Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/97

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 Cciiqilliliztiliizolqrnr§Ti¤vi1i1E·:ii{aor1IgEoi—INsnAzm, For run ametro-my OF

CLAIMS OF CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES ON THE BEAZILIAN GOVERNMENT, CONCLUDED AT RIO DE JANEIRO JANUARY 27, 1849; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE JANUARY 14, 1850; RATIFIED BY PBEMDENT JANUARY 18, 1860; RATIFICATIONS EXCHANGED AT WASH- INGTON JANUARY 18, 1850; PROCLAIMED JANUARY 19, 1850. In the name of the Most Holy and Indivisible Trinity. Contnctingpu- The United States of America and His Majesty the Emperor of im- Brazil, desiring to remove every muse that might interfere with the good understanding and harmony which now happily exist between them, and which it is so much the interest of both countries to maintain; and to come, for that purpose, to a'deiinitive understanding, equally just and honorable to each, as to the mode of settling the longpending questions arising out of claims of citizens of said States, have for the same appointed, and conferred full powers, respectively to wit: Negotlators. The President of the United States of America, on David Tod, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary from the said States near the court of Brazil; and His Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, upon the most illustrious and most excellent Viscount of Olinda, of his Council, and of the Council of State, Senator and Grandee of the Empire, Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Stephen of Hungary, of the Legion of Honor of France, and of Saint Maurice and· Saint Lazarus of Sardinia, Oulcer of the Imperial Order of the Cross, Commander of the Order of ghrist{_0President of the Council of Ministers, Minister and Secretary of tate r Foreign Afairs ; Who, after exchanging their full powers, which were found in good and proper form, agreed to the following articles: Anrxomi L Bqm tube Med The two high contractin parties, appreciating the ditllculty of agree-

°‘;’:i&“,t‘;¥f;":°a ing upon the subject of said reclamations, from the belief entertained

B,,,,,,_ by each-one of the justice of the claims, and the other of their injustice—and being convinced that the only equitable and honorable method by which the two countries can arrive afa perfect understanding of said questions is to adjust them by a single act, they mutually agreed, after a mature examination of these claims, and, in order to carry this agreement into execution, it becomes the duty of Brazil, to place at the disposition of the President of the United States the amount of live hundred and thirty thousand milreis, current money of Brazil, as a. reasonable and equitable sum; which shall comprehend the whole of the reclamations, whatever may be their nature and amount, and as full compensation for the indemniucations claimed by the Government of said States, to be paid in a round sum, without reference to any one of said claims, upon the merits of which the two high contracting powers refrain from entering; it being left to the Government of the United States to estimate the justice that may pertain to the claimants, for the purpose of distributing among them the aforesaid sum of tlve hundred and thirty thousand milreis as it may deem most proper. Anrxomc II. _§·>:1><>¤¤i\¤ jiii v _ In conformity to what is agreed' upon in the preceding article, Brazil °,.;m;"$ "°"‘ is exonerated from all responsibility springing out of the aforesaid claims presented by the Government of the United States up to the date of this convention, which can neither be reproduced nor reconsidered in future.