Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/23

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. xm]; . .. _ Pa George Holmes. An act granting a pension to George Holmes. February 11, 1875 .. . . ... . .. . William D. Morrison. An aotlgirantiugé a pension to William D. rrison, late captain of Company D, Seventh Regiment arylan Volunteer Infantry. Fe 1],, 1875 ,,,,,, . ,,... ,,,, 625 Sm·aIzSumn1ervtlle. An act- granting a pension to Sarah Summerville. February 11, 1875 .. 625. Minor heirs of John H Evans. An act granting a pension to the minor heirs of John H. Evans. February 11, 1875.- .,.. . . . . . . ..,,,.. , ___,, , _,_,,_. . , . . ($25 Hannah B. Eamon. _ An act to restore the name of Hannah B. Eaton, of Kingsville, Ohio, to the pen-· sion-roll. February 11, 1875. .. . . .-.. ..,... ,..,,. . ,,... . ...,. , ,,,,, , ,.,..,, 625 John W Wnyht. An act granting a pension to John W. Wright, now at the National Military Asylum, near Dayton, Ohio. February 11, 1875. .. . . .-.,.. .-`.. ... ... .` . ,, .625 John Hendrie. All act granting a pension to J chu Hendrie. February 11, 1875 ,,,,.. ,,,,_.,.,,. ($26 James R. Borland. An act granting a pension to James R. Borland. February 11 1875 .- . . 626 John J Bottgar. An act grant' a pension to John J. Bottgar. February 11 1875 ..._,._._.,, 626 William H Blair. An act repxing the act granting a. pension to William H,. Blair, approved July . twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and sixtyo-eight. February 11, 1875. . . . .. . . . . 626 Rachael WZ Phillips. An act granting apension Rachael W. Plullips, widow of Gilbert Phillips. February 11,· 1875. ._,_,, . . . ,... l ,, ._,... . .,... .. .. 626 Eli Persons. An act granting a pension to Eli Persons. February 11, 1875 ,.., ,. .,.. ,,,, ...,,. 627 Robert D. Jones. An act granting a pension to Robert D. Jones. February 11, 1815 ,... .- .. ..., 627 Mmiyoret Beclor. An act granting a. pension to Marlgharet Beeler. _February 11, 1,875 .,,.,,, 627 Wil Drake. An act granting u. pension to W` 'am M. Drake. February 1 , 1.875 .,.. 627 Theron W;Han1gs,F$An act a pensmn to Theron W. Hanks, a private o the Third Minnesota 627 Jellies not granting a pension to James Burris. February 11, 1875 .. . . . 628 gillndo Craig2·,"~,Ar£act granting as pension to Belinda. Craig. February 11, 1875 . .. _ 628 libc Roper., l 'act granting a pension to Alice Roper. February 11, 1375 - . ,. 628 Lowtm Tlwmcsr An act granting a pension to Louisa Thomas. February 11, 1875 .-.. ., 628 John An not granting a. pension to John Fink. February_ 11, 1875 . . 628 Mary Logsdem. An act granting a pension to Mary Logsdon. ebruaxgy 11, 1875 . . 629 Abby A. Diko. An act granting a pensionto Abby A. Dike. February 11, 1875 . ‘. .. .. .. 629 Hmry&h. An mot toremove the political disabilities of Henry Heth, of Virginia. February 12, 629 Josegn I Petri. An actfor the relief of J osiph J'. Petri. Febmary 12 1875. .,. . . . 629 D0 itt G. Chipman. kn act for the relief o De Witt C. Chinjman. February 12, 1875 . ... 629 Francis Dodge. An actgranting relief to Francis Dodge. Fe ruary 13, 1875 .. . . ..- 630 William J Cotta. An act for the rehefot William J. Coite. February 17, 1875 . . . . _ 630 Amt Jomwtte Hatharoay. Am not ,to enable Ann Jennette Hathaway, exeoutrix of the last will and testament of J oshua.Hatl1ayvay, deceased, to make application to the Commissioner of Patents · for the extension of letters-patent for improved device for converting reciprocating into rotary niotion. February 18, 1875..