _ 686 I Shipg of War, 10. Vessels touching at ports .. . , 686 Of Each nation in the ports of the Omar 11. Assistance in case of shipwreck .. 686 to receive the treatment of those of Salvage .. .. .. . . 686 { the most favored nation- 12. Asylum to vessels seeking refuge ____ 686 Italy, lm] ____ _ ____________ ____ ______ 439 13. Blockaded ports, regulations at . . 687 May enter all the harbors rivers, and 14. Transit of American products through places whqm Omar foyhggn ships of Sndmlau (QTY1mf)' --·--·---- - -·· - 687 war may come, and may auehoryre- EX°°P¥{*d ¤Yti°l°¤ --···· — -----·--·--- 687 main, and repair there, subject to No gloves. oxoopt, &c .. .. .. . 687 to the laws of the country- Notice of trausimluty to be given 687 Argentine Confederation, 1853 17 What to be deemed prod nets of United Costa Riga, 1351 ____ _ _________________ 159 States ------ . · . ... . . 687 Great Britain, 1794 . ..._ . 2so 15. Consular officers, appointment and Honduras, 1864 _______________________ 426 prerogatives of . . . 687 Nicaragua, mov ,. , . , ,,,,,..,, 566 When engaged in trade to be subject May obtain crews without molestationto lows of the country 687 Netherlands, 1782. ___, , ____,___,______ 540 16. When citizens appointed consuls, lia- Are to protect the vessels of the other bility of .. . . . . . . 687, 688 party- Consular archives to be inviolate 688 France, 1778 ,,,._,,_________,, ,_ _,___, 205 17. Reclamation of deserters from vessels. 688 Prussia, 1785, 1799, 1828 . . 646, 654, 659 18. Disposal of personal property .. . . 688 Are not liable to pay duties or charges on Succession to personal estates .. . 688 their prizes- Dues payable same only as by native Hayti, 1864. ., ,, ,,,,. , .,_,__,,,__, 418 0ltiZ€DB .-.· . . . . .- . . . . .. . . 688 Prussia, 1785. 1799, 1828 . . 645, 653, 659 Prpperty of absent heirs to be cared 688 Commanders ot} liable for injuriesur . ... . . France, 1778, 1800 .. .. 208,230 Questions among claimants, how de- Great Britain, 1794 . . . . . .. 278 cided .. .. .. .. . . . . 688 Italy,1871 ...,... _ . . . .. 443 Real estate, time allowed heirs for dis- Netherlands, 1782. . ... 536 posal of . . .. 688 Swedeu,1783 . 726 Taxes same as payable by natives 688 Sweden and Norway, 1816, 1827 ... 735, 741 19. Duration of treaty .. . . . . 688 Of the United States may enter ports, 20. Ratificatious .. . . . . . . 689 rivers, and creeks, and provide Separate article- themselves with supplies- Ditiereutial duties by Sardinia ... 689 Borneo, 1850 .. - ... B0 Conutervailing duties by United Are not to be examined on any pretense- States . . . . . . . 689 Morocco, 1767, 1836 . ..,.. 518,523 EH'ect of separate article .. . . gg Are to beggorded facilities for intercourse 131 Ratiiications . . . . .. . .in illese WB BIB --.- - --- .-·· Saxony, May anchor at Paknam, but shall not go COIlV0nli0u {0I' i\b0Iition of above in the river without consent droit d’aubainc and taxes of the Siamese authorities . 697 0n emigration, may 14, m Are to rentr trieudly aid to J apaueso W) 1845 . . . . . . ..-.690, 1 vesse .. . . . . . . 1. Droit Nuubaiue, &c., abolished .. 690 To Siamese vessels. . ... . .. 696 2. Real estate, time allowed heirs to sell Are to receive provisions and refreshand withdraw proceeds of . 690 mentsgpratis- No duties of detraction . . 690 Algiom, 17 5 -----· - ----- _ ----------·-· 3 3. Personal property, right of disposal of . 690 Are to receive the salutes given to vessels Succession to personal estates .. -. 690 of the most favored nation, and rc- Duties payable samo only as by native turn gun for gun- (gftjzgng ______ _ ___,, __,, ._,, _..,.. 690 A1glBI'S,1815, 1816 · ----·---- ··-· ---··- 7,12 4. Property of absent heirs to be cared 691 Are to be entitled tola salute ofttweuttly- {01* .. .. ,... .. - (395 guns, 3,;] gpg 0 rg um] g 5. Disputes as to inheritances; how de- _ same number- Cliled . . .. . . . .. 691 Tripoli, 1805 ..,.,,.,,,,.,, ,_ ,. 760 6. Applicability of stipulations. 691 'I‘un1s,1B24.. ..-.. . .-.-- · ---- · ·-·-· ·- - 769 7. Ratitications .. . . .. .. 691 Of either party saluting afort of the other Scha“mburg-LiPPe’ nh urejgxtitlgtgtg an salute of an equal i n convention w nu er s- AccesSP‘;'lIS;£1 and other states, Morocco, 1787, 1836 .. . ... 518, 523 Jung 7, .854 _________ _ _____ _ _ 692 Of both pxtrtleg shall observe towprd eaob Declaration of accession to extradition other demonstrations of friendship convention of June 16, 1852, with and good intelligence- r Prussia and other states of the Ger- Ottoman Porte, 1830. . . ._ .. -:84 manic Confuleration .. . .. 692 Are not be sold to enemies of the gcnm, Dua, _Un1ted §tates—- Stipulation for capitalization of- Algiers, 179o . ..·.. _ ----- B- 2 Belgium, 1863 ,__,,, , _,__, , ,,.,..,,... 56, 57 Of an enemy of one power entging tt; Treaty for extinguishment of- _ neutral ports of _ thehcatt ei wi Belgium, 1863 ______ __ _ _ ____ ______ ____ 51.59 prizes, not {0 rgcclvq g 3 gr-_ France 1778 . ...--·- - -·--·- - -· 208 Sea-Letters. (See Veaaela.) 1 · , _ 281 Seamen. (Seo Comic; Vmclv.) 2 Groot Britwu. 1794 ----·-----------..·