Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/1051

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INDEX. 102 |_` 1> . TW-W10", J;. _ nge Turkish D0m·inions—Cm1tinucd. png?. npprepnctwu for 00Y!gll0l7l0D of custom- _ proclnmuuien ei President accepting law of - Tl_ 1 by geese and post—e ce ut . . 595 _0ttomu.u Portecedingrigbt of foreign- `W i _ ers possessiu immovable i · crt. SFU no person to. be deprived of right of, by Tzork’a Islands, g Imp ym ) practice in territorial comm ,,.,,_,,, 27 Bmw of mmm] at _________________________ QQ T··ivv,_ Tamvell W, _ _ Tzmzage, zvzmmn, · Ttelaini of, allowed by commissioners .-.. 584 Tclcim gf, allowed by commissioners . 646 WS ·v urnor wie, Dmmiggéoiisiil nt . . . . . . .. 69 clniin of, and of Annie Smith nllowed by G B » » . commissioucis .. . . . . . . . F political disabilities removed.. .. . . 529 Tamwr, Clark, , £l%·im,_ Andcraovi, claim of, nllewed by commissioners ... . M4 claim of, allowed by commissioners 655 Turner, Thomas, £Il·im7glc, Thomas O., claim of heirs of, allowed by commissioners. 646 clsiun of, allowed by commissioners 639 Turner, Wallace, Tmndad dc Cuba, claim ot, and of Rhoda. Hawkins allowed by Tlsznlsiyy of consul et. . . . .-., G8 TI gmmiuissieniem .. ..-. (HU vpn o erpin, uric1L Trscloeyijcf coxpul at . .. i .. .. 68 iut<u·cs;t in claim of Whitty M. Snsscr, rco or amos . erred to commissioners f ·e·0 an '- cleiin of, nllovlred by commissioners . . . . 595 un.t.iou.. ... r.l...i..l\. 601 Trotter, William H. _ _ Tweed, Albert S., Trcloigi ef, olgowed by commissioners -... 655 Ttclziuyof, uilowed by commissioners 648 uc amos . v o .n *. p¤.3*ment,t0, df compensation of colonel of in- zi lo riutioli to :1 'ud ment recovered . ·------·-·----·--·--- - .--..-. . ·>- mns . ·. · muers .. fuutry "’7'l Pp IL sit ll) J1`l g l 207 Truitt,_.Io7m W, Ilncnty Cc¥ala,g Trpensicn .. . . . . . . . . 576 silver piece of denomination of, to be coined 478 ua can weiclit ef. ... . . 478 nl` Frecdxnmfs Savings and Trust Company, icgxll tender for what sum .. . ... 479 dimes of, under met amending chai-- deviation of, from smndmd weight... ,. 479 wl', &G. ---·- - ----- - ----·..--. . 131, 132 existing laws relating to coiimge npplicnci Fisk University may sell certain prop- ble to. · . . . ... . . 479 crty conveyed by the United States. . 276 Twine, mn,yt_uso {proceeds clsewlmrc 10r c<1ucn.— 27 appropriations for, for Post;-Olllcc Depart.- iona. purposes .. .. .. . .. 6 · ment. . . . . . . .. .. . ..231 341 T»·n:ciU0, Two Rivcrs, l Tsiniiuryceflcpusul at . . i . 69 Tnppxioyiricgeiis for improving harbor et. ..237, 456 c cr at rimylor o m . clairn of, ns heir of Riclmrd Scmimgc, ul- pnylmcut b0,,for loss nf horse,. 631 lewed by commissioners ... .. 599 Tyler, Rcdick, {hacker, Daniel, claim ci, allowed by commissioners 642 claim of, allowed by commissioners 588 Jjyrcu, Clwistoplwr G., Tucker, James TK, claim ef, ml owed by commissioners 642 claim ef, allowed by ccmmissionem ... . 600 Tucker, Lizzie F., U. claim of, allowed by conimissieners ... . . 655 Tucker, Luka, _ _ Uimah Banda of Uw Indiana, claim of, allowed by commissioners . 642 appropriations for .. . ... .1%,160,443 Tucker, Samuel, imiiicmziou of agreement with, &c., made claim of estate oi', allowed by cmmnission- U I September 13, 1873 -. , ... 36-41 ers .. .: . . -. . 600 maiil nn Tuosem, Ariz., npprepi·iu.tsions for payment. of iaismllmeiits appropriations for depesimry at ... .96, 355 to .. . .. 169,443 Tunis, Umpquaa, _ _ _ salary of consul. ct .. . . . . ...‘. G8 nppreprmtioii be pay msmllments to ... 169 President mithorized to accept title to resi- Underwood, John C., dence occqpied by ccnsul nt 513 clziimof estnteef, nllowed by cmnmissienors. 659 muniments of title to be deposited in State Undcywood, .Z\’ivm·0d, _ Dopzirtment . . . . . .. . 513 Uclzaiiuoeé, gllowocglgy commissioners ...,..,. 665 Tim cla n erw mu- . mgnep expended in, on mining clnims to be _ claim of; ulllowcd bgr cmumlssimiers 52+2 considered as expended on lodcs. 315 Umlcgwood, Theron, _ _ Tunstall, f I t uq Uclzmu ifi ellewcd bQ;;eiommissio:iers.. .. 639 gg] 0 cgugu 3 _,_,.. ,. .,. - .,,. X llC.1‘p0lll ‘l ll IMCC8 )Jp1‘0]17`1Cl OMPS nllllgxvance for 0lorl<—hire . . . .. 70 ceimin, to be covered inte the '1‘mesury. .. 110 Qlwlciah Dominéons, of permanent specific, for rivers and lmrbors, deficiency appmprizfions fiyrwininerprctors, 1% liglixliousos, lforbitiénalgiens, prlwic nerds, &c. n consu zi s 111 . .. . . I ui ¢ ings um ps c ziyy mu n- ccusulgr courts in;m1my be suspended by the rim: Corps, ulvsulallle until otherwise President, when.-.. .. . ... .. 23, 24 ordered , . . . . . . 110, lll acceptance efjurisdietiouof cerbeiutrilm— 24 law Ecfieniug int? Tgeéisury neat} te; effect. lu l f, d·l usion .. u 1 mon 0 cxis me een me s . snilmyuex Stl)18 cgs;5-ggzgralsgz Const:ruti· of specific, which need tonbc re-approprinople ... .. . 68 ntcd to be reported to Congress by Secof consuls iu. ... . .. . ... . 68,69 _ rotary of ’1`r¤·nsnry -. .. .. lil