-;... ...-.. .. . . .. . . 630 John Hozcltine. An act authorizing J ohn, Hazeltine to make application im the Commissioner of Patents for the extension of his patent for a new andusefu water-wheeL February 18, 1875. .. 680 Thomas Winans and William L. Winansé An act for the relief of Thomas Winans and William L. Winans. February 16, 1875..-. .. . .-. .. . . . . ; ... _ .. .. . .. 631 Angelica Hammoezd. An act granting a`11 to Angelica Hammond. February 18, 1875 --.. ., 631 John B. An act for the relief ofdohn B. Tyler, of Kentucky? February 22, 1875 .. . . 631 John L. lldams.- An act grantin§ relief todohn L. Williams, of ew York. February 22, 1875 632 JE HZ Dwzho. An act for the of of N. H. Dunphe, uf_Massachusetts. February 22, 1875 .. 632 Lemuel D. vans. An act for the relief of Lemuel D. Eyans,`1.ate collector of internal revenue for the fourth district of Texas. February 23, 1875. . .`... . .. ... 632 William Ira. Mayfield. An act granting a pension to William Ira Mayfield. February 23, 1875. . 633 Margaret S. Hastings. An act granting a pension to Margaret S. Hastinfns. Februarv 23, 1875.- 633 Mmgqao-at G. Wells. An act ganting a pension to Marnaret C. Wells. ebruary 23, 1875 .. . 633 I W An actgran ng a pensron to J. W. Ca dwell, oi Marshall County, Inehaue. February 633 Willia1?v.32VVllltams. An act granting aélension to William Williams. February 23, 1875 -. .. .634 Lydia. A. Church. An act restorinv to e pension-roll the name of Lydia A. Church, minor daughter of Nathaniel G. Church. February 23, 1875 ... -.. . . . . . . L ... 634 Nathan Upham. An act granting a pension to Nathan Upharn. February 23, 1875 .. .. .. . 634 J2 FK Drew. An act for the relief of J`. W. Drew, late additional paymester 1D the United States Arm . February-u27, 1875 .. . .. ..- --·--· ..:--· ·-··-- - ·----- 634 Major JZ Nichols, act for the relief of Major J. W. Nichols, paymaster United. States Army. _ Febmnry 27, me . ... . . . . . . . . . 9-$4 Tater Wolffqong. An act granting a pension to Teter Wo1fgong,r. February 27, 1875 .--7 635 Eunice Wilson. An act granting a pension to Eunice Wilson, motherof John C. W1]SOD,13130 private Company D, Forty-ninth Regiment Illinois Volunteers. February 27, 1875 . ..··---- , -·-- Sarah McAdams. An sc granting a pension to Sarah McAdams. February 27, 1875 ---· · ------·-- - 665 Daniel S. Morshon, junior. An act for the relief of Daniel S. Mershon, junior. March 2, 1865 635 Willwm JZ Patton. An act for the relief of William J. Patton. Maroh _2, 1875 . .. . . . . .. 635 G. D. Anderson. An act to relieve C. D. Anderson of political disu.b1lit1es. March 2, 1875 - . 636 J E. D. Gouzins. An act for the relief of J'. E. D. Couzins, of Saint Dems. March 2, 1875 . 636 John W Darby, An act granting a pension to John W. DaI.‘by._ March 2, 1875- ----- --·· ---- - ----- 636 John .Z;lmh·{:1ré én act for the relief of John Fletcher, surviving partner of Fletcher and Powell. 036 are 1 75 . .. . . . .. . .-.- - ---·-·------------· ·----;-· -—·- Awards by Commissioners of Claims. An act making appropria.tions_for the payment of claims roported allowed by_t11e Coimnissiouers of Claims under the act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. March 3, 1875 . . . . . . ...637-660